Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

All DLC Legacy Dungeons

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The DLC Legacy Dungeons are areas that function as large dungeons with a major boss in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. See all the Legacy Dungeons and how to get to them here.

All DLC Legacy Dungeons

Belurat Tower Settlement Castle Ensis
Shadow Keep Midra's Manse
Enir-Ilim -

Belurat Tower Settlement

Belurat Tower Settlement is one of the first legacy dungeons you may face in the Realm of Shadows.

From the Gravesite Plain Site of Grace, follow the path north and enter the gates to the west once you reach the Three-Path Cross Grace.

Belurat Tower Settlement Boss

Boss Drops
Divine Beast Dancing Lion Remembrance of the Dancing Lion
Divine Beast Head

Belurat Tower Settlement Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Castle Ensis

Castle Ensis is another early legacy dungeon you can clear early on to access the Scadu Altus region.

Cross the bridge northeast of the Three-Path Cross and follow the path past the camp to reach Castle Ensis.

Castle Ensis Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Castle Ensis Boss

Boss Drops
Rellana, Twin Moon Knight Remembrace of the Twin Moon Knight

Shadow Keep

Shadow Keep is the largest legacy dungeon in the Realm of Shadows with multiple bosses and paths.

There are two ways to enter the Scadu Altus region where this castle is. The first option is through Castle Ensis, and the other is through a couple of spiritspring jumps to the east.

Shadow Keep (Main Entrance) Walkthrough

Shadow Keep, Church District

Another path and entrance exclusively unlocks the lower, eastern section of Shadow Keep. When you drop down the hole in the ground in Moorth Ruins, you'll come across a path that leads to the eastern part of the Scadu Altus.

This path eventually leads to the lower section of the castle, the flooded Chruch District of Shadow Keep.

Church District Walkthrough

Shadow Keep Bosses

Boss Drops
Golden Hippopotamus Scadutree Fragments x2
Messmer the Impaler Remembrace of the Impaler
・Messmer's Kindling
Commander Gaius (Church District) Remembrance of the Wild Boar Rider
Scadutree Avatar (Church District) Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower
・Miquella's Great Rune

Midra's Manse

Midra's Manse is a legacy dungeon found at the end of the Abyssal Woods in the depths of the Realm of Shadow.

The Abyssal Woods can be accessed by defeating the boss in the Darklight Catacombs.

Midra's Manse Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Midra's Manse Boss

Boss Drops
Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame Remembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame


Enir-Ilim is the final area and legacy dungeon in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

This legacy dungeon is located past the Divine Beast Dancing Lion boss area and can be unlocked by burning the Sealing Tree in Rauh Ruins with Messmer's Kindling.

Defeating Messmer the Impaler and Romina, Saint of the Bud is required to unlock this area.

Enir-Ilim Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Enir-Ilim Boss

Boss Drops
Promised Consort Radahn Remembrance of a God and Lord

Elden Ring Related Guides

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All Legacy Dungeons

All Legacy Dungeons

Legacy Dungeons Guides
Stormveil Castle Academy of Raya Lucaria Redmane Castle
Leyndell, Royal Capital Volcano Manor Mohgwyn Palace
Crumbling Farum Azula Miquella's Haligtree -

All DLC Legacy Dungeons

DLC Legacy Dungeon Guides
Castle Ensis Belurat Tower Settlement Shadow Keep
Midra's Manse Enir-Ilim Specimen Storehouse

All DLC Legacy Dungeons


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