Elden Ring

Ranni the Witch (Renna) Quest and Location

Elden Ring - Ranni the Witch Banner

Ranni the Witch is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in Limgrave. Read on to learn more about Ranni the Witch's quest walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

Ranni the Witch Quest Walkthrough

How to Complete Rannis Questline

Ranni the Witch is one of Elden Ring's more notable characters, with her questline connected to several NPCs and tied to the Age of Stars ending for the game. Follow the steps below to complete her questline and unlock her alternate ending.

Quest Objectives

Meet Ranni in Ranni's Rise

Map Location
World View

To begin Ranni's questline, players will need to reach the Three Sisters area via Caria Manor in Liurnia. Once there, head over to Ranni's Rise and speak to her at the very top.

It is here that Ranni will tell you that her real name is, in fact, Ranni the Witch and not Renna. Agree to serve Ranni to begin her questline.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Defeat Royal Knight Loretta
Check Icon Complete Rogier's Questline (Optional)
Check Icon Meet Ranni and Her Servants

Defeat Royal Knight Loretta

Royal Knight Loretta Boss - Elden Ring

In order to access the Three Sisters area, players will first need to defeat its guardian, Royal Knight Loretta. She is a tough, agile boss that uses a lot of spell attacks, so make sure to prepare for her fight accordingly.

How to Beat Royal Knight Loretta

Complete Rogier's Questline

Rogier and the Knifeprint

For players who want to keep Rogier alive for a little longer, do not meet Ranni unless you have already given him the Black Knifeprint. Otherwise, speaking to Ranni will cause him to enter a deep sleep and eventually die.

Rogier Questline and Location

Meet Ranni and Her Servants

Meet the Servants of Ranni

After you pledge your service to Ranni, she will ask you to meet her servants in the tower's lower floors. Speak to Iji, Blaidd, and Seluvis, before returning to Ranni and exhausting her dialogue.

Help Blaidd at the Siofra River

Blaidd the Half-Wolf - Siofra River

Your new task is to help Blaidd find the entrance to Nokron, Eternal City. Meet up with him at the Siofra River and help him look for a way to reach the elusive city.

Note: You can skip this entire arc and just head over to Caelid to fight Radahn. However, you will be missing out on some story dialogue from Sellen, as well as interactions with both Seluvis and Blaidd.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Go to the Siofra River
Check Icon Speak to Blaidd at the Siofra River

Go to the Siofra River

For players who have not gone to the Siofra River, this underground area can be accessed by using the Siofra River Well elevator in Limgrave. Head over there and explore the underground area until you find Blaidd.

Siofra River Interactive Map and Region Guide

Speak to Blaidd at the Siofra River

Once you find Blaidd, speak to him about Nokron. He will ask you to look for a way into the city while also suggesting that Seluvis may know a thing or two about finding the path to Nokron. Complete this part of his questline to know more about Ranni's destiny.

Blaidd the Half-Wolf Questline and Location

Defeat Starscourge Radahn

Starscourge Radahn

If you helped out Blaidd, you will know that the only way to get to Nokron is by defeating Starscourge Radahn. Head over to Redmane Castle in Caelid, and participate in the Festival of Combat organized by Jerren.

Once the general is defeated, the way to Nokron should now be open. Speak to Blaidd beside the site of grace before heading over to the new underground entrance in Limgrave.

How to Beat Starscourge Radahn

Retrieve the Fingerslaying Blade in Nokron

Map Location
World View

With the way to Nokron open, the next step is getting the Fingerslayer Blade key item. The blade can be found inside a building that has a giant corpse sitting on top of it.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Go to Nokron via the Limgrave Crater
Check Icon Defeat the Mimic Tear Boss
Check Icon Retrieve the Fingerslaying Blade

Go to Nokron via the Limgrave Crater

Map Location
World View

Nokron's entrance will appear in Limgrave, just south of the Mistwood Ruins. Fast travel to the Fort Haight West site of grace to arrive at the lip of the crater, immediately.

