Elden Ring

List of All Magic Spells

Elden Ring - Spells

Magic Spells are techniques used in Elden Ring that cost FP to cast. Spells can be either Sorceries or Incantations and require either a Staff or Sacred Seal to use. Here is the complete list of all Magic Spells and how to use them.

All Sorceries in Elden Ring

All Base Game Sorceries

List of Spells
AdulaAdula's Moonblade Ambush Shard IconAmbush Shard Ancient Death Rancor IconAncient Death Rancor
Briars of Punishment IconBriars of Punishment Briars of Sin IconBriars of Sin Cannon of Haima IconCannon of Haima
Carian Greatsword IconCarian Greatsword Carian Phalanx IconCarian Phalanx Carian Piercer IconCarian Piercer
Carian Retaliation IconCarian Retaliation Carian Slicer IconCarian Slicer Collapsing Stars IconCollapsing Stars
Comet IconComet Comet Azur IconComet Azur Crystal Barrage IconCrystal Barrage
Crystal Burst IconCrystal Burst Crystal Release IconCrystal Release Crystal Torrent IconCrystal Torrent
Eternal Darkness IconEternal Darkness Explosive Ghostflame IconExplosive Ghostflame FiaFia's Mist
Founding Rain of Stars IconFounding Rain of Stars Freezing Mist IconFreezing Mist Frozen Armament IconFrozen Armament
Gavel of Haima IconGavel of Haima GelmirGelmir's Fury Glintblade Phalanx IconGlintblade Phalanx
Glintstone Arc IconGlintstone Arc Glintstone Cometshard IconGlintstone Cometshard Glintstone Icecrag IconGlintstone Icecrag
Glintstone Pebble IconGlintstone Pebble Glintstone Stars IconGlintstone Stars Gravity Well IconGravity Well
Great Glintstone Shard IconGreat Glintstone Shard Great Oracular Bubble IconGreat Oracular Bubble Greatblade Phalanx IconGreatblade Phalanx
LorettaLoretta's Greatbow LorettaLoretta's Mastery Lucidity IconLucidity
Magic Downpour IconMagic Downpour Magic Glintblade IconMagic Glintblade Magma Shot IconMagma Shot
Meteorite IconMeteorite Meteorite of Astel IconMeteorite of Astel Night Comet IconNight Comet
Night MaidenNight Maiden's Mist Night Shard IconNight Shard Oracle Bubbles IconOracle Bubbles
Rancorcall IconRancorcall RanniRanni's Dark Moon RennalaRennala's Full Moon
Rock Blaster IconRock Blaster Rock Sling IconRock Sling Roiling Magma IconRoiling Magma
RykardRykard's Rancor ScholarScholar's Armament ScholarScholar's Shield
Shard Spiral IconShard Spiral Shatter Earth IconShatter Earth Shattering Crystal IconShattering Crystal
Star Shower IconStar Shower Starlight IconStarlight Stars of Ruin IconStars of Ruin
Swift Glintstone Shard IconSwift Glintstone Shard Terra Magica IconTerra Magica ThopsThops's Barrier
TibiaTibia's Summons Unseen Blade IconUnseen Blade Unseen Form IconUnseen Form
Zamor Ice Storm IconZamor Ice Storm

List of All Sorceries

All DLC Sorceries

Shadow of the Erdtree Sorceries
Elden Ring - Cherishing FingersCherishing Fingers Elden Ring - Fleeting MicrocosmFleeting Microcosm Elden Ring - Mass of PutrescenceMass of Putrescence
Elden Ring - Rings of Spectral LightRings of Spectral Light Elden Ring - Impenetrable ThornsImpenetrable Thorns Elden Ring - Mantle of ThornsMantle of Thorns
Elden Ring - Gravitational MissileGravitational Missile Elden Ring - Blades of StoneBlades of Stone Elden Ring - Glintstone NailsGlintstone Nails
Elden Ring - Glintstone NailGlintstone Nail Elden Ring - RellanaRellana's Twin Moons Elden Ring - Glintblade TrioGlintblade Trio
Elden Ring - MiriamMiriam's Vanishing Elden Ring - Vortex of PutrescenceVortex of Putrescence

