Elden Ring

Fia Quest and Location

Elden Ring - Fia
Fia is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in The Roundtable Hold. Read on to learn more about Fia's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

Fia Quest Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

Meet Fia at the Roundtable Hold

Warm Embrace

To begin Fia's questline, players will first need to go to the Roundtable Hold. Once there, speak to Fia and embrace her to receive a consumable called the Baldachin's Blessing.

Note: As stated previously, hugging Fia will always give you a 5% HP debuff. Pay attention to the debuff icon (red square with a downwards arrow) as you will need to embrace her throughout her questline.

How to Get to The Roundtable Hold

Ask Fia About Rogier

Ask for the Black Knifeprint Clue

This step is entirely optional. However, if you want to find out more about Godwyn and the Night of the Black Knives, continue Rogier's questline and interact with Fia to unlock more dialogue options.

Additionally, completing these interactions will have Fia share that Rogier has been a constant companion of hers. This will explain why Rogier begins to waste away and die as you progress through the game.

Rogier Questline and Location

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Defeat Godrick the Grafted
Check Icon Get the Clue to the Black Knife Catacombs

Defeat Godrick the Grafted

Elden Ring - Godrick the Grafted

In order to unlock this dialogue option, Rogier must already have returned to the Roundtable Hold. In order to do that, players will need to have defeated Godrick the Grafted at Stormveil Castle in Limgrave.

How to Beat Godrick the Grafted

Get the Clue to the Black Knife Catacombs

Obtain the Knifeprint Clue

If players have progressed through Rogier's questline and are now wondering how to get the Black Knifeprint, Fia will provide a clue. To get it, head over to her room and embrace her again. In the middle of the embrace, choose the Do you know...? option.

After talking to her, Fia should give you a map depicting the Black Knife Catacombs in Liurnia. This conversation will also include more lore about Deathbed Companions, which is what Fia truly is.

Hear Out Fia's Small Request

Receive the Weathered Dagger

To get the next part of Fia's questline, players will have to embrace her and exhaust her dialogue until the option May I ask a favor? appears. Select it and Fia will give you the Weathered Dagger. She will then ask that you return it to its owner.

Return the Weathered Dagger to D

Give D the Weathered Dagger

After receiving the Weathered Dagger, speak to D, Hunter of Dead inside the Roundtable Hold. Choose the option to give the dagger to him.

Once done, reload the area and head to the previously locked door near Fia's room (down the hall from Hewg). Inside Fia will have already killed D. At this point, players can loot D's armor set and Bell Bearing from his corpse.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Progress D, Hunter of the Dead's Questline
Check Icon Speak to Fia After She Kills D

Progress D, Hunter of the Dead's Questline

D Hunter of the Dead

In order to give the dagger to D, players will need to progress his quest to the point where he tells you to go meet Gurranq and feed him Deathroot. This can be done by obtaining a piece of Deathroot and showing it to him at the Roundtable Hold.

D, Hunter of the Dead Questline and Location

Speak to Fia After She Kills D

Speak to Fia after She Kills D

To progress Fia's questline, speak to her after she kills D, Hunter of the Dead. Exhaust her dialogue to get her to leave the Roundtable Hold and move to the Deeproot Depths.

Go to the Deeproot Depths

Deeproot Depths

In order to meet Fia again, players will need to go to the Deeproot Depths underneath the Erdtree. While there are two methods to reach the region, Ranni's route will be required as you will need a key item from her to progress Fia's questline.

Ranni the Witch (Renna) Questline and Location

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Defeat Starscourge Radahn
Check Icon Find the Siofra Aqueduct
Check Icon Give D's Brother His Armor Set (Optional)
Check Icon Defeat the Valiant Gargoyle Duo
Check Icon Use the Coffin to Go to the Deeproot Depths

Defeat Starscourge Radahn

Starscourge Radahn

To reach the Deeproot Depths, players will first need to access the large area above the Siofra River called Nokron. Defeat Starscourge Radahn to open up a crater in Limgrave that takes you to this previously locked region.

How to Beat Starscourge Radahn

Find the Siofra Aqueduct

The way to the Deeproot Depths will be through the Siofra Aqueduct to the northeast of Nokron. Defeat the Mimic Tear boss guarding the bridge leading to the rest of Nokron before heading over and exploring the aqueduct.

