Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Jolan Quest and Location

Elden Ring - Jolan Questline and Location

Jolan is an NPC that serves Ymir at the Church of Manus Metyr in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to learn more about Jolan's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

Jolan Quest Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

1. Talk to Ymir at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr

Talk to Ymir at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr
To get Jolan to acknowledge your character, you must first speak to Ymir. Accept their quest to receive a map leading to the Finger Ruins of Rhia. This is required to get Jolan to talk to you.

Ymir Quest and Location

2. Talk to Jolan After Getting the Ruins Map

Talk to Jolan After Getting the Ruins Map
After you receive the Ruins Map from Ymir, look for Jolan nearby. She will be leaning against one of the pillars inside the Cathedral. Speak to her and exhaust her dialogue to continue her quest.

How to Solve the Ruins Map

3. Progress Ymir's Quest

Progress Ymir
Jolan's questline is tied directly with Ymir. To unlock more parts of Jolan's quest and additional interactions, you will need to continue progressing Ymir's questline.

Jolan Gets New Dialogue as You Complete Objectives for Ymir

  • After ringing the Finger Ruins of Rhia bell.
  • After defeating the invader, Anna.
  • After ringing the Finger Ruins of Dheo bell.

While this doesn't affect the quest's outcome, it allows Jolan to eventually warm up to the Tarnished since her dialogue will slowly start to be a bit more accepting. After ringing the bell at the Finger Ruins of Dheo, Jolan and Ymir will disappear from the church, temporarily.

Jolan Appears as a Gold Summon for Messmer the Impaler

Jolan Appears as a Gold Summon for Messmer the Impaler
If you progressed Ymir's quest and reported back to him that you've rung the bell at Finger Ruins of Rhia, Jolan will become available as a gold summon for the Messmer the Impaler boss battle at Shadow Keep. Her gold summon sign will appear to the left as you enter the boss room.

Note: This step is optional and will not affect the outcome of Jolan's quest. Her summon sign will still be available so long as you have not yet defeated Metyr.

Messmer the Impaler Boss Guide

4. Defeat Metyr, Mother of Fingers

Defeat Metyr, Mother of Fingers

As part of Ymir's questline, you will eventually have to fight Metyr, Mother of Fingers, who is found in the Finger Ruins of Miyr, beneath Ymir's throne.

Sound the hanging bell at the end of the path to fight Metyr. Defeating her will reward you with the Remembrance of the Mother of Fingers and progress Ymir's questline.

Metyr, Mother of Fingers Boss Guide

Defeat Swordhand of Night Anna in the Finger Ruins of Miyr

While making your way to the Finger Ruins of Miyr bell and Metyr, you will be invaded by Jolan's sister, Swordhand of Night Anna. Defeat her to keep progressing the quest.

5. Return to the Cathedral to Fight Jolan and Ymir

Return to the Cathedral to Fight Jolan and Ymir
After beating Metyr, head back to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. Inside, you will be attacked by Jolan and Ymir. Defeat both to finish Ymir's quest and progress Jolan's.

6. Talk to Jolan After Defeating Ymir

Once Jolan and Ymir are beaten, reload the area to find Jolan slumped against the pillar she originally leaned against. Speak to her and she will tell you she can no longer see the stars. This triggers the next part of her quest.

7. Obtain an Iris of Grace or Occultation

To help Jolan, you will need to obtain either an Iris of Grace or an Iris of Occultation. These are difficult to come by and only a few can be found in-game. Here are some locations where you can find the irises:

Iris of Grace Locations

# World View Map Location
One Iris of Grace is found in the Shadow Keep. Fast travel to the West Rampart site of grace and keep heading east into the Living Jar room. The Iris of Grace will be in front of an altar with a fleshy enemy guarding it.
Another Iris of Grace is found at the Scadutree Base. Drain the water flooding the Church district then head to the building west of the Sunken Chapel and follow the hallway to the right. This leads to the Tree-Worship Passage. Follow the path until you reach the headless Statue of Marika where you'll find the Iris of Grace.

Iris of Occultation Locations

# World View Map Location
One Iris of Occultation is dropped by an Omenkiller in the corpse-strewn sewers of the Fort of Reprimand. From the Fort of Reprimand site of grace, look west and down over the wall. Jump down into the square-shaped hole below to reach the mass grave with the Omenkiller.
The second Iris of Occultation is dropped by an Ulcerated Tree Spirit found in the northern part of the Church District's courtyard in the Shadowkeep. You will have to drain the water flooding the Church District to access this area.

