Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Thiollier Questline and Location

Elden Ring - Thiollier Questline and Location

Thiollier is an NPC you find at the Pillar Path Cross in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to learn more about Thiollier's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, lore, and if the imbibe nectar choice is safe to use.

Thiollier Quest Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

1. Speak to Thiollier at the Pillar Path Cross

Thiollier can be found sitting near the Pillar Path Cross site of grace in Gravesite Plain. To start his quest, head south east from the Castle Front site of grace near Castle Ensis until you find the cross. At the cross, speak to Thiollier and exhaust his dialogue to unlock his shop.

Realm of Shadow DLC Interactive Map

2. Obtain Thiollier's Concoction

After meeting Thiollier for the first time, head back to the Main Gate Cross site of grace outside Belurat, Tower Settlement and speak to Moore. Choose the option to Talk to Moore from his dialogue menu to tell him about Thiollier.

Once Moore hears about Thiollier, he will ask you to deliver a key item called Black Syrup to the poisoner. Return to Thiollier with the syrup and he'll give you a Thiollier's Concoction consumable for delivering it. This also unlocks the consumable for purchase in his store.

Note: If you don't have the Talk to Moore option available from Moore's merchant screen, then you may need to purchase at least one item from his shop to get it to appear.

Thiollier's Concoction Can Be Used During the Dragon Priestess Questline

Giving Thiollier

Thiollier's Concoction can be used to alter the ending of the Dragon Communion Priestess' questline. When used on her, you will earn an alternate set of rewards for completing her quest (namely, the Dragonbolt of Florissax and
the Ancient Dragon Florissax Spirit Ash).

Dragon Communion Priestess Questline

3. Approach the Shadow Keep to Break Miquella's Charm

From the Highroad Cross Site of Grace continue following the road north until you reach the Shadow Keep. As you get closer to its gates, a message will appear on your screen saying:

"Somewhere a great rune has broken. And so too, a powerful charm."

This message references Miquella finally shedding his Great Rune (you'll find it in the possession of the Scadutree Avatar). When this triggers, NPC questlines will advance, so make sure to speak to Freyja, Leda, Moore, Ansbach, and the Hornsent before exploring any further.

Somewhere a Great Rune has Broken Meaning

4. Return and Speak to Thiollier to Get Him to Move

Thiollier Trigger Before Moving to Garden of Deep Purple

Once Miquella's great rune breaks, return to the Pillar Path Cross and speak to Thiollier. If his dialogue has him say I had something I wish to tell you then that means he will soon depart for the Garden of Deep Purple in the Stone Coffin Fissure. Reload the area to progress his quest.

Note: If you need anything from his store, make sure to buy them now since it won't be available once he leaves. If you haven't already, purchase the Deadly Poison Perfume Bottle and an additional Thiollier's Concoction.

5. Make Your Way to the Stone Coffin Fissure

Map Location World View

Follow in Thiollier's footsteps and start making your way to the Stone Coffin Fissure entrance in the Cerulean Coast. Your goal is to reach the Garden of Deep Purple inside the fissure in order to meet St. Trina and Thiollier.

You'll know you're near the Garden of Deep Purple once you discover the Fissure Depths site of grace (it'll be surrounded by sleeping animals). This site of grace will also be guarded by a ghostly Misbegotten Warrior that drops the Multilayered Ring of Light incantation.

How to Reach the Cerulean Coast and Stone Coffin Fissure

Castle Front to Ellac River Cave
From the Castle Front site of grace, ride southeast until you reach a fork. This is where you turn right and through the small encampment.
Shortly after passing the guards, turn left on the fork and ignore the commotion on your right.
Follow this path until you reach the poisonous swamp area, so make sure you're on your steed before you continue.

Once you see a giant flower enemy ahead, turn left.
Jump down the edge once you see a giant crab, then turn left into the cave, passing the flower enemies.

Pass through this linear tunnel and you should arrive shortly at the Ellac River Cave site of grace.
Ellac River Cave to Ellac River Downstream
Exit the cave and immediately turn left to find a waterfall. Jump over the rocks while heading south until you reach another waterfall.
Take the left path that will shortly swerve you to the right side then keep following the path down to find the Ellac River Downstream site of grace.
Ellac River Downstream to Cerulean Coast
The next destination can be reached by hugging the right side of the path. Ride south and use the platforms to reach the base of the waterfall safely.
Follow the river south, ignoring the giant crab and the Furnace Golem, and turn right through the trees marked on the image above to reach Cerulean Coast.
Cerulean Coast to the Fissure
Continue heading south while staying on the left side this time. If this is your first time here, a Ghostflame Dragon will fly down towards you, but it can be ignored for now.
Keep following the road south, past the area with the ghost worms and pot-throwing giant, until you reach a crater at the end.