Descend into the underground via the opening and explore this new location situated above the Siofra River. The goal is to make it to the large fog gate of the Mimic Tear boss fight.

Nokron, Eternal City Location and What to Do

Defeat the Mimic Tear Boss

Mimic Boss Fight

Another boss players will have to face will be in Nokron itself. Dubbed The Mimic, this boss will copy your current character's loadout and fight you with it. Defeat it in order to unlock the path to the Fingerslayer Blade.

Tip: Since the Mimic copies your character loadout, enter the arena with your weapons unequipped. Once it finishes copying your character, re-equip your items and fight against a boss that only uses fists.

Retrieve the Fingerslaying Blade

Retrieve the Fingerslaying Blade

The Fingerslaying Blade can be found inside a large chest to the north of the Night's Sacred Ground site of grace. Loot the chest to get the key item as well as a Great Ghost Glovewort used to upgrade renowed ashes to +10.

Warning: Silver tears will patrol the streets leading up to the structure with the chest. Pay close attention to the Mimic Tear right in front of the building as it takes on the form of a large troll.

Give the Fingerslaying Blade to Ranni

Give the Fingerslaying Blade to Ranni

With the blade secure, return to Ranni's Rise and give the blade to Ranni. She will thank you for your services and reward you with the Carian Inverted Statue. Exhaust her dialogue to continue her quest.

Note: The statue can be used to obtain the Cursemark of Death from the Caria Study Hall. This key item is used during Fia's questline.

Follow Ranni to the Ainsel River

Ranni will now have left the tower. To follow her, head over to Renna's Rise (the previously locked tower) within the Three Sisters area. At the very top should be a waygate that takes you to the Ainsel River Main.

Loot the Miniature Ranni key item in the coffin directly in front of you, then keep speaking to it at the nearby site of grace to prompt Ranni's next task for you. Defeat the Baleful Shadow to fulfill her request.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Go to the Ainsel River via Renna's Rise
Check Icon Retrieve and Speak to Miniature Ranni
Check Icon Go to Nokstella the Eternal City

Go to the Ainsel River via Renna's Rise

Go to Rennas Rise

To follow Ranni to the Ainsel River, players will need to head to Renna's Rise and use the waygate at the top. Interact with it to teleport to the Ainsel River Main area.

Note: Ranni's armor set can be found in Renna's Rise. After using the ladder to climb up to the upper floors, immediately turn around and there should be a chest there containing the Snow Witch Robe, Snow Witch Hat, and Snow Witch Skirt.

Retrieve and Speak to Miniature Ranni

Speak to Miniature Ranni at the Ainsel River

After teleporting, loot the item inside of a coffin directly in front of you. This will be the Miniature Ranni key item you need to progress. Keep speaking to her at the nearby site of grace until she gives you your next task.

Note: The option to speak to Miniature Ranni will only appear in two sites of grace. For this part of the quest, the Ainsel River Main site of grace will unlock the option to speak to it.

Go to Nokstella the Eternal City

After Ranni gives you the task, keep following the river until you arrive at Nokstella, Eternal City. There will be an elevator along the river that takes you down to the Baleful Shadow.

Nokstella, Eternal City Location and What to Do

Defeat the Baleful Shadow

Baleful Shadow Mini-Boss

The Baleful Shadow is a mini-boss that takes on the form of Blaidd the Half-Wolf. Players will need to defeat it in order to acquire the Discarded Palace Key.

Warning: Just like NPC invaders, this mini-boss also has the ability to use Crimson Flasks that restore its HP. Keep an eye out for when it does to immediately go in for a punish.

Speak to Miniature Ranni at Ranni's Rise

Talk to Miniature Ranni in Rannis Chambers

While this step is entirely optional, players can return to Ranni's Rise for additional dialogue with Miniature Ranni. Simply head up to Ranni's old room and rest at the new site of grace there. The option for more dialogue will appear while resting.

Retrieve the Dark Moon Ring

Retrieve the Dark Moon Ring

A key part to Ranni's questline is the defeat of Rennala, Queen of the Moon, one of the main story bosses in Elden Ring.

