Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

All Revered Spirit Ash Locations Map and Checklist

All Revered Spirit Ash Locations

This is a map and checklist for all 25 Revered Spirit Ash locations in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Learn how to get all Revered Spirit Ashes and the Revered Spirit Ash max level.

Shadow Realm Blessings
Scadutree Fragment Revered Spirit Ashes Scadutree Blessing Scaling

Revered Spirit Ash Interactive Map

★ Click on the Revered Spirit Ash icon to view its in-game location.
★ Collect Revered Spirit Ashes along the green route to avoid all boss encounters.
★ Revered Spirit Ash numbering on the map is in relation to their detailed location sections below.

The Interactive Map both shows the location of key points on the map, and doubles as a collectible checker.

  1. Click an icon on the right side to show all the pins of a specific type, or click the magnifying glass button to search for a specific pin by name.
  2. Click a pin on the map to see its name and description, and a relevant picture or video if available.
  3. From here, click Mark as Acquired to indicate that you've gotten a collectible already. This will change its icon on the map to show that it has been collected, and add 1 to that pin type's Counter.
  4. To undo this, click on the same pin and click Restore to unclaimed.
  5. To check how many pins you have marked so far, check the Counter in the bottom left, and click the icon that looks like a checklist to see counters for all pin types.
  6. If the collected pins start to get in the way, you can hide them all by clicking the green Show Pins button on the left side.
Icon How to Use
Name Button.png Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button.png Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins which you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button.png Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button.png Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a searchbar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button.png Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button.png All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter.png Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.
Diablo 4 - Zoom In Zoom Out Icons.png Zoom In / Zoom Out
This icon is found on the top left side of the map. You can press these buttons, or use your scroll wheel while hovering, to Zoom In and Out of the interactive map.

All Gravesite Plain Revered Spirit Ash Locations

Jump to an area!
Gravesite Plain ▼ Scadu Altus
▼ Shadow Keep ▼ Abyssal Woods
▼ Rauh Ruins

1. East of Scorched Ruins Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: East of Scorched Ruins.

From the Gravesite Plain Site of Grace, head east past the Scorched Ruins. The Revered Spirit Ash is located at the base of the statue.

Gravesite Plain Map and Region Guide

2. Greatbridge, North Revered Spirit Ashes

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: North of the Abandoned Ailing Village by the edge of a cliff.

Head to the northern part of Gravesite Plain toward the Abandoned Ailing Village. The Revered Spirit Ash will be hidden on the northern side of the village by the edge of a cliff.

3. Cliffroad Terminus Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Southeast of the Site of Grace.

From the Three-Path Cross site of grace, head west toward the Main Gate Cross site of grace, then head south along a rocky cliffside path toward the Cliffroad Terminus site of grace. The Revered Spirit Ash should be on a statue by the cliff edge to the east.

4. Ellac River Downstream Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Found inside the Ellac River Cave just before the site of grace.

From the Castle Front site of grace, head south down the sloping path toward a green swamp full of poison flowers.

Circle around to head north, still going on a downward path until you reach the entrance to the Ellac River Cave. The Spirit Ash should be in front of a statue near the Ellac River Cave site of grace.

5-6. Belurat, Tower Settlement Entrance Revered Spirit Ashes (x2)

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Found on a statue by the entrance of Belurat Tower Settlement.

Enter the Belurat, Tower Settlement Legacy Dungeon and proceed a little past the entrance to find a horned statue with 2 Revered Spirit Ashes.

Belurat, Tower Settlement Walkthrough

7. Belurat - Revered Spirit Ash Dropped by Enemy Near Stagefront

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Drops from an enemy with a sparkling pot in its head by the bridge leading to the Stagefront site of grace.

From the Small Private Altar site of grace, progress through Belurat, past the rooftop areas with giant bird enemies, until you find an enemy holding a pot over its head. Kill him to receive a Revered Spirit Ash and a Golden Horn Tender.

8. Belurat - Stagefront Statue Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Found on a statue in the courtyard just before the Stagefront site of grace.

From the previous Spirit Ash, head on forward to an open courtyard with a tree and a headless statue. One Revered Spirit Ash will be on the statue.

9. Belurat - Area After Divine Beast Dancing Lion

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Defeat the Divine Beast Dancing Lion and take the elevator up to the right of the site of grace. You will find it behind the large doors by the statue.

After defeating the Divine Beast Dancing Lion, head east and take the elevator up to the area where the Revered Spirit Ash is located.

