Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Best DLC Builds

Best DLC Builds

This is a list of all the best DLC builds to use in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to learn more about the recommended stats and DLC weapons for each build, as well as the best builds using base game weapons to use in the DLC.

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Best DLC Builds

Build Rating and Explanation
Bloodfiend's Arm Bleed Build ・ Combination of physical damage and rapid Bleed buildup for chunks of burst damage.
・Excellent posture damage to setup critical hits.
・ Easy to start building as it relies on an early game DLC weapon.
Impenetrable Thorns Bleed Build ・Can rapidly proc multiple Bleeds to nuke targets.
・Damage output tied solely to Arcane for build flexiblity.
・High damage per cast meaning low FP Flask allocation requirements for pure casters.
Black Steel Greathammer Guard Counter Build ・Great posture damage through guard counters.
・Good for defensive and tanky playstyles.
・Hammer has great options for Ashes of War to self-buff, heal, or damage.
Wing Stance Milady Build ・Fluid and mobile playstyle thanks to the Wing Stance moveset.
・Stacks HP and posture damage quickly with consecutive hits since Milady is a Light Greatsword.
・Simpler damage scaling and affinity choice due to being a pure physical damage build.
Star-Lined Sword Spellblade Build ・Will feel very familiar and comfortable to Katana and Moonveil users.
・Sword can also build Bleed, adding another potential damage source for the build, especially if power-stanced.
・Skill and moveset encourage mobile playstyles.
Backhand Blade Build ・A Strong and Fast Dual-Wielding Weapon
・High mobility due to Blindspot Ash of War
・High DPS both from its Bleed capability and Physical damage output.

Bloodfiend's Arm Bleed Build

Bloodfiend Arm's Bleed Build Details
60 12 25 34 11 7 7 50
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendation
Bloodfiend Bloodfiend's Arm

The Bloodfiend's Arm Bleed build takes advantage of the Bloodfiend Arm's rapid Bleed buildup when it is infused with the Blood affinity. When used in conjunction with talismans like the Axe Talisman, Lord of Blood's Exultation, and newer options like the Two-Handed Sword Talisman, this Strength-Arcane build will easily stagger and Bleed even bosses into nothingness.

Bloodfiend's Arm Build Guide

Impenetrable Thorns Bleed Build

Impenetrable Thorns Bleed Build Details
50 30 9 7 7 21 24 60
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendations
Maternal Staff Icon Maternal Staff Albinauric StaffAlbinauric Staff
Spell Recommendation
Elden Ring - Impenetrable Thorns.PNGImpenetrable Thorns

This pure caster build takes advantage of the rapid Bleed buildup of Impenetrable Thorns when it is cast in close-range, where its three normally spread-out thorns will converge in one spot to potentially proc multiple instances of Bleed simultaneously.

The stat requirements will be a bit strange, as while your Bleeds will scale off Arcane, you will have to spare 24 points in Faith to use the sorcery and 21 points in Intelligence if you want to use the Maternal Staff, which provides high Arcane scaling that amplifies the Thorns' Bleed damage.

Impenetrable Thorns Build Guide

Black Steel Greathammer Guard Counter Build

Black Steel Greathammer Build Details
60 10 35 36 11 7 40 7
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendations
Elden Ring - Black Steel Greathammer IconBlack Steel Greathammer Elden Ring - Black Steel Greatshield IconBlack Steel Greatshield

The Black Steel Greathammer Strength-Faith build takes advantage of its solid Guard Counter to deal good Holy damage and break stances with ease. When used in conjunction with a high Guard Boost shield, this build will tank and counter through many of the DLC's hard hitters.

As with most heavy weapon builds, make sure that you are allocating enough points into Endurance to increase your max equipment load so that you can comfortably equip heavier armor and weapons for high poise while still being able to at least medium roll.

Black Steel Greathammer Guard Counter Build Guide

Wing Stance Milady Build

Wing Stance Milady Build Details
60 25 30 54 60 9 25 8
The stats shown are for level 192 characters.
Weapon Recommendation
Milady IconMilady
Ash of War Recommendation
Elden Ring - Wing Stance IconWing Stance

The Wing Stance build is a fluid setup that uses the flexible and fast-hitting moveset of the DLC-exclusive Wing Stance Ash of War to land consecutive hits on enemies with the Milady, rapidly stacking HP and poise damage.

This build requires some technical skill to master the timing of Wing Stance attacks, to both dodge attacks and consistently break enemy stances. It's also designed for pure physical damage, which means you will need to mostly invest into DEX and STR to maximize your attack power.

Wing Stance Milady Build Guide

Star-Lined Sword Spellblade Build

Star-Lined Sword Spellblade Build Detaills
50 20 20 10 58 34 7 7
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendations
Elden Ring - Star-Lined Sword IconStar-Lined Sword MoonveilMoonveil Carian Regal ScepterCarian Regal Scepter Carian Glintblade StaffCarian Glintblade Staff

This DEX-INT focused Star-Lined Sword build is a mobile setup for players that want the satisfaction of weaving together quick spells and fast melee attacks. Star-Lined Sword's skill, Onze's Line of Stars is a string of rapid slashes similar to Rivers of Blood, except with magic damage, that you will end up using a lot.

While it is a magic damage-dealing katana like Moonveil, Star-Lined Sword's damage scales more with Dexterity, so keep that in mind for your stat allocation. Other than that, this is a build made to combine ranged and melee capabilities that does not require you to lock yourself in place.

