Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Freyja's Greatsword Location, Stats, and Scaling

Freyja's Greatsword is a Curved Greatsword in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree that scales with Strength and Dexterity. Read on to learn how to get the Freyja's Greatsword, as well as its location, description, upgrades, stat requirements, and best Ashes of War.

Freyja's Greatsword Location

Note: Freyja's Greatsword is only available if you own the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

Obtained by Defeating Leda and Her Allies in Enir-Ilim


Realm of Shadow

Freyja's Greatsword is obtained from Freyja's body at the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom in Enir-Ilim after defeating Leda and her allies. If you haven't seen all the interactions with Freyja before burning the sealing tree, Freyja's Greatsword will appear on other locations instead based on her questline's progress.

The weapon will appear in front of the Storehouse, Seventh Floor site of grace if you didn't bring her the Letter to Freyja quest item from Ansbach before burning the sealing tree, or at the Three-Path Cross in Gravesite Plain if you did not talk to Freyja at all before reaching Enir-Ilim.

Redmane Freyja Quest and Location

How to Reach Freyja and Leda

Once you have burned the sealing tree, you will be transported immediately to Enir-Ilim. Activate the Enir-Ilim: Outer Wall site of grace and follow the stairs upward. Head past the Divine Beast Warrior and into the building to find the First Rise site of grace above the stairs to your left.
From the First Rise site of grace, head out the southwest doorway and go up the stairs into the courtyard. Cross the small broken bridge in front then take the stairs going up to progress further.
Head past the Divine Beast Warrior into the stairs leading up. Deal with the Erdtree Priest casting Spira and keep running up the stairs. Open the double doors at the top to find the Spiral Rise site of grace.
Take the spiral staircase up and enter the first window you see on your left where another Erdtree Shaman is. Take a right into the series of roofs with the Gravebirds and a series of stairs until you encounter yet another Divine Beast Warrior.
From the tower behind the Divine Beast Warrior, head northeast and enter the tower on your right. Climb the spiral staircase and eliminate the nearby Erdtree Priests by the lift.
Exit the south doorway and follow the path where you will encounter another Divine Beast Warrior. Past him will be the Cleansing Anteroom Chamber site of grace.
Go up the next set of stairs to meet Leda. Invade her through the red summon sign and defeat her team so you can loot Freyja's Greatsword, the Golden Lion Shield, and Freyja's armor set from Freyja's body.

Freyja's Greatsword Description and Stats Overview

Basic Information

Elden Ring - FreyjaFreyja's Greatsword Overview
Type: Curved Greatsword
ATK Type: Slash
Skill: Spinning Slash
Weight: 14.0

Required Stats to Equip

25 14 0 0 0

Stat Scaling

C E - - -

Basic Stats

Phys. Atk. 146 Phys. Def. 74.0
Mag. Atk. 0 Mag. Def. 39.0
Fire Atk. 0 Fire Def. 39.0
Lght. Atk. 0 Lght. Def. 39.0
Holy Atk. 0 Holy Def. 39.0
Crit. Atk. 100 Guard Boost 48

Freyja's Greatsword Upgrades

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Base vs. Max Max Upgrades Req. Materials

Base and Max Level Comparison

Lvl. Phys. Dmg. Sec. Dmg. STR DEX INT FAI ARC
+0 146 0 C E - - -
+25 357 0 B E - - -

Max Upgrade Level in Each Affinity

This section is under construction!

Required Upgrade Materials

Levels Material Quantity
+1~+3 Smithing Stone 1 (2/4/6)
+4~+6 Smithing Stone 2 (2/4/6)
+7~+9 Smithing Stone 3 (2/4/6)
+10~+12 Smithing Stone 4 (2/4/6)
+13~+15 Smithing Stone 5 (2/4/6)
+16~+18 Smithing Stone 6 (2/4/6)
+19~+21 Smithing Stone 7 (2/4/6)
+22~+24 Smithing Stone 8 (2/4/6)
+25 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (1)

Freyja's Greatsword requires a total of 12 Smithing Stones for every 3 levels to upgrade, with the exception of the final level at +25 which requires an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

Smithing Stones Farming Guide

Freyja's Greatsword Ashes of War

Freyja's Greatsword Best Ashes of War

Best Freyja's Greatsword Ash of War
: Flame of the RedmanesAsh of War: Flame of the Redmanes : Savage LionAsh of War: Savage Lion's Claw : LionAsh of War: Lion's Claw

The best ashes of war to infuse Freyja's Greatsword with are Flame of the Redmanes, Lion's Claw, and its stronger version, Savage Lion's Claw as this weapon boosts the power of Redmane battle skills.

List of All Ashes of War and Weapon Skills

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Weapons

All Weapons List

Weapon Guides

Best Weapons Tier List Best DLC Weapons
DLC Weapons All Weapon Locations
What Weapons to Get First Best DLC Strength Weapons
DLC Bleed Weapons DLC Unique Weapons
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List of Weapons by Stat Scaling

Strength Dexterity Intelligence
Faith Arcane

List of Weapons by Damage Types

StandardStandard StrikeStrike SlashSlash PiercePierce
MagicMagic FireFire HolyHoly LightningLightning

List of Weapons by Status Effects

BleedBleed FrostFrost RotScarlet Rot
SleepSleep PoisonPoison MadnessMadness

List of Weapon Types

Melee Weapons
Axes Claws
Colossal Swords Colossal Weapons
Curved Greatswords Curved Swords
Daggers Fists
Flails Greataxes
Greatswords Great Hammers
Great Spears Halberds
Hammers Heavy Thrusting Swords
Katanas Reapers
Spears Straight Swords
Thrusting Swords Torches
Twinblades Whips
Spellcasting Weapons
Glintstone Staves Sacred Seals
Ranged Weapons
Light Bows Bows
Greatbows Crossbows
Small Shields Medium Shields
DLC Weapons
Backhand Blades Beast Claws
Great Katanas Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Light Greatswords Perfume Bottles
Throwing Blades Thrusting Shields


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