Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Moore Quest and Location

Moore Quest and Location

Moore is an NPC in the Elden Ring DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, initially found in Gravesite Plain. Read on to learn more about Moore's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

Moore Quest Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

1. Find Moore in Front of Belurat, Tower Settlement

Moore can first be encountered at the front of the gates of Belurat, Tower Settlement. He will be sitting near the Main Gate Cross and its site of grace, accompanied by Sir Ansbach.

Talk to him to access his shop where you can purchase Rune Arcs as well as brand-new ammo, consumables, and crafting materials from the DLC.

Belurat Tower Settlement Walkthrough

Purchase an Item for Additional Dialogue

Moore additional dialogue

Buying any of the items Moore sells unlocks a "Talk to Moore" option where you can view additional dialogue.

2. Find and Speak to Thiollier

Thiollier Location

Speak to Thiollier at the Pillar Path Cross and return to Moore to receive the Black Syrup, an item that Moore requests be delivered to Thiollier.

You can give the Black Syrup to Thiollier and choose “Ask about the Black Syrup” to receive Thiollier's Concoction.

Thiollier's Concoction Can be Used on the Dragon Communion Priestess

While exploring, you may encounter a different NPC named the Dragon Communion Priestess. Thiollier's Concoction can be used on her during her questline to obtain a different ending and set of rewards.

Dragon Communion Priestess Quest Guide

3. Collect the Forager Brood Cookbooks

Forager Brood Locations
Located outside the walls of Castle Ensis. You can reach this area by traveling to the Highroad Cross site of grace and passing through the southeast area.
Located east of Prospect Town. Travel south from the Cliffroad Terminus site of grace until you reach this spot.
Located at a poison swamp north of Cerulean Coast. Fast travel to the Cerulean Coast site of grace and travel north, past the furnace golem.
Located directly north of the Church of the Crusade. Head northwest from the Highroad Cross site of grace to reach it. You'll need to use a Warming Stone next to it on your first visit to make the forager brood responsive, then return to receive the cookbook.
Located north of Moorth Ruins. From the Moorth Ruins site of grace, head north to find a triangular pond with a small cave that will lead you to the area below the Shadow Keep. This area is full of enemies, so make sure to clear any aggro before getting close to the forager brood.
Located east of the Shadow Keep. Start from the Church District Highroad site of grace then head west to this area just below the Church District Entrance site of grace on the map.

There are a total of 6 forager broods that you can find in the Land of Shadow. Talking to each of them will give you a part of the Forager Brood Cookbook series.

The 7th cookbook is in Moore's possession, which will eventually be given to you if you talk to Moore after meeting some of the forager broods.

Kill Two Forager Broods for an Alternate Route

An alternate route for Moore's questline can be done by killing one of the forager broods (preferably after receiving their cookbook) and returning to Moore afterwards. Moore will express his anger towards your action, but won't retaliate just yet.

Now, head to one of the remaining forager broods and kill it to summon Moore on the spot as an invader. Defeat him there to obtain the Verdigris armor set and the Verdigris Greatshield. His Bell Bearing will be found on his Main Gate Cross spot afterwards.

4. Approach the Shadow Keep to Break Miquella's Charm

From the Highroad Cross Site of Grace continue following the road north until you reach the Shadow Keep. As you get closer to its gates, a message will appear on your screen saying:

"Somewhere a great rune has broken. And so too, a powerful charm."

This message references Miquella finally shedding his Great Rune (you'll find it in the possession of the Scadutree Avatar). When this triggers, NPC questlines will advance, so make sure to speak to everyone before exploring the Shadow Keep and the rest of Scadu Altus.

Somewhere a Great Rune has Broken Meaning

5. Speak to Moore After Breaking Miquella's Seal

Moore Dialogue Choices

Moore will now talk to you about the charm being broken and ask, “Must we be sad together?”: which you can answer with one out of three choices.

Do note that he will move away from this spot should you choose either of the first two choices, locking you out of the forager brood route for this playthrough. Be sure to get the 7th cookbook from Moore before doing so.