You now have to make it safely to the bottom of this pit. Head to the west side of the crater to find the first platform that will take you down.

Be careful not to fall into the abyss and watch out for the slime enemies on every platform as you go down.
Once you reach the site of grace at the bottom, it's only a short walk through the tunnel ahead until you reach the Stone Coffin Fissure.

Stone Coffin Fissure Walkthrough

6. Defeat the Putrescent Knight

Putrescent Knight Boss Fight

Before you can meet St. Trina and Thiollier, you will need to defeat the Putrescent Knight guarding the Garden of Deep Purple. Take the plunge from the Fissure Depths site of grace to reach the boss arena and challenge the boss.

Putrescent Knight Location and How to Beat

Thiollier is a Gold Summon for the Putrescent Knight Boss Fight

Thiollier Gold Summon Sign for Putrescent Knight

Thiollier will be a gold summon for this fight if he already left the Pillar Path Cross site of grace. You'll see his summon sign off to your right as soon as you land inside the boss arena.

7. Choose Imbibe Nectar 4 Times to Hear St. Trina

Imbibe Nectar to Hear St. Trina

After defeating the Putrescent Knight, head inside the Garden of Deep Purple to find both Thiollier and St. Trina. Once you're ready, interact with St. Trina and choose the option to Imbibe nectar. Repeat this for a total of 4 times to hear the words of St. Trina.

1st Set of St. Trina's Dialogue
"Make Miquella stop... Don't turn the poor thing into a god..."

Note: You'll know you're on the right track if Thiollier starts speaking aloud after your 3rd death. When he does this, it means you only need to choose Imbibe nectar one more time before you hear the words of St. Trina.

Thiollier Dialogue After 3rd Death
"Ah, grant me more of your poison. That I might drift further into sleep."

Should You Choose to Imbibe Nectar?

The simple answer is yes, you need to choose the Imbibe nectar option since it is the only way to hear the words of St. Trina. Without hearing her words, both Thioller's and St. Trina's questlines will never progress.

8. Pass on St. Trina's Words to Thiollier

Trying to Pass on St. Trina

Upon exiting the black screen sequence where St. Trina talks to you, return to Thiollier's side and speak to him. Choose the option to Pass on St. Trina's words to share what you've learnt.

Thiollier will refuse to believe you, so make sure to speak to him again and choose the option to Try to pass St. Trina's words again. Once he's sufficiently angry, move on to the next step.

9. Defeat Thiollier When He Invades

Defeating Thiollier the Invader and Getting St. Trina

After passing on St. Trina's words to Thiollier and angering him, fast travel back to the Garden of Purple site of grace. Once you load in and approach the garden entrance, Thiollier will invade you. Defeat him to get a new talisman called St. Trina's Smile.

10. Speak to the Prone Thiollier in the Garden

Speaking to Thiollier after the Invasion

The next time you enter the garden (even without reloading after the duel), you'll find Thiollier lying prone. Speak to him and exhaust his dialogue until he says What did St. Trina tell you? to trigger the final phase of the quest.

11. Drink St. Trina's Nectar Two More Times and Speak to Thiollier

Pass on St. Trina

In order to share the words of St. Trina to Thiollier, you will need to choose Imbibe nectar 2 more times and hear a new set of commands from the slumbering half of Miquella.

2nd Set of St. Trina's Dialogue
1 "Godhood would be Miquella's prison. A caged divinity...is beyond saving."
2 "You must kill Miquella... Grant him forgiveness."

After dying 2 times and hearing her commands, return to Thiollier and speak to him. Choose the option to Pass on St. Trina's words one last time to complete his quest. Once you exhaust his dialogue, he should be a guaranteed gold summon for both the Enir-Ilim NPC fight and the DLC's final boss.

12. Summon Thiollier Against Leda at Enir-Ilim

Summoning Thiollier Against Leda

After burning the Sealing Tree and teleporting to Enir-Ilim, you will eventually reach the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom where Leda and her allies will confront you. You will have to defeat them in order to reach the arena of the DLC's final boss.

If you shared St. Trina's words to Thiollier about killing Miquella, he will be an available gold summon for this fight. You can also summon Sir Ansbach for this fight if you completed his questline before burning the Sealing Tree.

Enir-Ilim NPC Summon Conditions

NPC Faction Summon Conditions
Ansbach Ally Will be available as a gold summon if you gave him the Secret Rite Scroll and helped him against Leda's invasion.
Thiollier Ally Will be available as a gold summon if you completed his quest and told him St. Trina's last words at the end of it.
Sanguine Noble Nataan Ally Replaces Ansbach as a gold summon if Ansbach dies during his quest.
Leda Hostile Always appears as hostile.
Dryleaf Dane Hostile Always appears as hostile.
Freyja Hostile Freyja joins Leda as an invader if you delivered Ansbach's Letter to Freyja to her during her quest.
Moore Hostile Moore joins Leda as an invader if you chose the Put it behind you dialogue option during his quest.
Hornsent Hostile Hornsent fights you if he was not killed during his quest-related invasions before before burning the Sealing Tree. He will also fight you if you do not summon him for the Messmer boss fight.

