Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Church District Walkthrough and Location Guide

Elden Ring - Shadow Keep, Castle District
The Church District in Shadow Keep is a location in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. See how to get to the Church District, drain the water, get the key, and the Sites of Grace, items, equipment, and bosses in the Church District.

Shadow Keep Walkthroughs
Shadow Keep (Main Entrance) Specimen Storehouse
Church District Shadow Keep, Back Gate

Church District Location

How to Get to Church District

Elden Ring - How to Get to Church District

The Church District can only be accessed through the eastern entrance of Shadow Keep.

This east entrance and a good portion of the eastern section of the Scadu Altus are accessed only by going through the underground cave near Moorth Ruins.

Enter Moorth Ruins' Underground Cave

World View Map View

This underground cave can be found at the bottom of a large hole southeast of the Moorth Ruins.

This cave will lead you to Bonny Village, where you can cross the bridges to the east and then follow the path north towards the Church District.

Realm of Shadow DLC Interactive Map

How to Drain the Water in Church District

Push the Canal Gate Lever

Step Directions
From the Church District Entrance Grace, jump to the building rooftops to the west until you reach the one with the Fire Knight.
Jump to the arch between the pillar and the larger cathedral rooftop to the south. Climb the arch to the rooftop with the large hole in the middle.
Drop down from the cathedral rooftop to the section below with the crabs. Then, head west to the hallway with the Fire Knight.
Take the first left in the curved hallway. This will take you to a section with the bat enemies.
Pass through the bats and climb the ladder to reach the lever for the canal gates. Pushing this lever will drain the water in the Church District.

The water in the Church District can be drained by pushing the lever on the castle walls south of the cathedral.

Using the lever will drain the water in the Church District and unlock a new section to explore.

Right below the lever will be a path you can drop down to reach the Sunken Chapel Site of Grace.

Church District Key

Obtained from Queelign's Invasions

Church of Crusade Belurat, Tower Settlement

The Prayer Room Key is used to unlock the door in the Church District.

This key is obtained by defeating Queelign twice as he invades you in Belurat, Tower Settlement and in the Church of the Crusade.

Fire Knight Queelign Quest and Location

Church District Sites of Grace

Sites of Grace

Site of Grace Location
Church District Entrance Found at the start of the area as you enter Shadow Keep from the east entrance.
Sunken Chapel Elden Ring - Sunken Chapel Map Location In the chapel right below the canal gate lever that unfloods the whole area where this Site of Grace is.
Tree-Worship Passage Elden Ring - Tree-Worship Passage Map Location In the north hallway of the previously flooded cathedral, there's a lift that takes you to this Site of Grace.
Tree-Worship Sanctum Elden Ring - Tree-Worship Sanctum Map Location From the Tree-Worship Passage Grace, follow the path north and cross the bridge. This grace will be after the stairs to the side of the Marika statue.

Realm of Shadow DLC Interactive Map

Church District Equipment and Items

Equipment and Notable Items

Scadutree Fragment

World Location Map Location

A Scadutree Fragment can be obtained on top of one of the hands of a Marika statue in the center of the curved hallway on the second floor of the large, central cathedral of the Church District.

Scadutree Fragments are used to obtain the Scadutree Blessing, which increases the damage you deal and decreases the damage you take while in the Realm of Shadow.

All Scadutree Fragment Locations

Queelign's Greatsword

World Location Map Location

Queelign's Greatsword can be obtained as a reward by giving him an Iris of Occultation when you find him in his prayer room in the Church District.

Obtaining this weapon locks you out of obtaining the Fire Knight Queelign Spirit Ashes.

The Prayer Room Key used to unlock this door in the Church District can be obtained through Queelign's questline.

Queelign's Greatsword is a standard Heavy Thrusting Sword that deals a small portion of Fire damage and scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Faith.

Queelign's Greatsword Stats and Scaling

Fire Knight Queelign Spirit Ashes

World Location Map Location

The Fire Knight Queelign Spirit Ashes can be obtained as a reward by giving him an Iris of Grace when you find him in his prayer room in the Church District.

Obtaining this weapon locks you out of obtaining the Queelign's Greatsword.

The Prayer Room Key used to unlock this door in the Church District can be obtained through Queelign's questline.

Fire Knight Queelign Spirit Ash Details

Death Mask Helm

World Location Map Location

The Death Mask Helm reduces the FP cost of summoning spirits.

A Fire Knight drops this helm at the bottom of the main cathedral.

You must first drain the water to access this area.

Death Mask Helm Stats

Fire Knight's Seal

World Location Map Location

The Fire Knight's Seal boosts Messmer's flame incantation and scales primarily with Faith.

This Sacred Seal can be found behind the Marika statue in the previously flooded main cathedral to the west of the Church District.

Fire Knight's Seal Stats and Scaling

Mantle of Thorns

World Location Map Location

The Mantle of Thorns is a sorcery that surrounds the user in thorns, making their dodge rolls deal damage.

This sorcery is dropped by an Ulcerated Tree Spirit near the large withered tree northeast of the Crhuch District's Sunken Chapel Site of Grace.

Mantle of Thorns Details and How to Use

Great Ghost Glovewort

World Location Map Location

This Glovewort can be obtained on top of the arches to the south of the Church District Entrance. You must jump on to the building rooftop then to the floating rafts to get to this item.

Draining the water makes the item drop to the ground as its previous location will be inaccessible.

