Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Rellana, Twin Moon Knight Weakness and Location

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Rellana Weakness and Location

This is a boss guide for Rellana, Twin Moon Knight in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Learn about Rellana's weakness, location, and cheese strategies, as well as the best build against Rellana here.

Rellana Guides
Rellana Weakness and Location What to Do After Rellana How to Skip Rellana

Rellana Twin Moon Knight Weakness

Weak to Pierce Damage

Rellana, like most bosses in Elden Ring, is weak to Pierce-type weapons, which incentivizes using weapon classes such as Spears and Great Spears, Thrusting Swords and Heavy Thrusting Swords, and the DLC-exclusive Light Greatswords and Thrusting Shields.

List of All Pierce Weapons

Susceptible to Lightning Damage

Rellana takes more Lightning damage compared to the other elements, and is most resistant to Magic damage. Take note that her weakness to lightning attacks is due to the large pool of water at the center of the boss room.

List of All Lightning Weapons

Use Heavy Thrusting Swords for Strength or Dexterity Builds

Dragon King's Cragblade would be the best choice of weapon here for Dex/Str builds as it deals both piercing and lightning damage. It can also break Rellana's poise easily, even more with its Thundercloud Form skill.

Alternatively, you can use a normal Heavy Thrusting Sword like the Great Epee and just change its affinity to lightning or imbue it with Lightning Grease.

Use Lightning Dragon Incantations for Faith Builds

If you're using incantations, stick to lightning Dragon Incantations while equipped with Radagon Icon and fire them when you find an opening. This can be difficult due to Rellana's aggresiveness but summons should help keep her busy.

Best Builds Against Rellana Twin Moon Knight

Pierce Weapons are Recommended

Dragon KingDragon King's Cragblade Bolt of GransaxBolt of Gransax Godskin StitcherGodskin Stitcher
Elden Ring - Milady IconMilady Elden Ring - Messmer SoldierMessmer Soldier's Spear Serpent-HunterSerpent-Hunter

DEX builds can easily exploit Rellana's Pierce and Lightning damage weaknesses by using the Dragon King's Cragblade, Bolt of Gransax, or a Lightning-infused Godskin Stitcher. If you don't like the Thrusting Sword or Spear moveset, you can instead opt to use a Lightning-infused Milady for the fight.

Pure STR builds, however, are better off forgoing the Lightning infusion and instead using a Heavy-infused Great Spear like the Lance or Messmer Soldier's Spear. These can be buffed during the fight using Lightning Grease to add a flat Lightning damage bonus to them.

Use Thrusting Shields or Greatshields for Guard Pokes

Elden Ring - Dueling Shield IconDueling Shield Elden Ring - Carian Thrusting Shield IconCarian Thrusting Shield Elden Ring - Black Steel Greatshield IconBlack Steel Greatshield

If you're having a tough time keeping up with Rellana's long combos and tricky attack delays, you can opt to go with a Thrusting Shield build, instead. Since these can be infused with Lightning and deal pierce damage, you get the best of both worlds against Rellana with the added protection of guard blocks and counters.

If you prefer to off-hand shields, aim to equip Greatshields with 100% physical damage negation and around 60 Guard Boost. High-STR builds can opt to use Black Steel Greatshield, while low Strength DEX builds can manage with the Golden Beast Crest Shield if infused with Barricade Shield.

Equip Talismans for Increased Attack and Counter Damage

Shard of AlexanderShard of Alexander Curved Sword TalismanCurved Sword Talisman Elden Ring - Two-Handed Sword Talisman IconTwo-Handed Sword Talisman

The talismans you equip to boost your attack will depend on if you are two-handing a typical Pierce-damage weapon, shield poking, or two-handing a Thrusting Shield (with a Shard of Alexander if you're a heavy ash of war user).

Aggressive two-handed sword or spear wielders can use Two-Handed Sword Talisman to boost their attack damage. Thrusting Shield builds can pair these with the Curved Sword Talisman for better guard counter damage.

Use Lightning Incantations and Ashes of War

Lightning Spear IconLightning Spear Elden Ring - Thunderbolt Ash of War IconThunderbolt VykeVyke's Dragonbolt

Unless a Mimic Tear or other summon is distracting Rellana, she is difficult to keep at a distance against due to her ranged attacks and fast gap-closing moves. Your safest spell and Ash of War options, due to fast casting speed, would be Lightning Spear, Honed Bolt and Thunderbolt.