13. Defeat the Final Boss to Obtain Thiollier's Equipment

Thiollier Gold Summon for Final Boss

Similar to the NPC fight earlier, Thiollier will be a gold summon for the final boss fight if you completed his questline. If you completed Ansbach's quest, he will also be available as a gold summon.

After defeating the boss, refresh the world and you will find Thiollier's corpse nearby. Loot it to get Thiollier's Hidden Needle and Thiollier's full armor set.

Promised Consort Radahn Boss Guide

Summoning is Not Required to Get Thiollier's Equipment


Do note that you do not need to summon Thiollier for the final boss fight to get his items. As long as his gold summon sign appears outside the boss room, you're guaranteed to get his items once the fight ends.

However, there are advantages to summoning him. Unlike multiplayer gold summons, summoning Thiollier and Ansbach for help won't disqualify you from using Spirit Ashes. You can effectively create a 4-man gank squad for the final boss if you wanted.

Thiollier Location

Sitting Beside the Pillar Path Cross in Gravesite Plain

Map Location World View

Thiollier can be found sitting beside the Pillar Path Cross site of grace in the Gravesite Plain. To reach this cross, you'll need to head south east from the Castle Front site of grace (near Castle Ensis).

Do NPC Quests Before Burning the Sealing Tree

After defeating Messmer and Romina, then setting fire to the Sealing Tree behind the Church of the Bud, all of Miquella's followers' NPC quests will stop. Make sure to do the quests of Sir Ansbach, and of the other followers of Miquella, before burning the Sealing Tree.

All DLC NPC Quests

Thiollier Armor and Weapon Drops

Thiollier Drops and Rewards
Weapon Thiollier's Hidden Needle
Armor Thiollier's Mask
Thiollier's Garb
Thiollier's Gloves
Thiollier's Trousers
Items St. Trina's Smile (Talisman)
Thiollier's Concoction (Consumable)

Thiollier's Weapon and Armor Set Drops After the Final Boss

Thiollier's Equipment
Thiollier's Hidden Needle Elden Ring - ThiollierThiollier's Mask Elden Ring - ThiollierThiollier's Garb
Elden Ring - ThiollierThiollier's Gloves Elden Ring - ThiollierThiollier's Trousers

Thiollier's Hidden Needle and Thiollier's Armor Set will only drop if you've completed Thiollier's questline. If his gold summon sign appears outside the final boss room, then you'll be able to loot these items off of his corpse (inside the boss room) after beating the final boss.

Defeat the Thiollier Invader to Get St. Trina's Smile

To get the St Trina's Smile talisman, you'll need to progress Thiollier's questline until he invades you in the Garden of Deep Purple. Defeat him and he will drop this item as a reward.

St. Trina's Smile Location and Effects

Deliver Moore's Black Syrup to Get Thiollier's Concoction

To get the consumable, Thiollier's Concoction, you will first need to deliver Moore's Black Syrup key item to Thiollier at the Pillar Path Cross. On delivery, Thiollier will reward you with his concoction while also allowing you to purchase it from his shop for 30000 Runes.

Thiollier Shop Items

Items Sold Price
Poisonbone Dart 120 Runes
Poisoned Stone 150 Runes
Poisoned Stone Clump 250 Runes
Poison Grease 1000 Runes
Drawstring Poison Grease 800 Runes
Toxic Mossling 2000 Runes
Toxic Mushroom 500 Runes
Poisonbloom 1000 Runes
Altus Bloom 500 Runes
Trina's Lily 1000 Runes
Miranda Powder 800 Runes
Deadly Poison Perfume Bottle 6000 Runes
Thiollier's Concoction* 30000 Runes

Thiollier's Concoction is only available after delivering Moore's Black Syrup to Thiollier.

Thiollier Information and Lore

Tarnished Guided By Miquella in the Land of Shadow

As mentioned during your first meeting, Thiollier is another Tarnished who follows the footsteps of Miquella in the Land of Shadow together with Leda and her companions.

Proficient in Poison-Laced Weapons

Thiollier also mentioned that the only thing he's "good at" is poison. After exhausting his dialogue at the Pillar Path Cross, you will be able to access his shop that contains entirely of poisonous items.

He was also able to whip up the item Thiollier's Concoction using the Black Syrup from Moore. It is said that this poison can send a dragon to sleep, or a mortal to an instant death.

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Miquella -

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