Elden Ring

Rolling Sparks Lightning Perfume Bottle Build Guide

Elden Ring - Rolling Sparks Lightning Perfume Bottle Build

The Rolling Sparks Lightning Perfume Bottle was a powerful glass cannon build that was nerfed in Patch 1.12.3 of the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to learn more about the Rolling Sparks Lightning Perfume Bottle build, including its stat distribution and required equipment.

Lightning Perfume Bottle Guides
Elden Ring - Lightning Perfume Bottle WeaponLightning Perfume Bottle Location Elden Ring - Rolling Sparks Perfume Bottle BuildLightning Perfume Bottle Build Guide

Rolling Sparks Lightning Perfume Bottle Nerfed in Patch 1.12.3

Multiple Explosions Only Happen if Unobstructed

Before Patch 1.12.3, Rolling Sparks used to stack its mini-explosions when aimed directly into the ground. This allowed you to concentrate the area of the damage, making 20,000 damage nukes possible with the right build.

However, as of Patch 1.12.3, Rolling Sparks multi-explosion effect now only happens when unobstructed. This means that multi-explosions can only happen in a straight line and, if aimed at the ground, only one explosion is generated.

Update 1.12.3 Patch Notes (Ver. 1.013.003)

Lightning Perfume Bottle Damage Calculation was Fixed

On top of the Rolling Sparks nerf, the Lightning Perfume Bottle also got its damage calculation bug fixed. Instances of it doing double damage have been corrected by Patch 1.12.3, leaving you with very little to salvage the build.

At the time of writing, the relatively low damage of the Lightning Perfume Bottle coupled with its very low stance damage and inability to perform critical strikes means we cannot recommend this as a good build for the DLC.

Rolling Sparks Lightning Perfume Bottle Build Guide

Uses the Lightning Perfume Bottle with Rolling Sparks

Main Weapon Off-Hand Weapon
Lightning Perfume Bottle Icon Lightning Perfume Bottle
Infused Ash of War: Rolling Sparks
Elden Ring - Frenzied Flame SealFrenzied Flame Seal
Ash of War: N/A
Weapon Scaling (+25)
Str: - Dex: C Int: - Fai: C Arc: -
Stat Requirements
Str: 3 Dex: 16 Int: 0 Fai: 14 Arc: 0

This build takes the Lightning Perfume Bottle +25 and infuses it with the Rolling Sparks ash of war. With damage buffs (and at 60 DEX and 60 Faith), you can do upwards of 20,000 Damage provided all the mini-lightning explosions of Rolling Sparks hit the target.

Note: This build is best used on bosses and is not recommended for general PvE. If you do plan to use it for exploration, forego the buffs since most of them will be on 30-40 second timers anyway; not worth it if you only plan to fight mobs in the open world.

Glass Cannon Build Due to Rakshasa Armor and Bloodsucking Cracked Tear

However, do take note that this build is a glass cannon build. You can easily get two-shot by a lot of bosses if you don't hit your dodges during the fight since you'll take stacking increased damage thanks to the Rakshasa Armor and Howl of Shabriri.

On top of Howl of Shabriri drawing enemy aggro, you'll also be taking constant ticks of damage thanks to the Bloodsucking Cracked Tear. In short, this is a ride-or-die build that requires you to learn boss patterns and find an opening for your nuke.

Stacks Damage Buffs to Deal Massive Burst Damage

To deal the 20,000+ damage nuke, you'll first need to stack your buffs at the start of the boss fight. Then, when fighting the boss, go right next to it and free-aim the Ash of War on the ground where the boss is standing. This ensures all explosions hit, effectively nuking the boss.

How to Buff Before a Boss
1 First, cast Golden Vow and Blessing of the Erdtree for a damage buff and healing per second, respectively. These get cast first since they have longer up times.
2 Next, use Howl of Shabriri to get your first damage buff. Keep using it until you proc Madness to trigger the damage buff of the Aged One's Exultation.
3 Finally, drink your Flask of Wondrous Physick which should contain the Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear and the Bloodsucking Cracked Tear.

All Buffs and Debuffs and What They Do

Viable Even Before Hitting Rune Level 200

Since this is a DLC build, the best part about it is that it is viable even before you hit Rune Level 200. It can already nuke enemies at Rune Level 150, and by Rune Level 176, you'll start being able to hit stat caps for both Dexterity and Faith.

Rolling Sparks Lightning Perfume Bottle Build Stat Distribution

Recommended Stats

Recommended Level
Stat Points Explanation
VGR 50 While it'd be good to get at least 60 Vigor, 50 is enough to get by. Just make sure to learn the boss moves first so you know which openings to go for when using Rolling Sparks.
MND 30 You'll need at least 30 Mind if you want to avoid having to take more than 2 Cerulean Flasks into battle. Since Madness procs drain a bit of your FP, you'll need at least one Cerulean Flask chug just for the buffing phase alone.
END 20 20 Endurance should allow you to medium roll while wearing the armor, weapons, and talismans of the build.
STR 12 STR will not be needed. However, if you're starting from scratch and actually leveling to get this build, then 18 is a good cap since it allows you to wield some of the best DEX weapons in the base game before you hit the DLC.
DEX 50/60 To get as much possible damage out of Rolling Sparks, you'll be getting an even split between DEX and FAI. At Rune Level 151, go for 50 DEX and at Rune Level 176, go for 60 DEX.
INT 9 INT will not be needed.
FAI 50/60 To get as much possible damage out of Rolling Sparks, you'll be getting an even split between FAI and DEX. At Rune Level 151, go for 50 FAI and at Rune Level 176, go for 60 FAI.
ARC 9 ARC will not be needed.