However, if you're just casting incantations to buff yourself, then Vyke's Dragonbolt is a great way to infuse Lightning damage into your right-hand weapon for extra attack power against Rellana.

Use Talismans and Armor for Magic Damage Negation

Pearldrake Talisman +2Pearldrake Talisman +2 Spelldrake Talisman +3Spelldrake Talisman +3 Scaled ArmorScaled Armor

Throughout the fight, Rellana will regularly use magic attacks (and fire during the 2nd phase). This early in the DLC, the Pearldrake Talisman +2 provides the most flexibility, but we recommend getting the Spelldrake Talisman +3 since her ranged magic attacks are deadlier.

For a full defensive build against even her physical attacks, you can add the Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman to your loadout. For armor options, you can't go wrong with Scaled Armor due to its decent non-physical damage negation stats and its offered poise.

Cast Incantations and Ashes of War for Defense Buffs

Barrier of Gold IconBarrier of Gold Golden Vow IconGolden Vow Elden Ring - Endure Ash of WarEndure

Rellana's relentless attacks can be mitigated using a variety of incantations and Ashes of War. Barrier of Gold is the strongest magic negation incantation, capable of tanking even Rellana's Twin Moons attack.

Golden Vow is also a go-to incantation or Ash of War to cast, for both a defensive and offensive buff. Similarly, Endure on your primary weapon can be used to both reduce your damage taken and increase your poise, allowing you to trade damage when using a multi-hit build.

Use Spells and Ashes of War That Deflect Magic

Eternal Darkness IconEternal Darkness ThopsThops's Barrier Carian Retaliation IconCarian Retaliation

While INT users are at an attack disadvantage against Rellana's resistances, they have a niche advantage in defense with specific spells that can deflect or reflect Rellana's ranged magic attacks.

Eternal Darkness is the easiest spell to use: simply cast it and it will linger in the arena, diverting Rellana's Glintstone Blades away from you. On the other hand, Thops's Barrier can be timed to redirect her wave attacks.

Lastly, even though Rellana is more resistant to magic damage, you can still parry with Carian Retaliation as a spell or Ash of War to absorb and reflect her magic projectiles as glintblades.

Specific Recommended Build: Bolt of Gransax Shield Poke Build

Main Hand Weapon Off-Hand Weapon
Bolt of GransaxBolt of Gransax
Skill: Ancient Lightning Spear
Golden Beast Crest ShieldGolden Beast Crest Shield
Skill: Barricade Shield
Affinity: Any
Character Stat Distribution
VIG 60 MND 11
END 30 STR 24
DEX 62 INT 9
FAI 25 ARC 8

Stats above are based on Samurai class's stat distribution at RL 150.

This build combines the decent defense, and relatively low STR-requirement, of the Golden Beast Crest Shield with the excellent poke damage and reach of the Bolt of Gransax to deal both Pierce and Lightning damage.

If you prefer the moveset of the Thrusting Sword, you can swap out the Bolt of Gransax for the Dragon King's Cragblade. Naturally, these weapon choices also work without the shield, especially if you're running a pure DEX build for the DLC.

Equip Armor and Talismans for Maximum Guard Protection

Helm Armor Gauntlets Greaves
Elden Ring - Fire Knight Helm IconFire Knight Helm Scaled ArmorScaled Armor Scaled GauntletsScaled Gauntlets Scaled GreavesScaled Greaves
ErdtreeErdtree's Favor +2 Curved Sword TalismanCurved Sword Talisman Elden Ring - Pearl Shield TalismanPearl Shield Talisman Greatshield TalismanGreatshield Talisman

Your armor and talismans for this poke build will revolve around damage negation and enhanced guarding capability. Your biggest defense will come from the Scaled Armor set to boost your non-physical damage negations, while the Fire Knight Helm and Erdtree's Favor +2 will be equipped for slight increases to equip load and max stamina.

The Greatshield Talisman and Pearl Shield Talisman are valuable for decreasing stamina drain while guarding and significantly boosting non-physical damage negation to complement your Greatshield's 100% physical damage negation, allowing you to safely and repeatedly attack with Guard Counters enhanced by the Curved Sword Talisman.

Manage Stamina Between Dodging and Guarding

The gameplay clip above was recorded in NG+ at Scadutree Blessing Level 20.