Backhand Blades Build

Backhand Blade Build Details
50 14 20 10 55 10 25 45
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendations
Elden Ring - Backhand Blade Icon.pngBackhand Blades

This is a Dex-Arc build featuring the Backhand Blades. It's a DPS-focused build that also utilizes its Ash of War Blind Spot to grant it an evasive move while also counter attacking enemies.

Despite having a low Arcane scaling of D, this build still maximizes the Arcane stat the player invests in the build to further enhance its capability of applying Blood Loss to enemies which can further enhance the build's capabilities so don't hesitate to invest in a higher Arcane stat the further you go with the build to speed up your status buildup against enemies.

Backhand Blade Build Guide

Best Base Game Builds for DLC

Build Rating and Explanation
Spear and Shield Cheese Build ・Provides maximum protection and survivability.
・Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear will be accessible to anyone that fulfilled the DLC's in-game requirements.
・Can still grow in offensive power once you exceed Level 150.
Blasphemous Blade Fire Damage Build ・Takes advantage of the versatility of Blasphemous Blade's skill.
・Encourages building Faith, which paves the way for self-buffing damage and survivability incantations.
・Stat allocation is flexible depending on survivability and damage needs.
Eleonora's Poleblade Power Stance Bleed Build ・Still highly capable of high damage via rapid Bleed procs.
・Suitable for aggressive and nimble playstyles.
・Can take full advantage of strong damage-boosting talismans like Millicent's Prosthesis.
Wing of Astel Magic and Stagger Build ・Nebula skill as the core of this build makes it extra effective against large enemies.
・High INT allocation enables spellcasting powerful spells over melee combat if warranted.
・High potential to become stronger past level 150 with more stat points to allocate.
Sword of Night and Flame Hybrid Build ・Can be used to adapt to the damage needs of different encounters.
・Equal INT-Faith allocation is flexible and can be adjusted depending on your playstyle.
・Balanced stat allocation also grants a wide selection of choices for spells and incantations.

Spear and Shield Cheese Build

Spear and Shield Cheese Build Details
60 7 26 48 14 7 7 27
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendations
MohgwynMohgwyn's Sacred Spear Fingerprint Stone Shield ImageFingerprint Stone Shield

Anyone struggling with the high damage attacks of bosses should try out the Spear and Shield Cheese Build, which abuses the poking mechanic of shields and spears by using Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear to slowly poke and bleed enemies to death behind the safety of the Fingerprint Stone Shield boosted by Barricade Shield.

Just like with heavy weapon builds, it's a good idea to invest some points into Endurance, this time to increase your stamina bar to prolong the time you can hold your shield up against attacks. However, since this build is focused on tankiness and fulfilling equipment stat prerequisites, expect to kill bosses slowly.

Blasphemous Blade Fire Damage Build

Blasphemous Blade Fire Damage Build Details
60 20 28 50 15 9 40 7
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendation
Blasphemous Blade ImageBlasphemous Blade

Despite nerfs over past patches, Blasphemous Blade remains a strong primary weapon for Strength-Faith builds thanks to the fire damage, posture damage, and heal utility of its skill Taker's Flames. The build's prioritization of Faith also opens the path to powerful self-buffing incantations.

Incantations such as Flame, Grant Me Strength and Golden Vow are constant partners that amplify Blasphemous Blade's potential, while also granting you a bit more survivability.

Eleonora's Poleblade Power Stance Bleed Build

Eleonora's Poleblade Bleed Build Details
60 15 20 17 40 7 7 40
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendations
EleonoraEleonora's Poleblade Godskin Peeler ImageGodskin Peeler Twinblade ImageTwinblade Twinned Knight Swords ImageTwinned Knight Swords

Bleed is still very strong in the DLC, so Eleonora's Poleblade, when power-stanced with other Blood-infused Twinblades like the Godskin Peeler or the vanilla Twinblade, is still easily capable of procing frequent and hard-hitting bursts of Bleed damage.

DEX-ARC builds should invest in those two stats while giving enough points into Endurance and Mind for stamina and FP, in case they elect to use Eleonora's Poleblade's skill. The multi-hit jump attacks when power-stanced can be bolstered even further if you equip the Claw Talisman and Millicent's Prosthesis.

Wing of Astel Magic and Stagger Build

Wing of Astel Magic and Stagger
60 27 11 9 17 68 7 7
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendations
Wing of Astel ImageWing of Astel ScavengerScavenger's Curved Sword Carian Regal Scepter ImageCarian Regal Scepter AzurAzur's Glintstone Staff
Spell Recommendation
RanniRanni's Dark Moon

This pure INT caster build hinges on using Ranni's Dark Moon to decrease enemies' magic negations, before spamming them with the Wing of Astel's skill Nebula to hit them multiple times and break their posture.

This build is especially great against large, slow-moving enemies, since their big hitbox means they will take more hits from Nebula and be more likely to get staggered. You can even bring a magic-infused Scavenger's Curved Sword so you have the option to power-stance against faster, but frailer, targets.

Sword of Night and Flame Hybrid Build

Sword of Night and Flame Hybrid Build Details
60 26 10 12 12 40 40 7
The stats shown are for level 150 characters.
Weapon Recommendations
Sword of Night and Flame ImageSword of Night and Flame

If you want to go for an Intelligence-Faith hybrid build to deal both magic and fire damage when needed, you'll want to equip and build around the Sword of Night and Flame, as its skill Night-and-Flame Stance still allows you flexibility to choose which type of damage you deal.

While our build recommends equal leveling for Intelligence and Faith, we also encourage you to lean towards whichever type of damage or attack you see yourself using more often, as this will also affect what seals, staffs, talismans, and spells you will be equipping.

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