Recommended Starting Class

Elden Ring - Confessor Class

10 13 10 12 12 9 14 9

The best starting class for the Lightning Perfume Bottle build is the Confessor since it starts with a reasonable split between Dexterity and Faith. However, if you're leveling from the base game, consider leaning into DEX first since it will be easier than a Faith-Dex spellcaster hybrid.

Confessor Class Guide

Respec Stats at Rennala in Raya Lucaria

Before hitting the DLC, make sure to respec your stats by offering a Larval Tear to Rennala at the Academy of Raya Lucaria in Liurnia. You can do this before going to the DLC since the Lightning Perfume Bottle can be obtained without having to fight any DLC bosses.

How to Respec Stats

Required Equipment for the Lightning Perfume Bottle Build

How to Get All Required Build Items
Weapon Ash of War Armor Set
Talismans Incantations Great Rune

Obtain the Lightning Perfume Bottle Near the Ellac River

Map Location World View

The Lightning Perfume Bottle can be found on a corpse near the Ellac River (north east of the Cerulean Coast site of grace). The corpse will be partially submerged in a small body of water surrounded by gold lightning sheep.

Lightning Perfume Bottle Stats and Scaling

Get the Frenzied Flame Seal by Embracing the Three Fingers

Elden Ring - Embrace the 3 Fingers

In order to get the Frenzied Flame Seal, you'll need to complete Hyetta's questline in the base game and embrace the Three Fingers underneath Leyndell. If you don't have this quest progressed, you can use other Sacred Seals without issue.

Frenzied Flame Seal Stats and Scaling

Get Rolling Sparks from a Perfumer Camp Near Shadow Keep

Map Location World View

Next, you'll want to get the Rolling Sparks Ash of War from a scarab flying above a small Perfumer Camp near the Shadow Keep. Remember to bring a bow or spell so that you can hit and make the scarab fall down (allowing you to kill it and get the Ash of War).

Rolling Sparks Ash of War Location and Effect

Obtain the Rakshasa's Armor from the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum

Map Location World View

Rakshasa Armor set is dropped by Rakshasa - an optional boss found in the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum. Defeat him to get the 3 armor pieces needed for this build: Rakshasa Armor, Rakshasa Greaves, and Rakshasa Gauntlets

Rakshasa Location and How to Beat

Get the Black Dumpling for Additional Damage

The Black Dumpling gives you extra damage if you proc Madness on yourself. To get this helmet, you'll need to farm the Albinaurics wearing them inside the Volcano Manor. Do note that this is a very rare drop. Equip the Silver Scarab to make farming for this easier.

Obtain the Aged One's Exultation in the Abyssal Woods

Map View World View
Location Video

The Aged One's Exultation talisman is much trickier to obtain since it requires you to know how to Parry an enemy. Once you have a shield with Parry, head over to the Abyssal Woods.

From the Church Ruins site of grace, head north west, following the water until you find the Madness enemy patrolling the river. Approach and let it aggro. Parry and critical strike it until it dies to get the Aged One's Exultation.

Aged One's Exultation Location and Effects

Obtain the Rest of the Talismans from the Base Game

The rest of the talismans used in this build can be obtained from the base game. The trickiest to get will be the Shard of Alexander as it requires you to complete Alexander's quest until Crumbling Farum Azula.

Talisman Effect and How to Get
Lightning Scorpion CharmLightning Scorpion Charm Effect: Raises lightning attack, but lower damage negation.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse behind an Imp Statue fog wall at the Wyndham Catacombs in Altus Plateau. You'll see the Imp Statue after climbing the long ladder inside the dungeon.
PerfumerPerfumer's Talisman Effect: Raises potency of perfume items.
How to Get:
Found in a chest under the Perfumer's Ruins in Altus Plateau. The stairs leading down will be hidden behind wooden planks next to a Giant Miranda Bloom.
Shard of AlexanderShard of Alexander Effect: Greatly boosts the attack power of skills.
How to Get:
Dropped by Alexander at the end of his questline in Crumbling Farum Azula.

List of All Talismans

Obtain All Required Incantations from the Base Game

All 3 incantations (including the optional Blessing of the Erdtree) can be found in the base game. Most of them will not be gated by a boss, allowing you to pick them up even if you're in the middle of a DLC run.

Spells Effect and How to Get
Howl of ShabririHowl of Shabriri Effect: Causes madness buildup for the user and nearby enemies. Gain bonus damage while taking increased damage. Enemies are more likely to target you.
Found in a chest at the Frenzy-Flaming Tower in Liurnia. It will be on the platform with the ladder that leads to the top of the tower.
Golden VowGolden Vow Effect: Increases attack and defense for self and nearby allies.
Looted from the Corpse-Stench Shack in Mt. Gelmir. On approach, you will be invaded by Anastasia, Tarnished Eater.
Blessing of the ErdtreeBlessing of the Erdtree
Effect: Grants greater healing over time to self and nearby allies.
Found on the bed inside the Queen's Bedchamber in Leyndell, Royal Capital.

List of All Magic Spells

Activate Radahn's Great Rune if Available

Finally, your Great Rune of choice will be Radahn's Great Rune. Its immense bonus to your max HP, FP, and Stamina will help you survive the glass cannon setup of this Lightning Perfume Bottle build.

If you're in the DLC you should already have this Great Rune by now. However, before you can use it, you'll need to activate it at the Divine Tower of Caelid. Once active and equipped, consume a Rune Arc to get its effects.

Radahn's Great Rune Effect and Location

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5 Anonymous9 months

scadu blessing?

4 Brad9 months

Used this exact build to shred PCR… sounds like a user error to me


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