Even with the Greatshield Talisman, Barricade Shield and high guard boost, you still need to mind your stamina bar to avoid having your guard broken while poking Rellana.

Try to mix in dodge rolls to create space, and stop guarding during safe times to recover stamina more quickly. You can also use the Deflecting Hardtear for less stamina consumption when using timed blocks.

Play for Stance Breaks Versus Rellana

When using this build, take full advantage of guard counters since these can easily set you up for a stance break and critical hit against Rellana.

Time your guard counters for the end of her combos, combining them with jump attacks and charged heavy attacks to break the Twin Moon Knight's stance, easily.

Rellana Twin Moon Knight General Tips

Tips for Beating Rellana

Level Up and Gather Scadutree Fragments

Recommended Levels
Rune Level Level 150 or Higher
Scadutree Blessing Level 6 or Higher

Rellana is a brutal boss that uses long physical attack chains that combo into her Carian sorcery casts (that only gets worse in phase 2 due to the fire damage mix-up). Make sure you get all the Scadutree Fragments you can from Gravesite Plain to avoid getting one-shot during the fight.

All Scadutree Fragment Locations

Wait for Her to Finish Her Attack Chain Before Attacking

Rellana has incredibly long attack chains that flow seamlessly into delayed attack mix-ups. If you are fighting her at a lower level (or without any buffs), wait for her to finish her attack chain to get some damage in safely.

Watch for Her Gap Closers

The Twin Moon Knight has plenty of gap closing attacks that propel her forward towards the player. Try not to spam your dodge since these lunges tend to roll catch panicking players.

Get Ready to Dodge if Her Sword Lights Up

If you are at long range from Rellana, she may opt to perform a ranged horizontal slash attack in your direction. Dodge this or you will take substantial damage.

Be Wary if She Summons Daggers Close to the Ground

If you are at medium range from Rellana, she may opt to summon a few dagger projectiles. The move to look out for is when she summons daggers near the ground. These fire off almost instantly and she usually does a follow-up thrust that can catch you off guard.

Watch for Crucial Fight Checkpoints

Rellana will power up over the course of the fight, going from using a small percentage of her arsenal to going all out in the final phase. Each phase will usually have a transition move that has a long wind up animation - perfect for getting damage in, safely.

Dodge Twice Against Her Carian Greatsword

Once Rellana's HP drops around 60%, she may use her Carian Greatsword Combo. This is an incredibly telegraphed attack as she will summon a Carian Greatsword to first slam down vertically, then do a spinning horizontal slash.

Both can be dodged, and the player should watch for when the Carian Greatsword shines for a split second as the cue to dodge.

Be Wary of Elemental Afterdamage During the Second Phase

During the Second Phase at roughly 50% HP, Rellana will empower her Twin Blades with magic, causing her combos to extend, and may sometimes leave flaming afterslashes that explode after a while.

Dodge her 5-Hit Ranged Slash Attacks

When Rellana reaches 50% HP, she may perform a 5-hit ranged slash attack if the player is standing far from Rellana. This move will kill the player if they are caught in the middle of the combo.

To dodge this, step back and evade the first two, then dodge roll the next two, wait for a bit, then dodge roll the last one.

Jump Thrice to Dodge Her Twin Moon AoE Attack

During Phase 2, Rellana will use a Twin Moon AoE attack that hits the entire arena once her HP reaches around 30%. To dodge it, jump thrice in quick succession as each moon (and Rellana) hits the ground. If timed correctly, you should take no damage at all.

Cast Spells or Equip Items that Boost Your Magic Resistance

Equipping items like the Spelldrake Talisman +3 or using Incantations like Barrier of Gold will do wonders for your survivability in this fight. Since Rellana does a lot of magic damage, boosting your magic resistance can allow you to tank even her Twin Moon attack.

Rellana Twin Moon Knight Cheese

Summon and Spirit Ash Cheese Strategy

Elden Ring - Summon Leda

For most players of the DLC, Rellana's difficulty stems from how aggressive she is, especially in melee. This makes it tricky for builds likes Faith or Int spellcasters to really get going during her boss fight.

For some much needed assistance during the fight, consider using Spirit Ashes as well as the Needle Knight Leda Gold Summon sign outside her boss room. The added allies in the fight help draw aggro, giving you more breathing room to heal, cast spells, or re-apply buffs.