Siofra Aqueduct Location and What to Do

Give D's Brother His Armor Set

World View Map Location

This step is entirely optional. For players who want to get D's unique weapon called the Inseparable Sword, give the Twinned Armor Set to his brother in the Siofra Aqueduct. However, do note that Fia will be killed if you hand over the armor.

Defeat the Valiant Gargoyle Duo

The final obstacle to the Deeproot Depths is the Valiant Gargoyle Duo boss battle. Defeat both of them to access the coffin which takes you to the Deeproot Depths.

Warning: Unlike other Gargoyle enemies, these two will have a poison mist attack that rapidly builds up poison while also dealing damage. This spreads out over a wide area, so try to bring one of them down early to make the fight easier.

How to Beat Valiant Gargoyles: Boss Fight Guide

Use the Coffin to Go to the Deeproot Depths

World View Map Location

Near the waterfall at the back of the Valiant Gargoyles' large boss room is a coffin. Interact with it to trigger a cutscene that loads you into the Deeproot Depths.

Unlock the Across the Roots Site of Grace

The Deeproot Depths is a large underground region inhabited by ghostly knights and death-spewing basiliks. Explore it until you get to the Across the Roots site of grace. Just north of this site will be Fia at the foot of the Prince of Death's Throne.

Defeat Fia's Champions

Defeat Fias Champions

First Battle Fia's Champion
Second Battle Sorcerer Rogier
Final Battle Lionel the Lionhearted and 2 of Fia's Champions

Before you can speak to Fia, you will need to defeat her champions. This will be a series of battles where you fight enemies similar to NPC invaders. In total, there will be 5 enemies to fight before you can speak to Fia.

Defeating all 5 attackers will reward you with a new sorcery spell called Fia's Mist. When cast, this spell builds up the Death status effect that can insta-kill players when the bar is full.

Hug Fia and Ask About the Cursemark

Map Location
World View

With her champions dealt with, speak to Fia and choose the option No, I want to be held. This will progress her questline, allowing you to unlock her intended ending for the game.

During the embrace, choose the dialogue option Talk in secret. Fia will tell you that she is actually looking for the Cursemark of Death which will help her resurrect Godwyn.

Obtain the Fingerslaying Blade for Ranni

Give the Fingerslaying Blade to Ranni

Before you can get the Cursemark of Death, players will need to progress Ranni's questline until the point where you give her the Fingerslaying Blade. In return, she will reward you with the Carian Inverted Statue - a key item needed to get the Cursemark in Liurnia.

Note: Despite having unlocked multiple locations related to Ranni's questline, you will not be able to open the chest containing the Fingerslaying Blade until you join Ranni's cause.

How to Complete Ranni's Questline

Obtain the Cursemark of Death

Map Location
World View
Cursemark of Death

To get the Cursemark, head over to the Carian Study Hall in Liurnia. Use the Carian Inverted Statue to transform the interior of the building and explore it until you reach Divine Tower of Liurnia. The Cursemark of Death can be found on Ranni's mortal flesh atop the tower.

Carian Study Hall Location and What to Do

Give the Cursemark to Fia

Give the Cursemark of Death to Fia

With the Cursemark secure, return to Fia at the foot of the Prince of Death's Throne. Embrace her again then select the option to Give the Cursemark of Death.

Once you give the cursemark to Fia, she will reward you with a unique item called the Radiant Baldachin's Blessing. Unlike the normal blessing, having this in your inventory will not give you an HP debuff.

Enter the Deathbed Dream

Enter the Deathbed Dream

Before Fia goes to sleep beside the corpse of Godwyn, players will need to embrace her a few more times to exhaust her dialogue.

Reload the area each time until you find her asleep. Once she finally sleeps, approach and interact with her to enter the Deathbed Dream.

Defeat Lichdragon Fortissax

Lichdragon Fortissax

The final boss of Fia's questline is Godwyn's befriended dragon - Lichdragon Fortissax. Defeat this monstrous creature to progress Fia's quest to its final chapter.

How to Beat Lichdragon Fortissax

Obtain the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince

Mending Rune of the Death-Prince

After defeating the Lichdragon, players will exit the Deathbed Dream and return to Fia's side. While she sleeps, the Mending Rune of Death will be lootable from her body.