How to Beat Divine Beast Dancing Lion

All Scadu Altus Revered Spirit Ash Locations

Jump to an area!
▲Gravesite Plain Scadu Altus
▼ Shadow Keep ▼ Abyssal Woods
▼ Rauh Ruins

10. Moorth Ruins Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: East of the Moorth Ruins by the edge of a cliff.

Head to Moorth Ruins east of exiting Castle Ensis. The Revered Spirit Ash should be just east of the ruins, on a headless statue.

Moorth Ruins Guide

11. Bonny Village Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Go north on the dried river path that divides Bonny Village.

Find the hole in Moorth Ruins that allows you to drop down safely to the path that leads to Bonny Village. Upon reaching the village, head north down to a ravine that has the Revered Spirit Ash at the end of it.

12. Recluses' River Upstream Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Northeast of the Site of Grace by the wall.

Find your way to Recluses' River under Shadow Keep. The Revered Spirit Ash should be southeast of Ruins of Unte.

How to Get to Recluses River

To get to Recluses' River Upstream, you must first find the coffin in Shadow Keep. The coffin can be found behind an illusory wall after taking the lift down from Specimen Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace.

Getting here also uses the same path you need to get to Abyssal Woods.

13. Village of Flies Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Located in the Village of Flies. South of the Recluses' River Upstream site of grace by the wall.

From the previous Spirit Ash, head south along the river past the Recluses' River Upstream site of grace and Recluses' River Downstream site of grace toward the Village of Flies. The Revered Spirit Ash should be on a headless statue.

All Shadow Keep Revered Spirit Ash Locations

Jump to an area!
▲Gravesite Plain ▲Scadu Altus
Shadow Keep ▼ Abyssal Woods
▼ Rauh Ruins

14. Specimen Storehouse, First Floor Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: On top of the giant specimen in front of the Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace.

From the Storehouse, First Floor site of grace, jump onto the platforms in front of you and get on top of the giant statue to find the Reveredh Spirit Ash on its head.

15. Seventh Floor of the Shadow Keep Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Found on the hanging specimen in the Seventh Floor of the Shadow Keep.

From the Storehouse, Seventh Floor site of grace, head east along the same floor and jump onto the large hanging statue close to the wall to find the Revered Spirit Ash.

All Abyssal Woods Revered Spirit Ash Locations

Jump to an area!
▲Gravesite Plain ▲Scadu Altus
▲Shadow Keep Abyssal Woods
▼ Rauh Ruins

16. Midra's Manse - Second Floor Chamber Enemy Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Defeat the large bouncing enemy before the Second Floor Chamber site of grace.

To get to Midra's Manse, you must pass through Darklight Catacombs at the end of Recluses' River to reach Abyssal Woods. Upon reaching Abyssal Woods, you may want to grab the map fragment at the Abandoned Church first.

Head to the southwest section of Abyssal Woods to find Midra's Manse. Enter the manse and progress far into it, past a large library full of burnt books and ashes to find a large yellow enemy that drops the Revered Spirit Ash.

How to Get to Abyssal Woods and Region Guide

17. Midra's Manse - Second Floor Chamber Chandelier Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Jump to the chandelier near the Second Floor Chamber site of grace and pick it off the corpse.

The Revered Spirit Ash should be closeby the Second Floor Chamber site of grace. Simply jump onto the chandelier to obtain it.

Midra's Manse Walkthrough

All Rauh Ruins Revered Spirit Ash Locations

Jump to an area!
▲Gravesite Plain ▲Scadu Altus
▲Shadow Keep ▲Abyssal Woods
Rauh Ruins

18. Viaduct Minor Tower (Rauh Ruins) Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Drops when killing an enemy holding a sparkling pot. Nearest grace is the Viaduct Minor Tower grace in Rauh Ruins. Keep in mind that these enemies will despawn after a few seconds.

Reach the Viaduct Minor Tower site of grace from Shadow Keep. Enter the catacombs to the west and kill the enemy holding a pot on its head.

How to Get to Viaduct Minor Tower

19. Rauh Ancient Ruins, West Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Located near Rauh Ancient Ruins, West grace.

Reach the Rauh Ancient Ruins, West site of grace just south of the Furnace Golem. Head up the stairs and out of the room into an open garden with a gazebo in the middle. The Revered Spirit Ash should be on a statue in the gazebo.

20. Ancient Ruins of Rauh Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Drops when killing an enemy holding a sparkling pot.

From the gazebo, head further north to an area with spiders. There should be a lift nearby that takes you up a level to an enemy with a pot on its head.