Moore Dialogue Choices
1 Put it behind you
2 Remain sad forever
3 I don't know
(no progress, returns you to the dialogue choices)

“Put It Behind You” Option Will Include Moore in the Enir-Ilim Fight

Telling Moore to “Put it Behind You” will not kill Moore and will result in a final encounter against him at Enir-Ilim, led by Leda, where you can get his items if you emerge victorious.

“Remain Sad Forever” Option will Kill Moore

Choosing the “Remain sad forever” option will result in Moore's immediate death. You can find and loot his body on top of a forager brood in Scadu Altus, directly north of the Church of the Crusade.

6. Defeat Moore at Enir-Ilim

summon signs at Enir-Ilim

Continue with the main DLC storyline until you meet Leda and her allies at Enir-Ilim. Moore will be one of the hostile NPCs in this fight, where he will drop his Verdigris gear and Bell Bearing after wiping out the opposing team.

Enir-Ilim NPC Summon Conditions

NPC Faction Summon Conditions
Ansbach Ally Will be available as a gold summon if you gave him the Secret Rite Scroll and helped him against Leda's invasion.
Thiollier Ally Will be available as a gold summon if you completed his quest and told him St. Trina's last words at the end of it.
Sanguine Noble Nataan Ally Replaces Ansbach as a gold summon if Ansbach dies during his quest.
Leda Hostile Always appears as hostile.
Dryleaf Dane Hostile Always appears as hostile.
Freyja Hostile Freyja joins Leda as an invader if you delivered Ansbach's Letter to Freyja to her during her quest.
Moore Hostile Moore joins Leda as an invader if you chose the Put it behind you dialogue option during his quest.
Hornsent Hostile Hornsent fights you if he was not killed during his quest-related invasions before before burning the Sealing Tree. He will also fight you if you do not summon him for the Messmer boss fight.

Moore Location

By the Main Gate Cross in Front of Belurat, Tower Settlement

Map Location World View

Your first encounter with Moore is at the Main Gate Cross site of grace in front of Belurat, Tower Settlement.

Moore Armor and Weapon Drops

Weapon Verdigris Greatshield
Armor Verdigris Helm
Verdigris Armor
Verdigris Gauntlets
Verdigris Greaves
Items ・Moore's Bell Bearing

Moore will drop his Bell Bearing, the full Verdigris armor set, and the Verdigris Greatshield after defeating him in either the Enir-Ilim showdown with Leda or as an invader after killing two forager broods.

Moore Shop Items

Item List

Items Sold Price
Rune Arc 8000
Spellproof Pickled Liver 4000
Fireproof Pickled Liver 4000
Lightningproof Pickled Liver 4000
Holyproof Pickled Liver 4000
Well-Pickled Turtle Neck 2000
Black Pyrefly 1800
Rada Fruit 800
Redflesh Mushroom 1500
Whiteflesh Mushroom 2000
Sanguine Amaryllis 1800
Knot Resin 1500
Arrow 20
Great Arrow 300
Bolt 40
Ballista Bolt 300
Note: Sealed Sprintsprings 1000

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All NPC Questlines DLC NPC Questlines

Shadow of the Erdtree NPCs

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Needle Knight Leda Hornsent
Redmane Freyja Hornsent Grandam
Moore Sir Ansbach
Dryleaf Dane Thiollier
Fire Knight Queelign Igon
Jolan St. Trina
Dragon Communion Priestess Ymir

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D, Hunter of the Dead Diallos
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Gideon Ofnir Goldmask
Gowry Great Horned Tragoth
Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Hyetta
Iji Irina
Jar-Bairn Jerren
Kenneth Haight Latenna
Master Lusat Melina
Merchant Kale Millicent
Miriel, Pastor of Vows Nepheli Loux
Patches Pidia, Carian Servant
Primeval Sorcerer Azur Ranni the Witch (Renna)
Roderika Rogier
Rya Seluvis
Shabriri Smithing Master Hewg
Sorceress Sellen Tanith
The Great Jar Thops
Three Fingers Twin Maiden Husks
Two Fingers White Mask Varre
Miquella -

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How to Make Hostile NPCs Friendly


1 Anonymous9 months

No mention that to pick the first cookbook you have to talk to the white creature? No? Did the person that write this guide also design the quest by any chance? Because it is thought just as poorly. I killed that thing and now can't completely


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