Elden Ring

All Bell Bearing Locations

Elden Ring - List of Bell Bearings

Bell Bearings are Key Items that you can offer to the Twin Maiden Husks to unlock different bolstering materials and items for purchase in Elden Ring. Read on to see a list of all bell bearings and how to obtain them.

List of Bell Bearings

All Bell Bearings
Smithing-Stone Miner Somberstone Miner Glovewort Picker
Ghost-Glovewort Picker Bell Bearing Hunters NPC Bell Bearings

Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearings

Item Where to Get / Effect
Smithing-Stone MinerSmithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 1 ・ Defeat the Crystalian at the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Smithing-Stone MinerSmithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 2 ・ Inside a treasure chest at the first illusory wall inside the Sealed Tunnel at Altus Plateau.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Smithing-Stone MinerSmithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 3 ・ In the basement area of Zamor Ruins at the Mountaintop of the Giants.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Smithing-Stone MinerSmithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 4 ・ Defeat the Godskin Duo in Crumbling Farum Azula.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:

The Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing allows you to unlock Smithing Stones that can be purchased at an unlimited amount from the Twin Maiden Husks.

Smithing Stones are used to upgrade Standard weapons. We recommend obtaining the bell bearings as you progress the story.

Smithing Stones Farming Guide

Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearings

Item Where to Get / Effect
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 1 ・ Defeat the Fallingstar Beast at the Sellia Crystal Tunnel.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 2 ・ Defeat the two Crystalian bosses inside the Altus Tunnel.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 3 ・ On a dead body outside the First Church of Marika.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 4 ・ On a dead body near the Tempest-Facing Balcony at the Crumbling Farum Azula.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 5 ・ From the Dragon Temple Rooftop site of grace, head to the back of the dragon and through the scaffolding in the Crumbling Farum Azula.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:

The Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing allows you to unlock Somber Smithing Stones that can be purchased at an unlimited amount from the Twin Maiden Husks.

Somber Smithing Stones are used as bolstering materials to upgrade Special or Legendary Weapons such those weapons dropped by bosses.

Somber Smithing Stones Farming Guide

Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearings

Item Where to Get / Effect
Glovewort PickerGlovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 1 ・ Defeat the Erdtree Burial Watchdog in Wyndham Catacombs.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Glovewort PickerGlovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 2 ・ Defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit at the Giants' Mountaintop Catacombs.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Glovewort PickerGlovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 3 ・ In a gazebo in front of the Wormface enemies at the Crumbling Farum Azula.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:

The Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing allows you to unlock Grave Gloveworts that can be purchased at an unlimited amount from the Twin Maiden Husks.

Grave Gloveworts are used as bolstering materials to upgrade Standard spirit ashes such as the Spirit Jellyfish Ashes.

Grave Gloveworts Farming Guide

Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearings

Item Where to Get / Effect
Ghost-Glovewort PickerGhost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 1 ・ On a dead body at the gazebo area near the Nokron, Eternal City site of grace.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Ghost-Glovewort PickerGhost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 2 ・ Inside a treasure chest in the room with slime-like enemies west of Nokstella, Eternal City.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Ghost-Glovewort PickerGhost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 3 ・ Near a gravestone north of the Haligtree Roots site of grace at the Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:

The Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing allows you to unlock Ghost Gloveworts that can be purchased at an unlimited amount from the Twin Maiden Husks.

Ghost Glovewort are used as bolstering materials to upgrade Special and Legendary spirit ashes with special names such as Banished Knight Oleg and Lhutel the Headless.

Ghost Gloveworts Farming Guide

Bell Bearing Hunters' Bell Bearings

Item Where to Get / Effect
Gravity Stone PeddlerGravity Stone Peddler's Bell Bearing ・ Defeat the Bell Bearing Hunter at the Isolated Merchant's Shack in the Caelid region.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Bone PeddlerBone Peddler's Bell Bearing ・ Defeat the Bell Bearing Hunter at the Warmaster's Shack at the Limgrave region.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Meat PeddlerMeat Peddler's Bell Bearing ・ Defeat the Bell Bearing Hunter at the Church of Vows at the Liurnia of the Lakes region.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:
Medicine PeddlerMedicine Peddler's Bell Bearing ・ Defeat the Bell Bearing Hunter at the Hermit's Shack at the Altus Plateau region.
Unlocks the following from Twin Maiden Husks:

Several bell bearings dropped by the Bell Bearing Hunters offer different items that can be purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks.

