Elden Ring

Dung Eater Quest and Location

Elden Ring - Dung Eater
Dung Eater is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in The Roundtable Hold. Read on to learn more about Dung Eater's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

Dung Eater Quest Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

Go to the Altus Plateau

Go to the Altus Plateau

To get the Dung Eater to spawn, players will need to reach the Altus Plateau. This can be done by activating the Grand Lift of Dectus or by taking the path through the Ruin-Strewn Precipice.

Exploration Options
Activate the Grand Lift of Dectus (Safe Option)
Brave the Ruin-Strewn Precipice (Boss Fight)

Activate the Grand Lift of Dectus

Activate the Grand Lift of Dectus

To activate the Grand Lift of Dectus, players will need to retrieve both the Dectus Medallion (Left) and Dectus Medallion (Right). They can be found at Fort Haight and Fort Faroth, respectively.

Once both halves are secured, use the completed medallion at the lift to go up to the Altus Plateau.

Grand Lift of Dectus Location and What to Do

Brave the Ruin-Strewn Precipice

Magma Wyrm Makar Boss

Alternatively, players can brave the dangerous Ruin-Strewn Precipice and defeat Magma Wyrm Makar. While riskier, opening up this path will allow you to have a much easier time with other NPC quests later on.

Ruin-Strewn Precipice Location Guide

Speak to the Dung Eater at the Roundtable Hold

Appears in the Roundtable Hold

Speaking to the Dung Eater will have him dismiss you until players can show him a Seedbed Curse. The easiest ones to obtain will be in Leyndell.

Once one is retrieved, present the Seedbed Curse to the Dung Eater back at the Roundtable Hold to progress his questline.

Quest Objectives
Defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel
Find the Nearest Seedbed Curse
Give the Seedbed Curse to the Dung Eater

Defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel

Draconic Tree Sentinel Boss Image

To enter the Royal Captial, head over to the eastern entrance of Leyndell and defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel guarding the way forward.

Note: Before you can actually enter the city, you will need to have at least two Great Runes in your possession. Otherwise, the way into the city will remain blocked.

How to Beat Draconic Tree Sentinel

Find the Nearest Seedbed Curse

World View Map Location

From the East Capital Rampart site of grace, make your way into the capital. Run past all the trumpeter enemies and take the first elevator down. In the room with a Perfumer enemy, there will be a ladder. Use it to go up to the top of the structure where the Seedbed Curse can be found on a seated corpse.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Give the Seedbed Curse to the Dung Eater

Show the Seedbed Curse to the Dung Eater

With the Seedbed Curse secure, fast travel back to the Roundtable Hold. Return to the Dung Eater's phantom and exhaust his dialogue until he senses the Seedbed Curse on you. After he sees it, he will give you the Sewer-Gaol Key and direct you to the gaol holding his physical body captive.

Meet His Real Body in Leyndell

Map Location
World View

In order to commune with the Dung Eater's physical body, players must head over to the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds in Leyndell. Once there, run to his cell and unlock it using the gaol key.

Speak to him then fast travel back to the Roundtable Hold. Head back to where the Dung Eater was previously sitting and read the note telling you to meet him at the outer moat of Leyndell.

Subterranean Shunning-Grounds Walkthrough and Location

Defeat Him at the Leyndell Outer Moat Invasion

Map Location
World View

At this point, players will need to fight the Dung Eater as an invader. Head over to the marked area of Leyndell's outer moat where the Dung Eater will appear and fight you. Do not fight in the area marked by a red circle. This area will spawn a crab monster that makes the fight even harder.

Defeating the Dung Eater will reward players with his weapon called the Sword of Milos. Once beaten, head back to the Roundtable Hold and speak to the Dung Eater inside the room you first met him in.

Death of Blackguard Big Boggart

Death of Blackguard

The Blackguard in Boilprawn Shack will appear in the outer moat for players who befriended him in Liurnia of the Lakes. Speak to him there (he will be boiling crabs) and he will express his fear of the Dung Eater.

Reload the area in order to watch him live his last moments. After exhausting his dialogue, he will drop his Bell Bearing as well as a Seedbed Curse. Loot him before reloading the area again to trigger the invasion.

Get the Dung Eater Puppet (Optional)

How to Get the Dung Eater Puppet

This step is optional and is only for players who do not plan to get the Dung Eater's ending. To turn him into a summonable puppet, players will need to start Seluvis' questline and acquire Seluvis's Potion.

However, instead of giving it to Nepheli, go to the Dung Eater's tied-up body in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds. Feed him the potion to unlock him for purchase from Seluvis using 5 Starlight Shards.

Seluvis Questline and Location

Give the Dung Eater Five Seedbed Curses

Give the Dung Eater Five Seedbed Curses

At this point, the Dung Eater will ask you to keep giving him Seedbed Curses. To do so, obtain a Seedbed Curse from any of these locations and return to his cell inside the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds. Speak to him to give his physical body any Seedbed Curses you currently have.

Remaining Seedbed Curse Locations
Leyndell Outer Moat Leyndell, Fortified Manor
Volcano Manor Haligtree, Upper Level
Haligtree, Secret Balcony

Lenydell Outer Moat Seedbed Curse

World View Map Location

To get this Seedbed Curse, players will need to befriend Blackguard Big Boggart by buying prawns from him. Once he is your friend, head over to the Altus Plateau to get Blackguard to move to Leyndell's Outer Moat. Start doing Dung Eater's quest after he moves so that Blackguard dies and drops the Seedbed Curse.