8. Give the Iris of Grace or Occultation to Jolan

Choice Reward Effect
Give the Iris of Grace. Swordhand of Night Jolan Spirit Ashes Jolan's quest continues.
Give the Iris of Occultation. Sword of Night Jolan's quest ends.

Once you have one of each item secure, return to Jolan at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. Choose to give her either the Iris of Grace or Iris of Occultation. The choice you make here will affect the ending of Jolan's quest.

For players who want Jolan's quest to continue, make sure to give her the Iris of Grace. If you give her the Iris of Occultation, you will receive her weapon but her quest will end there.

Fire Knight Queelign Also Uses Irises for Their Questline

Fire Knight Queelign Also Uses Irises for Their Questline
Another NPC named Fire Knight Queelign will also need one of either Iris for their questline. Similar to Jolan, you'll have to choose between giving them the Iris of Grace or the Iris of Occultation.

Fire Knight Queelign Quest and Location

9. Reunite Jolan and Anna at Rabbath's Rise

If you choose to give Jolan the Iris of Grace, you can take her Spirit Ashes with you to Rabbath's Rise in Scadu Altus. Here, you can reunite her with Anna to get the Jolan and Anna Spirit Ashes. Once reunited with her sister, Jolan's quest concludes.

Fast travel to the Hinterland site of grace in Scaduview first and head southeast towards the large plateau until you reach Shaman Village.

Continue heading south towards the cliff and you should see rock platforms along the edge that you can hop onto.
Keep going down until you spot a balcony at the top of Rabbath's Rise. Hop onto the small roof above the balcony so you can safely land your steed.
You should see a puppet inside the tower that looks similar to Jolan's armor. Interact with it to reunite Jolan with Anna and receive the Jolan and Anna Spirit Ashes.

This Spirit Ash can be reverted to just Jolan by interacting with the puppet again and removing Anna from the bond.

Jolan Location

Found in the Main Hall of the Cathedral of Manus Metyr

Can be found leaning against one of the pillars inside the throne room of the Cathedral of Manus Metyr.

Can be found inside the Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Scadu Altus. This area can only be reached by using the underground passage in Moorth Ruins that takes you to Bonny Village.

To reach the Cathedral of Manus Metyr, players will need to reach the eastern side of Scadu Altus. This can be done by using the tunnel beneath the Moorth Ruins to reach Bonny Village. From there, it's a short ride over to the Cathedral.

Cathedral of Manus Metyr Location

Jolan Armor and Weapon Drops

Choice Drop
Give Jolan an Iris of Occultation. Elden Ring - Sword of NightSword of Night
Give Jolan an Iris of Grace. Elden Ring - Swordhand of Night JolanSwordhand of Night Jolan Spirit Ashes
Take Jolan's Ashes to Rabbath's Rise. Elden Ring - Jolan and AnnaJolan and Anna Spirit Ashes

Jolan's drops will depend on the choices you make at the end of her quest. When giving her an Iris, the type will determine whether you get her weapon or her spirit ashes. If you get her spirit ashes, it can be upgraded at Rabbath's Rise in Scadu Altus when you reunite her with the puppet of her sister, Anna.

How to Beat Swordhand of Night Jolan

Tips for Beating Jolan

Interrupt Jolan's Stance Flurry

For Swordhand of Night Jolan's signature attack, she raises her sword arm up in a stance before unleashing two flurries of dark slashes.

If you are far enough, she won't even reach you, but in close quarters, you can stagger her with either a normal or uncharged heavy attack to interrupt her animation.

Avoid Her Bleeds

Jolan will frequently switch between two-handing her sword and holding a sword and shield. When two-handing, she swings her sword much faster to inflict rapid Bleed buildup on you.

Either stagger her or carefully move in and out of her danger zone to attack her to avoid getting bled to death. She'll have no ranged attacks or methods of quickly closing distance, so keep your distance until ready to attack.

Break Her Posture

As previously mentioned, Jolan is easy to stagger, even with normal attacks. Use this to your advantage by combining charged heavy attacks and jump attacks to break down her posture, even when her shield is up, and set her up for a critical hit.

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