Best Spirit Ashes Tier List

Save Your Spirit Ash for the Second Phase

If the fight is proving too difficult, try saving your summons for this boss battle. First, summon Needle Knight Leda to assist you in the first half. Once you trigger Rellana's second phase, summon your spirit ash. This method allows you to have one surviving summon that draws aggro for both boss phases.

Rellana Twin Moon Knight Cheese Strategy

Attack Rellana From Outside the Arena With Flame of the Fell God

It's possible to cheese Rellana by casting Flame of the Fell God from outside the back of her arena. You'll need to space out your recasts to avoid resetting the projectile, but in practice, the initial detonation and lingering flames will slowly eat away at her HP (indicated by sound effects of getting hit), until she dies and the fog wall dissipates.

Unless you're a high-Faith build to start with, this will require some hefty respeccing, as Flame of the Fell God requires 41 FAI to cast. Also ensure you have enough Cerulean Flasks allocated to continuously cast the incantation until you defeat Rellana.

Get Flame of the Fell God in Liurnia

Requires Doing the Rellana Skip Method

This cheese method only works from the back of the arena, as Flame of the Fell God's range can't reach Rellana from the front fog wall near the Castle Lord's Chamber.

Players will have to do the Rellana Skip method first to reach Scadu Altus through the Sealed Spiritspring into Fort Reprimand, then ride towards Highroad Cross to get to the fog wall from where the incantation will be able to hit Rellana.

How to Skip Rellana

Rellana Twin Moon Knight Location

Found at the Top of Castle Ensis

World View Map Location

Rellana, Twin Moon Knight, is found at the top of the Castle Ensis Legacy Dungeon to the north west of the Gravesite Plains. Her boss room door is a short walk from the Castle-Lord's Chamber site of grace.

How to Get to Rellana

From the Castle Ensis Checkpoint site of grace, walk southwest past the closed gate and drop down the hole.
Exit the cave and turn left towards the waterfall. There are rocks sticking out the waterfall where you can hop onto to reach the stream above.
Head north to find a long ladder on your left that leads back to the same floor as the checkpoint.
Exit the room with the guards and you will find a wheel inside the room across. Turn this wheel to open the gate on your right for a shortcut to the Castle Ensis Checkpoint site of grace.
Go up the stairs and cross the bridge with more guards before going up the slope to your right.
Turn right again and enter the chapel on the other side.
Once inside, move one room south then turn right to the hallway.
Follow the hallway to the end until you find a door that leads back outside.
Go up the stairs (there will be another mage on the roof that you can either kill or ignore) and follow the path to your right.
There are two paths here but both will lead you to the tower that you need to climb.
Reach the tower and climb the stairs around it until you see a Black Knight.
Behind the Black Knight is a lift that will take you up to the Castle Lord's Chamber site of grace.
Northwest past the site of grace are the last stairs that will take you to Rellana's boss room.

Rellana Twin Moon Knight Rewards

Rellana Twin Moon Knight Rewards
Runes 180000
Drops Remembrace of the Twin Moon Knight

Remembrance of the Twin Moon Knight Rewards

Elden Ring - RellanaRellana's Twin Blades Elden Ring - RellanaRellana's Twin Moons

The Remembrance of the Twin Moon Knight can be turned in to Finger Reader Enia at the Roundtable Hold. Doing so lets the player choose either Rellana's Twin Blades (weapon) or Rellana's Twin Moons (sorcery) for their reward.

Unlocks Rellana's Armor Set

Rellana's Armor Set
Elden Ring - RellanaRellana's Helm Elden Ring - RellanaRellana's Armor Elden Ring - RellanaRellana's Gloves Elden Ring - RellanaRellana's Greaves

An additional reward for defeating Rellana is the option to purchase her entire armor set from Finger Reader Enia in the Roundtable Hold. Each armor piece will cost 10,000 Runes except her Armor itself which costs 15,000 Runes.

