Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

All Backhand Blades List

This is a list of all existing Backhand Blades in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to see a list of all Backhand Blades, their stat scaling, requirements, and their respective weapon skills!

List of Backhand Blades

Weapon Phys DMG Sec DMG Skill Scaling
Backhand Blade Icon Backhand Blade 105 --- Blind Spot D/D/-/-/-
Smithscript Cirque Icon Smithscript Cirque 100 --- Blind Spot D/D/E/E/-
Curseblade Curseblade's Cirque 108 --- Deadly Dance E/C/-/-/-

How to Use Backhand Blades

Dodge with Sidesteps and Use Quick Slashing Attacks

Elden Ring - Reverse-Grip Blades from Trailer

Backhand Blades, as the name suggests, are held with a backhand grip. Backhand Blades excel in unleashing quick slashing and thrusting attacks to retaliate after sidestepping enemy attacks.

Backhand Blades are swift and agile weapons that can be dual wielded, and usually scale with Dexterity and Strength.

Stats Explained: Stat Effects and the Best Stats

How to Access Backhand Blades

Requires Shadow of the Erdtree DLC

Backhand Blades and the rest of the new weapons included in the DLC are accessed by interacting with Miquella's Egg at the Cocoon of the Empyrean Site of Grace in Mohgwyn Palace, after defeating Starscourge Radahn and Mohg, Lord of Blood.

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC must be purchased and installed to access the new content.

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Guide

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## List of Weapons by Stat Scaling
Strength Dexterity Intelligence
Faith Arcane
## List of Weapons by Damage Types
StandardStandard StrikeStrike SlashSlash PiercePierce
MagicMagic FireFire HolyHoly LightningLightning
## List of Weapons by Status Effects
BleedBleed FrostFrost RotScarlet Rot
SleepSleep PoisonPoison MadnessMadness
## List of Weapon Types
Melee Weapons
Axes Claws
Colossal Swords Colossal Weapons
Curved Greatswords Curved Swords
Daggers Fists
Flails Greataxes
Greatswords Great Hammers
Great Spears Halberds
Hammers Heavy Thrusting Swords
Katanas Reapers
Spears Straight Swords
Thrusting Swords Torches
Twinblades Whips
Spellcasting Weapons
Glintstone Staves Sacred Seals
Ranged Weapons
Light Bows Bows
Greatbows Crossbows
Small Shields Medium Shields
DLC Weapons
Backhand Blades Beast Claws
Great Katanas Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Light Greatswords Perfume Bottles
Throwing Blades Thrusting Shields


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