How to Beat Bell Bearing Hunter

NPC Bell Bearings

Item Where to Get / Effect
KaleKale's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from Kale's corpse after killing him at the Church of Elleh.
Unlocks items sold by Kale as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
ThopsThops's Bell Bearing ・ Give Thops the Academy Glintstone Key and travel to the Schoolhouse Classroom site of grace at the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Find his dead body sitting on a chair outside the room.
Unlocks items sold by Thops as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
RogierRogier's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from where Rogier can be found in the Roundtable Hold if he dies during his questline.
Unlocks items sold by Rogier as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
IjiIji's Bell Bearing ・ Complete Blaidd's and Ranni's questlines and head to the Road to the Manor site of grace to pick up the bell bearing from Iji's corpse.
Unlocks items sold by Iji as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
SeluvisSeluvis's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from Seluvis's corpse after completing Ranni's questline.
Unlocks items sold by Seluvis as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
DD's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from D's corpse after progressing through Fia's questline.
Unlocks items sold by D as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
PidiaPidia's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from Pidia's corpse after progressing through Ranni the Witch's questline.
Unlocks items sold by Pidia as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
BernahlBernahl's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from Bernahl's corpse after killing him at the Warmaster's Shack.
Unlocks items sold by Bernahl as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
CorhynCorhyn's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up on the ground after Corhyn disappears at the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Unlocks items sold by Corhyn as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
GostocGostoc's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from Gostoc's corpse after killing him at Stormveil Castle.
Unlocks items sold by Gostoc as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
BlackguardBlackguard's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from Blackguard Big Boggart's corpse if he dies at the end of his questline.
Unlocks items sold by Blackguard Big Boggart as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
SellenSellen's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from Sorceress Sellen's corpse after siding with Jerren.
Unlocks items sold by Sorceress Sellen as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
GowryGowry's Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from Gowry's corpse at his shack after challenging Millicent.
Unlocks items sold by Gowry as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.
PatchesPatches' Bell Bearing ・ Pick up from Patches' corpse if you choose to kill him in his questline.
Unlocks items sold by Patches as purchasable items from the Twin Maiden Husks.

Different NPCs and merchants drop their respective bell bearing if you kill them or if they die as part of their questline. Offering these to the Twin Maiden Husks unlocks the items that they sell, preventing them from being unobtainable.

List of Characters - All NPCs

How to Use Bell Bearings

Select Dedicate Bell Bearing at the Twin Maiden Husks

Elden Ring - Select Dedicate Bell Bearing at the Twin Maiden Husks
Head to the Roundtable Hold and talk to the Twin Maiden Husks. Select "Offer a bell bearing" to give the item to them to unlock new purchasable items.

Twin Maiden Husks Location and Items Sold

What are Bell Bearings?

Key Items that Unlock Purchasble Items from the Twin Maiden Husks

Elden Ring - Key Items that Unlock Items from the Twin Maiden Husks

Bell Bearings are a type of Key Item that you can offer to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold to unlock new purchasable items.

These items can be obtained as a reward for defeating bosses or as a loot from dungeons.

List of All Key Items

Do Bell Bearings Carry Over in NG+?

Some Bell Bearings Carry Over

Bell Bearings Carrying Over to NG+
General Items and Crafting Bone Peddler's Bell Bearing
Meat Peddler's Bell Bearing
Medicine Peddler's Bell Bearing
Gravity Stone Peddler's Bell Bearing
Bolstering Materials Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing
Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing
Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing
Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing

As of Patch 1.05, the above Bell Bearing types will carry over the New Game Plus according to the official patch notes.

This applies to NG+ playthroughs started after the patch. Playthroughs made before it must manually recover all Bell Bearings before they can be carried over.

Other Bell Bearings not listed above will be lost and must be acquired again if you begin a playthrough on New Game Plus.

New Game Plus Guide

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

The "Where to get" part for Somberstone for Miner's Bell Bearing 1 is wrong. It's the same as regular bell bearing 1


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