As long as players manage to loot this item, Fia's twist to Elden Ring's ending will be secure. Reload the area and you will be able to loot Fia's Hood and Fia's Robe from where she sleeps.

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

Watch D's Brother Kill Fia

Brother of D Kills Fia

If players gave D's Brother his armor, the twin will appear after you find the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince and reload the area. Watch the scene unfold as D's Brother holds his bloodied sword high above Fia's corpse.

Speak to the twin and exhaust his dialogue. Once done, reload the area again to retrieve Fia's Clothes and the entire Twinned Armor Set that you gave away earlier. Additionally, players will also get D's Inseparable Sword as a drop.

Fia Location

Located at Ranni's Rise

Map Location World View

Fia can be found inside her Bedchambers next to Smithing Master Hewg. From the Table of Lost Grace, take the eastern corridor and you should find the doors to her room.

How to Get to The Roundtable Hold

Fia Armor and Weapon Drops

This NPC Cannot be Attacked

Fia Information and Lore


  • In her homeland, Fia is what is known as a Deathbed Companion. Akin to necromancers, Deathbed Companions embrace and receive the lifely vigour from a number of champions before they lay beside a dead lord or noble in order to resurrect them. Naturally, this type of practice is frowned upon by adherents of the Golden Order.
  • Fia, after coming to the Lands Between, sought to resurrect Godwyn the Golden. Being the first demigod to die, Godwyn died a half-death, forfeiting his soul while his body remained alive.
  • With his supposedly noble life stolen away from him, Fia collects the vigour of champions to hopefully lie beside Godwyn, Prince of Death in the Deeproot Depths and give the fallen demigod a new chance at life.
  • Naturally, servants of the Golden Order like D, Hunter of the Dead and his twin brother would not suffer Those Who Live in Death to persist. It is with their persecution in mind that Fia kills D.


  • Players can find a Deathbed Dress set and Lionel the Lionhearted's armor set in the lower levels of Leyndell, Royal Capital. Both will be on a bed right next to the Lower Capital Church site of grace (the small chapel guarded by an Omenkiller).
  • Lionel the Lionhearted, according to his armor description, considers himself a father figure to Fia. Due to the Deathbed Dress description, it can be inferred that Lionel was perhaps resurrected by Fia in the Lower Capital Church.
  • Deathroot, the key item you feed Gurranq, is in fact a blossoming of the Rune of Death after having spread via the Erdtree's Roots. And, if you've visted the Deeproot Depths, you will know that at the base of the roots is Godwyn the Prince of Death's still living corpse.

Fia Quotes

"Greetings, great champion called by grace. I am Fia."
"Great champion, would you allow me to hold you, but briefly? Perhaps you might share with me some of your lifely vigour, and your stout-heartedness. Doing so will grant me the warmth of a champion And you, I am sure, will bear a baldachin's blessing."
"You are...very warm..What you felt light up inside you was a baldachin's blessing Though it is but a fleeting thing, I am afraid. Come back to me, should you require another. I will take you in my arms as often as you need."
"I was known as a Deathbed Companion, where I come from. After I received the warmth and lifely vigour from a number of champions, I lay with the remains of an exalted noble, to grant him another chance at life. To do so is the purpose of my being. But before I could bear the noble into new life, I was awakend by the guidance of grace, and chased from my birthplace."
"Pray, be kind. Despite all that, I still wish to be a Deathbed Companion. So please, let me hold you like this, as often as it takes."
"My dear... Might I ask something of you? Could you please find the owner of this dagger, and return it to them? A ceratin person gave it to me, as a gift. It's a very precious thing. It must have a special place in the owner's heart. So I would like for the original owner to have it back, if you wouldn't mind."
"Finally, it is returned to its rightful place. The stolen hallowbrand, of the exalted noble. And now, I must bid you goodbye as well. Though I ask you deliver this message to the Roundtable Hold. I am Fia, Deathbed Companion. Hark, Roundtable. Disturb not the Death of Godwyn, the exalted. We, who humbly live in death... Live in waiting, to one day welcome our Lord."
"You are an odd one. I am the guardian of Those Who Live in Death. They call me foul and rotten witch. Yet you still wish to be held by me?"
"You are my - our true champion. And though I can't be of any use to you... Can I hold you tight, if only for a moment? "

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