21. Temple Town Ruins Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: South of the Temple Ruins by the edge of the cliff. Start from Ancient Ruins Base site of grace and work your way down to the river.

To get to Temple Town Ruins, follow the same path that takes you to the map fragment of Rauh Ruins. South of the Temple Town Ruins, there should be a Revered Spirit Ash on a headless statue.

Temple Town Ruins Guide

22. Enir-Ilim - Revered Spirit Ash Dropped by Large Yellow Enemy Near Fountain

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: Dropped by a large enemy circling the fountain in Enir-Ilim. Requires you to defeat Romina, the Saint of the Bud to gain access to this area.

To access this Revered Spirit Ash in Enir-Ilim, you need to defeat Romina, Saint of the Bud.

Upon entering Enir-Ilim, head south to the First Rise site of grace, then head further south, jumping across a small broken bridge toward a large fountain. Defeat the large yellow enemy beside the fountain to get the Revered Spirit Ash.

Enir-Ilim Walkthrough and Location

23-24. Enir-Ilim - Revered Spirit Ash Located on Statue Near First Rise (x2)

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: On a statue guarded by three winged enemies located in Enir-Ilim. Requires you to defeat Romina, the Saint of the Bud to gain access to this area.

From the previous Revered Spirit Ash, jump down the broken bridge to find 2 Revered Spirit Ashes on a horned statue.

25. Enir-Ilim - Spiral Rise Revered Spirit Ash

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Revered Spirit Ash Location: From Spiral Rise in Enir Ilim, continue across the rooves, and you will eventually see a bird guarding a door to a room with a statue.

From the First Rise site of grace, progress through Enir-Ilim and head further west toward the Spiral Rise site of grace.

From here, head halfway up the spiral staircase, jump out of a window onto the roof, and head further northwest on rooftops until you find a room with the Revered Spirit Ash. This room will be right before a staircase that leads back into a tower.

What is the Revered Spirit Ash Blessing Max Level?

Revered Spirit Ash Blessing Max Level is 10

Revered Spirit Ash Blessing Max Level is 10

Blessing Level Revered Spirit Ashes Required Total Revered Spirit Ashes
(1) 1 1
(2) 1 2
(3) 1 3
(4) 2 5
(5) 2 7
(6) 3 10
(7) 3 13
(8) 3 16
(9) 4 20
(10) 5 25

The Revered Spirit Ash Blessing max level is 10 with a total of 25 Revered Spirit Ashes found throughout the Realm of Shadow. Once you have reached level 10, the game will prompt that your Revered Spirit Ash Blessing cannot be empowered any further.

25 Revered Spirit Ashes In Total

In order to reach the max Revered Spirit Ash Blessing of 10, you will need to hunt down and find a total of 25 Revered Spirit Ashes across the Realm of Shadow.

Revered Spirit Ash Blessing Explained

Increases Attack Power and Damage Negation for Summons

Revered Spirit Ashes - Increases Attack Power and Damage Negation
Each level of the Revered Spirit Ash Blessing will increase Torrent's and all your summoned spirits' Attack Power and Damage Negation by 5%. Collect as many Revered Spirit Ashes as you can to maximize Torrent and your summoned spirits' stats for the Realm of Shadow.

No Effect Outside of the Realm of Shadow

The Revered Spirit Ash Blessing only works when you are inside the Realm of Shadow. When you summon spirits and attack while riding Torrent outside of the Realm of Shadow, none of the effects of the Revered Spirit Ash Blessing will apply.

Level Increased at Sites of Grace

At any Site of Grace, open the Shadow Realm Blessing menu to increase your Revered Spirit Ash Blessing level. You can increase the Revered Spirit Ash Blessing level by consuming the Revered Spirit Ash you've collected in the Realm of Shadow.

All Sites of Graces

Obtained in the Realm of Shadow

Revered Spirit Ashes - Obtained In the Overworld
Revered Spirit Ashes are a Bolstering Item found in various areas throughout the overworld, such as in front of withered statues. These statues may vary in certain areas but will still be the same type of statue as the usual ones.

Dropped by Certain Enemies

Dropped by Specific Enemies
Enemies such as Omen Shamans and Undead shadows with sparkling pots can capable of dropping Revered Spirit Ashes. Keep a look out for these type of enemies to collect all Revered Spirit Ashes.

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1 Mae9 months

There only seems to be one in that location in the Abandoned Ailing Village. Unless it's somewhere else in the village and I'm just missing it, that seems to be inaccurate. Just leaves me to wonder where it actually is, because I'm one short after after getting the 4 in Enir-Ilim.


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