Elden Ring

Best Incantations

Elden Ring - Best Incantations

This is a list of the best Incantations in Elden Ring. Read on to see all of the best Incantations to use in the early game, mid game and late game.

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Best Incantations

Best Early Game Incantations

Spell Description
Catch Flame IconCatch Flame ・Available right from the start if you choose the Prophet class
・Low FP cost to use
・Extremely fast casting time
Lightning Spear IconLightning Spear ・High damaging incantation
・Fast projectile speed
・Low FP cost to use
・Fast casting time

Catch Flame and Lightning Spear are the best early game incantations due to their low stat requirements and FP cost. You can obtain Catch Flame immediately at the beginning by choosing the Prophet starting class or purchasing the spell from Corhyn.

Lightning Spear, on the other hand, can be purchased from Miriel after giving her the Dragon Cult Prayerbook, which is obtained by defeating the knight near the Artist's Shack site of grace in Liurnia of the Lakes.

Best Mid Game Incantations

Spell Description
Dragonclaw IconDragonclaw ・Deals significant damage
・Can easily stagger enemies
Bloodflame Blade IconBloodflame Blade ・Grants flame and bleed damage on your weapon
・Active for a considerable length of time
・Low stats requirement
Flame, Grant Me Strength IconFlame, Grant Me Strength ・Provides high additional damage
・Grants faster stamina recovery speed
Golden Vow IconGolden Vow ・Gives remarkable additional damage
・Provides damage reduction
・Lasts for a long amount of time

Most of the best Incantations you can obtain during midgame are buffs that can significantly improve your damage and survivability. Spells like the Bloodflame Blade, Flame, Grant Me Strength, and Golden Vow have great value regardless of the weapon or playstyle you're going with.

Aside from these buffs, Dragon Incantations are also worth looking out for, with Dragonclaw being one of the easiest to get yet most powerful to use. You can obtain this spell by trading 1 Dragon Heart at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion in Caelid or at the Church of Dragon Communion in Limgrave.

Best Late Game Incantations

Spell Description
Flame, Fall Upon Them IconFlame, Fall Upon Them ・Great against groups of enemies
・Remarkably long range
・Can deal multiple damage on large enemies
・Low FP cost to use
Burn, O Flame! IconBurn, O Flame! ・Deals massive damage
・Huge Area of Effect
Ancient DragonsAncient Dragons' Lightning Strike ・Best offensive Incantation at both close and range distances
・Wide Area of Effect
・Deals extremely high damage

The best late-game Incantations you can obtain offer insane damage while covering a huge area of effect. You can obtain Flame, Fall Upon Them by giving the Giant's Prayerbook to Miriel and Burn, O Flame by defeating the Fire Giant, both located in the Mountaintops of the Giants.

The Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike can be obtained by giving the Ancient Dragon Prayerbook, which is found near the Crumbling Beast Grave Depths site of grace in Crumbling Farum Azula, to Miriel. This Incantation, albeit only available near the end, is arguably the strongest one out of all.

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