All DLC Spells

Legendary Sorceries

Elden Ring - Comet Azur

Legendary Sorceries are rare but rank among the strongest spells in the game, and often require high Intelligence stat investment.
How to Get Legendary Sorceries

All Incantations in Elden Ring

All Base Game Incantations

List of Spells
AgheelAgheel's Flame Ancient DragonsAncient Dragons' Lightning Spear Ancient DragonsAncient Dragons' Lightning Strike
Aspects of the Crucible: Breath IconAspects of the Crucible: Breath Aspects of the Crucible: Horns IconAspects of the Crucible: Horns Aspects of the Crucible: Tail IconAspects of the Crucible: Tail
AssassinAssassin's Approach Barrier of Gold IconBarrier of Gold Beast Claw IconBeast Claw
Bestial Constitution IconBestial Constitution Bestial Sling IconBestial Sling Bestial Vitality IconBestial Vitality
Black Blade IconBlack Blade Black Flame IconBlack Flame Black Flame Blade IconBlack Flame Blade
Black Flame Ritual IconBlack Flame Ritual Black FlameBlack Flame's Protection Blessing of the Erdtree IconBlessing of the Erdtree
BlessingBlessing's Boon Bloodboon IconBloodboon Bloodflame Blade IconBloodflame Blade
Bloodflame Talons IconBloodflame Talons BorealisBorealis's Mist Burn, O Flame! IconBurn, O Flame!
Catch Flame IconCatch Flame Cure Poison IconCure Poison Darkness IconDarkness
Death Lightning IconDeath Lightning Discus of Light IconDiscus of Light Divine Fortification IconDivine Fortification
Dragonbolt Blessing IconDragonbolt Blessing Dragonclaw IconDragonclaw Dragonfire IconDragonfire
Dragonice IconDragonice Dragonmaw IconDragonmaw EkzykesEkzykes's Decay
Elden Stars IconElden Stars Electrify Armament IconElectrify Armament Erdtree Heal IconErdtree Heal
FireFire's Deadly Sin Flame Fortification IconFlame Fortification Flame of the Fell God IconFlame of the Fell God
Flame Sling IconFlame Sling Flame, Cleanse Me IconFlame, Cleanse Me Flame, Fall Upon Them IconFlame, Fall Upon Them
Flame, Grant Me Strength IconFlame, Grant Me Strength Flame, Protect Me IconFlame, Protect Me FortissaxFortissax's Lightning Spear
Frenzied Burst IconFrenzied Burst Frozen Lightning Spear IconFrozen Lightning Spear Giantsflame Take Thee IconGiantsflame Take Thee
Glintstone Breath IconGlintstone Breath Golden Lightning Fortification IconGolden Lightning Fortification Golden Vow IconGolden Vow
Great Heal IconGreat Heal GreyollGreyoll's Roar GurranqGurranq's Beast Claw
Heal IconHeal Honed Bolt IconHoned Bolt Howl of Shabriri IconHowl of Shabriri
Immutable Shield IconImmutable Shield Inescapable Frenzy IconInescapable Frenzy LansseaxLansseax's Glaive
Law of Causality IconLaw of Causality Law of Regression IconLaw of Regression Lightning Fortification IconLightning Fortification
Lightning Spear IconLightning Spear Lightning Strike IconLightning Strike Litany of Proper Death IconLitany of Proper Death
LordLord's Aid LordLord's Divine Fortification LordLord's Heal
Magic Fortification IconMagic Fortification Magma Breath IconMagma Breath Noble Presence IconNoble Presence
O, Flame! IconO, Flame! Order Healing IconOrder Healing OrderOrder's Blade
Pest Threads IconPest Threads PlacidusaxPlacidusax's Ruin Poison Armament IconPoison Armament
Poison Mist IconPoison Mist Protection of the Erdtree IconProtection of the Erdtree RadagonRadagon's Rings of Light
Rejection IconRejection Rotten Breath IconRotten Breath Scarlet Aeonia IconScarlet Aeonia
Scouring Black Flame IconScouring Black Flame Shadow Bait IconShadow Bait SmaragSmarag's Glintstone Breath
Stone of Gurranq IconStone of Gurranq Surge, O Flame! IconSurge, O Flame! Swarm of Flies IconSwarm of Flies
The Flame of Frenzy IconThe Flame of Frenzy TheodorixTheodorix's Magma Triple Rings of Light IconTriple Rings of Light
Unendurable Frenzy IconUnendurable Frenzy Urgent Heal IconUrgent Heal VykeVyke's Dragonbolt
Whirl, O Flame! IconWhirl, O Flame! Wrath of Gold IconWrath of Gold