After securing the Discarded Palace Key from the Baleful Shadow, you will need to return to the Raya Lucaria Grand Library and open the chest next to Rennala. Retrieve the Dark Moon Ring from the chest as this will be needed to get to the Moonlight Altar after Astel.

Defeat Astel Naturalborn of the Void

Astel Naturalborn of the Void Boss Fight

The last boss to be beaten to reach Ranni's final meeting location is Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. Defeat him in order to unlock the tunnel leading to the Moonlight Altar area in Liurnia.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Cross the Lake of Rot
Check Icon Enter Coffin at the Grand Cloister
Check Icon Defeat Astel and Unlock the Moonlight Altar

Cross the Lake of Rot

Cross the Lake of Rot

Behind where you fought the Baleful Shadow is an elevator leading down to an entirely new area called the Lake of Rot. Players will have to cross it and enter the large temple on the other side.

Tip: Try not to waste Preserving Boluses here. The bridges you can trigger will not cover the entire distance, so it will be better to just out-heal the damage and keep running until you reach the large temple structure on the other side.

Enter Coffin at the Grand Cloister

Once inside the temple called the Grand Cloister, parkour your way down and follow the river of blood. Enter the coffin you find to the left of the worshipping enemies and use it to get to Astel's boss arena.

Defeat Astel and Unlock the Moonlight Altar

Astel Naturalborn of the Void

After emerging from the coffin, enter the large fog gate and defeat Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. He is the last obstacle between you and the Moonlight Altar area.

How to Beat Astel, Naturalborn of the Void

Go to the Moonlight Altar

Go to the Moonlight Altar

With the Dark Moon Ring in your possession, head to the back of Astel's boss room and go through the large corridor leading up to an elevator. Take the elevator up to arrive at the southwest end of Liurnia called the Moonlight Altar

This area will have a lot of items to find and bosses to fight, however, the goal is to reach the Cathedral of Manus Celes at the top of the large hill.

Meet Ranni Under the Cathedral of Manus Celes

Map Location
World View

Once you reach the Cathedral of Manus Celes enter the hole beside the site of grace. Follow it all the way down to find Ranni at the end of the tunnel.

Approach her and put the Dark Moon Ring on her finger. Eventually, she will appear before you in her witch garb for a goodbye. At the end of this, players will receive the Dark Moon Greatsword as a reward.

Summon Ranni at the Erdtree

Rannis Blue Summon Sign

With all the steps complete, Ranni's Age of Stars ending should now be unlocked once players defeat the Elden Beast. Use the Blue Summon Sign next to Marika to get Ranni's ending.

Warning: Players can still be locked out of this ending if they embrace the Three Fingers and inherit the Frenzied Flame. The only way to re-unlock it is by getting Miquella's Needle during Millicent's questline.

How to Get the Age of the Stars Ending

Ranni the Witch Location

Located at the Church of Elleh

Map Location World View

You can find Ranni the Witch sitting on the ruined walls of the Church of Elleh. The church is directly north from the First Step Site of Grace and close to the patrolling Tree Sentinel boss.

Only Appears After Meeting Melina

Meeting Ranni the Witch

Ranni the Witch only appears after the Tarnished receives the Spectral Steed Ring from Melina at the Gatefront site of grace. Players will need to fast travel to the Church of Elleh in order to meet her for the first time.
How to Fast Travel

Gives the Spirit Calling Bell

Gives the Spirit Calling Bell

When players first meet Ranni, she will introduce herself as Renna and ask whether you are the new master of Torrent (the mount). Answering yes will have her give you the Spirit Calling Bell and the Lone Wolf Ashes.

How to Summon Spirit Ashes

Ranni the Witch Armor and Weapon Drops

Has no Drops and Cannot Be Attacked

Ranni is major character in Elden Ring; players cannot deal damage against her, therefore she has no drops.

If you fancy Ranni's armor, the Snow Witch armor set is identical to what she's wearing in game.

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