Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Black Steel Greathammer Location, Stats, and Scaling

Black Steel Greathammer is a Great Hammer in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree that scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Faith. Read on to learn how to get the Black Steel Greathammer, as well as its location, description, upgrades, stat requirements, and best Ashes of War.

Black Steel Greathammer Guides
Black Steel Greathammer IconBlack Steel Greathammer Location and Stats How to Make Blacksteel Greathammer Build IconBlack Steel Greathammer Guard Counter Build Guide

Black Steel Greathammer Location

Note: The Black Steel Greathammer is only available if you own the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

Defeat the Black Knight in Church of Consolation

The Black Steel Greathammer is obtained by defeating a non-respawning Black Knight at the Church of Consolation east of the Gravesite Plain. This weapon does not drop from other Black Knights.

How to Get Black Steel Greathammer
The Black Steel Greathammer can be obtained early at the beginning of the DLC. Start at the Gravesite Plain Site of Grace.
ⓘ You can grab the Gravesite Plain Map Fragment near the Scorched Ruins at the north before proceeding.
At the Gravesite Plain Site of Grace, face east then go forward near the woods until you reach a road.
Follow the road east leading to the Church of Consolation. Stick to the road if you do not plan to find and fight Logur the Beastclaw in the woods to the south.
The Church of Consolation will come into view past the road curve with the broken cart. Head inside the church to find the Black Knight.
Defeat the Black Knight inside the Church of Consolation to obtain the Black Steel Greathammer. This enemy will no longer respawn afterwards.
ⓘ Explore the church afterwards to pick up the Scadutree Fragments and other nearby items.

Church of Consolation Location

Black Steel Greathammer Description and Stats Overview

Basic Information

Elden Ring - Black Steel GreathammerBlack Steel Greathammer Overview
Type: Great Hammer
ATK Type: Strike
Skill: Endure
Weight: 12.0
Weapon of the Black Knights, servants of Messmer the Impaler. Greathammer of black steel with decorative embellishments in gold. Blessed with an Erdtree incantation. Further holy imbuement will amplify the effect and greatly increase the armament's power. Guard Counters cause a burst of power.

Required Stats to Equip

25 11 0 17 0

Stat Scaling

C E - D -

Basic Stats

Phys. Atk. 140 Phys. Def. 72.0
Mag. Atk. 0 Mag. Def. 38.0
Fire Atk. 0 Fire Def. 38.0
Lght. Atk. 0 Lght. Def. 38.0
Holy Atk. 42 Holy Def. 45.0
Crit. Atk. 100 Guard Boost 47

Black Steel Greathammer Upgrades

Required Upgrade Materials

Levels Material Quantity
+1~+3 Smithing Stone 1 (2/4/6)
+4~+6 Smithing Stone 2 (2/4/6)
+7~+9 Smithing Stone 3 (2/4/6)
+10~+12 Smithing Stone 4 (2/4/6)
+13~+15 Smithing Stone 5 (2/4/6)
+16~+18 Smithing Stone 6 (2/4/6)
+19~+21 Smithing Stone 7 (2/4/6)
+22~+24 Smithing Stone 8 (2/4/6)
+25 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (1)

Black Steel Greathammer requires a total of 12 Smithing Stones for every 3 levels to upgrade, with the exception of the final level at +25 which requires an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

Smithing Stones Farming Guide

Black Steel Greathammer Ashes of War

Best Black Steel Greathammer Ashes of War
: CragbladeAsh of War: Cragblade : Sacred BladeAsh of War: Sacred Blade
: Golden LandAsh of War: Golden Land : Prayerful StrikeAsh of War: Prayerful Strike

The Black Steel Greathammer can be infused with Ashes of War and caters well to Strength and Faith builds due to its weapon scaling. The Sacred affinity from Ashes of War and your Faith stat will improve the weapon's unique guard counter holy damage.

Cragblade is good for a sustained buff to physical and stance damage and Sacred Blade for a range option paired with a sustained holy damage buff. Golden Land is another great Ash of War for a high-stance damage AoE and a multi-hit ranged option. Lastly, Prayerful Strike is a strong option for a large holy burst damage on a single target.

All DLC Ashes of War and Skills

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Weapons

All Weapons List

Weapon Guides

Best Weapons Tier List Best DLC Weapons
DLC Weapons All Weapon Locations
What Weapons to Get First Best DLC Strength Weapons
DLC Bleed Weapons DLC Unique Weapons
How to Upgrade Weapons Weapon Stat Scaling Explained

List of Weapons by Stat Scaling

Strength Dexterity Intelligence
Faith Arcane

List of Weapons by Damage Types

StandardStandard StrikeStrike SlashSlash PiercePierce
MagicMagic FireFire HolyHoly LightningLightning

List of Weapons by Status Effects

BleedBleed FrostFrost RotScarlet Rot
SleepSleep PoisonPoison MadnessMadness

List of Weapon Types

Melee Weapons
Axes Claws
Colossal Swords Colossal Weapons
Curved Greatswords Curved Swords
Daggers Fists
Flails Greataxes
Greatswords Great Hammers
Great Spears Halberds
Hammers Heavy Thrusting Swords
Katanas Reapers
Spears Straight Swords
Thrusting Swords Torches
Twinblades Whips
Spellcasting Weapons
Glintstone Staves Sacred Seals
Ranged Weapons
Light Bows Bows
Greatbows Crossbows
Small Shields Medium Shields
DLC Weapons
Backhand Blades Beast Claws
Great Katanas Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Light Greatswords Perfume Bottles
Throwing Blades Thrusting Shields


1 Anonymous9 months

You should add a note that due to a bug it WON’T drop, unless playing online. If you got the shield instead you are SOL


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