Note: This Seedbed Curse can be skipped to keep Blackguard Big Boggart alive. To do so, only buy prawns from him in Liurnia after you beat Dung Eater's invasion.

Blackguard Big Boggart Quest Guide

On a Corpse Inside the Leyndell Fortified Manor

World View Map Location

From the West Capital Rampart site of grace, make your way to the lower area behind the large Valiant Gargoyle (where the dogs are). Climb up the stables and enter the Leyndell Fortified Manor.

Once inside, you will notice that the area shares the same layout as the Roundtable Hold. Simply make your way to the room similar to where you find the Dung Eater at the Roundtable Hold and the Seedbed Curse should be on another seated corpse.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Behind the Stonesword Key Fog Gate in Volcano Manor

World View Map Location

To find this Seedbed Curse, players will need to explore the Volcano Manor legacy dungeon until they reach a large room with a Man-Serpent Mage (wears large, round helmet). On the balcony opposite the large throne will be a door that leads to a fog gate.

Open the fog gate using 2 Stonesword Keys and drop down to the bottom floor of the large room using the suspended steel cages. In one end of this room is a seated corpse with a Seedbed Curse.

Volcano Manor Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough

Found in the Upper Level of Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree

Path to Upper Level
Use the marked ledge to go to the area in the middle with a Cerulean Tear Scarab.
Jump to the opposite ledge and go up. The Seedbed Curse will be on a seated corpse.

From the Prayer Room site of grace, follow the all stairs down until you reach a Haligtree Soldier with a torch, looking over a balcony. Use the ledges opposite the balcony to make your way to the upper levels and get the Seedbed Curse from another seated corpse.

Miquella's Haligtree Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Found in a Hidden Balcony at the Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree

Again, from the Prayer Room site of grace, keep going down the stairs until you come across two Haligtree Soldiers outside the room with Cleanrot Knights. Defeat them and jump down the hidden ledge to their right. Follow the dark passageway down until you reach a room with the final Seedbed Curse on another seated corpse.

Retrieve the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse

Get the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse

To unlock the Blessing of Despair ending, players will need to feed the Dung Eater a total of 5 Seedbed Curses. After the fifth one is consumed, Dung Eater will die. Pick up the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse from his body and use it at the end of the game to view his ending.

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

Dung Eater Location

Located at the Roundtable Hold

Can be found in the room beside the Twin Maiden Husks.

The Dung Eater can be found in the room near the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold.

How to Get to The Roundtable Hold

Dung Eater Armor and Weapon Drops

Weapon Sword of Milos
Armor Omen Helm
Omen Armor
Omen Gauntlets
Omen Greaves
Items ・3000 Runes

Dung Eater Information and Lore


  • The Dung Eater is a menacing killer and defiler of corpses. Each murder he commits results in a body maimed and cursed beyond recognition. It is from these victims that the Seedbed Curse springs forth.
  • He was imprisoned inside the gaol in Leyndell, at the Altus Plateau, for the crimes he committed. However, for some reason, he can still project himself within the Roundtable Hold.
  • Eventually, the Dung Eater will come to realize that it is from within himself that the Fell Curse must grow and blossom. He consumes the Seedbed Curses, defiling his body so that a mending rune may emerge that brings about the Blessing of Despair.


  • Speaking to Roderika after she becomes a Spirit Tuner will prompt some dialogue stating that she can hear and sense the wrongness emanating from the other side of the Roundtable Hold. She will try her best to warn the player away from that area.
  • The Dung Eater shared the same prison as Blackguard Big Boggart. He killed and defiled Boggart's friend, forever scarring the bandit despite having escaped the gaol.
  • Dung Eater's sword, Milos, was made using the backbone of an unsightly and grotesque giant sharing the same name. Its cursed visage is fitting for the grim work the Dung Eater partakes in.

Dung Eater Quotes

"Have you ever felt the curse, with your whole being? The pox upon life itself, feared and despised by all. The reviled blessing. Apparently not. You are but a lamb. A stranger to defilement. Ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me."
"I've been here long enough. I will kill again. And defile each corpse with care. Just to be sure. That when they're reborn...They'll be cursed. Along with their children, and their children's children, for all time to come..."
"Let me out! Let me out of here! Must eat more! Defile more! Everything that matters to you! For generations to come! I am the Dung Eater! A scourge upon the living!"
"I've been here long enough. I will kill again. And defile each corpse with care. Just to be sure. That when they're reborn... They'll be cursed. Along with their children, and their children's children, for all time to come..."
"I will kill you, and defile your corpse. Then the pox will truly be your own. I'll give you a good blessing. You'll be the nourishment for the pox."
"There you are. You warded off my blessing. Despite the curse stirring within you. No one has succeeded in that before. How? I thought. Then it hit me. That you are, in fact, me. And I...am the Dung Eater. It is my flesh that must receive the blessing."
"Give me your blessing. Defile my flesh with the seedbed curse. Again and again. Until it is done. Until a cursed ring coalesces, that may one day defile Order itself. Countless, I have killed. And countless, I have defiled. And soon the fruits will be borne."
"Hundreds will be reborn cursed, and they'll bear thousands of cursed children, who'll bear tens of thousands more. A few of those will be born just like me, and they'll kill, and defile, and bless in my stead! The rotten fools. My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all!"

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