Elden Ring

Best Sorceries

Elden Ring - Best Sorceries

This is a list of the best Sorceries in Elden Ring. Read on to see all the best Sorceries to use for the early game, mid game, and late game.

Sorcery Guides
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Best Sorceries

Best Early Game Sorceries

Spell Description
Glintstone Pebble IconGlintstone Pebble ・Only requires 7 FP to use
・Easy to use and unlock
・Reliable damage spell
Rock Sling IconRock Sling ・High damage output and potential
・Staggers enemies easily
・Easy to obtain
Carian Slicer IconCarian Slicer ・Fast sweeping attack with excellent damage
・Staggers enemies easily
・Can be casted in succession

Glintstone Pebble is one of the most basic spells in the game, but also one of the most reliable. You can get this spell by starting with the Astrologer class or by purchasing it from Sorceress Sellen for 1000 Runes.

Aside from the Glintstone Pebble, you can also acquire the deadly Carian Slicer from Sorceress Sellen for 1500 Runes. This spell will have you slicing up enemies with extremely potent magic damage.

The last on this list is the Rock Sling, which can be acquired in Caelid. Although this is a mid game region, you can access it early through a trap chest in the Dragon-Burnt Ruins. The trap chest will take you to Sellia Crystal Tunnel, which is a short walk towards the Street of Sages Ruins.

Best Mid Game Sorceries

Spell Description
Terra Magica IconTerra Magica ・Buffs magic damage
・Goes well with most offensive spells
Glintstone Icecrag IconGlintstone Icecrag ・Can easily build up Frostbite
・ Remarkable damage
・Quick casting time
・Low FP cost
Stars of Ruin IconStars of Ruin ・Great damage output
・Can do up to 12 hits on a single target
・Charging increases spell's potency
Night Comet IconNight Comet ・Extremely high damage potential with the proper build
・Low FP cost
・Easy to use
・Arguably the best offensive spell that dominates even in the late game

Most of the entries for the best mid-game Sorceries are spells that deal high damage at a good distance. Although some of these spells require certain builds to reach their full potential, they could definitely take down enemies as they are.

You can get the Glintstone Icecrag from Seluvis with 7500 Runes, while the Stars of Ruin and Night Comet can be obtained by exploring Caelid.

The only exception is Terra Magica, which is a support spell. This makes it on the list of the best Sorceries as it is one of the best damage-boosting spells in the game that goes with almost all magic builds.

Best Late Game Sorceries

Spell Description
AdulaAdula's Moonblade ・High damage output
・Slash attacks are followed up with ice projectiles that penetrates through enemies
・Inflicts Frostbite
・Suprisingly low FP cost of 26
Meteorite of Astel IconMeteorite of Astel ・High physical damage output
・Can easily stagger enemies
・Can be casted continuously
Comet Azur IconComet Azur ・Deals absurdly high damage
・Can one shot any bosses with the proper setup

Your best late-game Sorceries are spells that could deal devastating burst damage to enemies. First, you have Adula's Moonblade, a spell that conjures a magic blade that slices enemies and shoots out strong projectiles. You can obtain this spell by defeating Glintstone Dragon Adula in Ranni's Questline.

Next is Metorite of Astel, a powerful spell that deals high physical damage, making it perfect against enemies with high magic resistance. You can obtain this spell by defeating Astel, Star of Darkness in Yelough Anix Tunnel.

Last but definitely not least is Comet Azur. This spell paired with Cerulean Hidden Tear and other damage boosting equipments, can melt bosses like butter. This Sorcery is a fan favorite and for a good reason!

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