List of All Incantations

All DLC Incantations

Shadow of the Erdtree Incantations
Elden Ring - MessmerMessmer's Orb Elden Ring - Rain of FireRain of Fire Elden Ring - Fire SerpentFire Serpent
Elden Ring - Divine Bird FeathersDivine Bird Feathers Elden Ring - Divine Beast TornadoDivine Beast Tornado Elden Ring - SpiraSpira
Elden Ring - Giant Golden ArcGiant Golden Arc Elden Ring - Watchful SpiritWatchful Spirit Elden Ring - MidraMidra's Flame of Frenzy
Elden Ring - Pest-Thread SpearsPest-Thread Spears Elden Ring - Rotten ButterfliesRotten Butterflies Elden Ring - Ghostflame BreathGhostflame Breath
Elden Ring - BayleBayle's Flame Lightning Elden Ring - BayleBayle's Tyranny Elden Ring - ElectrochargeElectrocharge
Dragonbolt of Florissax Elden Ring - KnightKnight's Lightning Spear Elden Ring - Roar of RugaleaRoar of Rugalea
Elden Ring - Multilayered Ring of LightMultilayered Ring of Light Elden Ring - Light of MiquellaLight of Miquella Elden Ring - Wrath from AfarWrath from Afar
Elden Ring - Land of ShadowLand of Shadow Elden Ring - Minor ErdtreeMinor Erdtree Aspects of the Crucible: Bloom
Elden Ring - Aspects of the Crucible: ThornsAspects of the Crucible: Thorns Elden Ring - Heal from AfarHeal from Afar Elden Ring - Furious Blade of AnsbachFurious Blade of Ansbach
Elden Ring - Golden ArcsGolden Arcs

All DLC Spells

Legendary Incantations

Elden Ring - Greyoll
Legendary Incantations are rare but rank among the strongest spells in the game, and often require high Faith stat investment.

How to Get Legendary Incantations

Dragon Incantations

Dragon Incantations are spells that can be acquired by defeating different dragons found across the realm. Taking them down will allow you to obtain Dragon Hearts, which you can exchange at the Dragon Communion to learn Dragon Incantations.

All Dragon Incantations

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring Wiki - Top Partial

Elden Ring Wiki Top

Elden Ring Guides
Elden Ring - DLCDLC Elden Ring - Story WalkthroughStory Walkthrough
Elden Ring - Maps and LocationsMaps and Locations Elden Ring - NPCsNPCs
Elden Ring - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Elden Ring - TalismansTalismans
Elden Ring - Spirit AshesSpirit Ashes Elden Ring - Bell BearingsBell Bearings
Elden Ring - Great RunesGreat Runes Elden Ring - WhetbladesWhetblades
Elden Ring - ItemsItems Elden Ring - EndingsEndings
Elden Ring - BossesBosses Elden Ring - WeaponsWeapons
Elden Ring - Magic SpellsMagic Spells Elden Ring - ArmorArmor
Elden Ring - BuildsBuilds Elden Ring - ClassesStarting Classes
Elden Ring Ashes of WarAshes of War Elden Ring - Divine Towers Divine Towers
Elden Ring - Smithing StonesSmithing Stones Elden Ring - Scrolls Scrolls
Elden Ring - News and Game InfoNews and Game Info Elden Ring - Patch NotesPatch Notes
Elden Ring - Message BoardsMessage Boards Elden Ring - DungeonsDungeons

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