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Bosses

List of All Bosses

DLC Bosses

DLC Boss Lists
All DLC Bosses Order and Locations All DLC Remembrance Bosses
Bosses Difficulty Tier List -
Main Bosses
Rellana, Twin Moon Knight Golden Hippopotamus
Messmer the Impaler Romina, Saint of the Bud
Promised Consort Radahn
Optional Bosses
Divine Beast Dancing Lion Commander Gaius
Demi-Human Queen Marigga Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze
Blackgaol Knight Chief Bloodfiend
Black Knight Edredd Ancient Dragon-Man
Furnace Golem Lamenter
Putrescent Knight Jori, Elder Inquisitor
Death Knight Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame
Bayle the Dread Scadutree Avatar
Metyr, Mother of Fingers Red Bear
Rakshasa Jagged Peak Drake
Rugalea the Great Red Bear Ralva the Great Red Bear
Ancient Dragon Senessax Curseblade Labirith
Black Knight Garrew Fallingstar Beast
Death Rite Bird Tibia Mariner
Ghostflame Dragon Tree Sentinel
Magma Wyrm Crucible Knight Devonia
Hostile NPCs
Logur the Beast Claw -

Main Bosses

All Bosses in Elden Ring
Margit the Fell Omen Godrick the Grafted
Red Wolf of Radagon Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Royal Knight Loretta Starscourge Radahn
Godfrey, First Elden Lord Morgott, the Omen King
Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy Fire Giant
Malenia, Blade of Miquella Mohg Lord of Blood
Regal Ancestor Spirit Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Lichdragon Fortissax Godskin Duo
Dragonlord Placidusax Maliketh, the Black Blade
Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing Hoarah Loux, Warrior
Radagon of the Golden Order Elden Beast

Optional Bosses

Limgrave Optional Bosses
Beastman of Farum Azula Bloodhound Knight Darriwil
Demi-Human Chiefs Flying Dragon Agheel
Guardian Golem Leonine Misbegotten
Mad Pumpkin Head Miranda the Blighted Bloom
Patches Runebear
Scaly Misbegotten Soldier of Godrick
Stonedigger Troll Tree Sentinel
Liurnia of the Lakes Optional Bosses
Adan, Thief of Fire Alabaster Lord
Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader Bols, Carian Knight
Bloodhound Knight Glintstone Dragon Smarag
Glintstone Dragon Adula Magma Wyrm Makar
Royal Revenant Spirit-Caller Snail
Caelid Optional Bosses
Battlemage Hugues Black Blade Kindred (Caelid)
Commander O'Neil Decaying Ekzykes
Fallingstar Beast Flying Dragon Greyll
Frenzied Duelist Magma Wyrm
Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest Putrid Tree Spirit
Altus Plateau Optional Bosses
Ancient Dragon Lansseax Crucible Knight Ordovis
Demi-Human Queen Gilika Demi-Human Queen Maggie
Demi-Human Queen Margot Draconic Tree Sentinel
Elemer of the Briar Esgar, Priest of Blood
Fell Twins Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
Godefroy the Grafted Kindred of Rot
Mohg, The Omen Necromancer Garris
Onyx Lord Perfumer Tricia
Red Wolf of the Champion Sanguine Noble
Virgin Abductors Wormface
Mountaintops of the Giants Optional Bosses
Astel, Stars of Darkness Black Blade Kindred (Mountaintops of the Giants)
Borealis the Freezing Fog Commander Niall
Misbegotten Crusader Putrid Grave Warden Duelist
Great Wyrm Theodorix Vyke, Knight of the Roundtable
Siofra River Optional Bosses
Ancestor Spirit Valiant Gargoyles
Mimic Tear
Ainsel River Optional Bosses
Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella -
Deeproot Depths Optional Bosses
Crucible Knight Siluria -
Multiple Location Optional Bosses
Ancient Hero of Zamor Black Knife Assassin
Bell Bearing Hunter Cemetery Shade
Cleanrot Knights Crucible Knight
Crystalian Death Rite Bird
Deathbird Erdtree Avatar
Erdtree Burial Watchdog Godskin Apostle
Godskin Noble Grafted Scion
Grave Warden Duelist Mad Pumpkin Head
Misbegotten Warrior Night's Cavalry
Omenkiller Tibia Mariner
Dragonkin Soldier -


All Bosses in Elden Ring
Elder Dragon Greyoll Lion Guardian
Valiant Gargoyle (Leyndell) -

Hostile NPCs and Invaders

Limgrave Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Bloody Finger Nerijus Old Knight Istvan
Recusant Henricus -
Liurnia of the Lakes Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Great Horned Tragoth Festering Fingerprint Vyke
Altus Plateau Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger Inquisitor Ghiza
Maleigh Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan Rileigh the Idle
Vargram the Raging Wolf & Errant Sorcerer Wilhelm Magnus the Beast Claw
Mountaintops of the Giants Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood -
The Roundtable Hold Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Mad Tongue Alberich -
Multiple Location Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater -


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