Great Ghost Gloveworts are used to upgrade Spirit Ashes from +9 to +10.

Besides levels, you can upgrade your spirit ashes' stats by earning the Revered Spirit Ash Blessings.

Revered Spirit Ash Locations and Revered Spirit Ash Blessings

Battlefield Priest's Cookbook 1

World Location Map Location

The Battlefield Priest's Cookbook 1 unlocks the recipe to craft Golden Grease and Drawstring Golden Grease.

This can be obtained from the platform above before the lift to the Tree-Worship Passage Site of Grace.

Crafting Kit Location

Iris of Occultation

World Location Map Location

Dropped by an Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the northern section of the previously flooded section of the Church District.

The Iris of Occultation is primarily used to acquire weapons from Jolan's and Queelign's questlines..

Jolan Quest and Location

Iris of Grace

World Location Map Location

This Iris of Grace is found in front of a Marika Statue right before the Tree-Worship Sanctum Site of Grace.

The Iris of Grace is primarily used to acquire Spirit Ashes from Jolan's and Queelign's questlines.

Fire Knight Queelign Quest and Location

Marika's Rune

World Location Map Location

Marika's Rune is a consumable item that can be used to acquire 80000 runes.

This item can be obtained right behind the Tree-Worship Sanctum Site of Grace.

All Scadutree Fragment Locations and Scadutree Blessings Explained

Church District Boss

Scadutree Avatar

World Location Map Location
・Miquella's Great Rune
Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower

The Scadutree Avatar is the boss you encounter in the Scadutree Base at the bottom of the Church District.

Scadutree Avatar Weakness and Location

Church District NPCs and Quests

Fire Knight Queelign

World Location Map Location

You can find the Fire Knight Queelign behind a locked door in the Church District as you drop down from the large rooftop hole.

The Prayer Room Key used to unlock this door can only be obtained by defeating Fire Knight Queelign twice as he invades you in Belurat or the Church of Crusade.

Fire Knight Queelign Quest and Location

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Dungeons

All Dungeon Locations

DLC Dungeon Walkthroughs

Gravesite Plain Dungeons

Dragon's Pit Lamenter's Gaol Ruined Forge Lava Intake
Castle Ensis Ruined Forge of Starfall Past Fog Rift Catacombs
Belurat Gaol Rivermouth Cave Fog Rift Fort
Church of Consolation Scorched Ruins Western Nameless Mausoleum
Southern Nameless Mausoleum - -

Scadu Altus Dungeons

Fort of Reprimand Darklight Catacombs Eastern Nameless Mausoleum
Moorth Ruins Midra's Manse Stone Coffin Fissure
Church of the Crusade Bonny Village Bonny Gaol
Village of Flies Cathedral of Manus Metyr -

Land of the Tower Dungeons

Enir-Ilim Scorpion River Catacombs Taylew's Ruined Forge
Belurat, Tower Settlement Northern Nameless Mausoleum -

Shadow Keep Dungeons

Shadow Keep (Main) Specimen Storehouse Church District
Shadow Keep Back Gate Scadutree Chalice -

Dungeon Walkthroughs

Limgrave Minor Dungeons

Summonwater Village Stranded Graveyard Stormfoot Catacombs
Coastal Cave Groveside Cave Dragon-Burnt Ruins
Limgrave Tunnels Murkwater Cave Murkwater Catacombs
Deathtouched Catacombs Highroad Cave Waypoint Ruins
Castle Morne Impaler's Catacomb Earthbore Cave
Demi-Human Forest Ruins Tombsward Catacombs Morne Tunnel
Tombsward Cave

Liurnia of the Lakes Minor Dungeons

Stillwater Cave Lakeside Crystal Cave Cliffbottom Catacombs
Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel Black Knife Catacombs Ruin-Strewn Precipice
Academy Crystal Cave Kingsrealm Ruins Caria Manor
Cathedral of Manus Celes Road's End Catacombs

Caelid Minor Dungeons

Sellia, Town of Sorcery Minor Erdtree (Caelid) Gael Tunnel
Caelem Ruins Gaol Cave Abandoned Cave
Sellia Crystal Tunnel Divine Tower of Caelid Minor Erdtree (Greyoll's Dragonbarrow)
Swamp of Aeonia Caelid Catacombs War-Dead Catacombs
Sellia Hideaway Minor Erdtree Catacombs Dragonbarrow Cave

Altus Plateau Minor Dungeons

Perfumer's Grotto Sainted Hero's Grave Altus Tunnel
Dominula, Windmill Village Sealed Tunnel Auriza Hero's Grave
Auriza Side Tomb The Shaded Castle Sage's Cave
Lux Ruins Wyndham Ruins Wyndham Catacombs
Unsightly Catacombs Hermit Village Gelmir Hero's Grave
Seethewater Cave Volcano Cave Old Altus Tunnel
Subterranean Shunning-Grounds Leyndell Catacombs

Ainsel River Minor Dungeons

Nokstella, Eternal City Grand Cloister Lake of Rot

Siofra River Minor Dungeons

Nokron, Eternal City Hallowhorn Grounds (South) Hallowhorn Grounds (North)
Siofra Aqueduct

Mountaintops of the Giants Minor Dungeons

Castle Sol Giant-Conquering Hero's Grave Giants' Mountaintop Catacombs
Minor Erdtree (West Mountaintops of the Giants) Spiritcaller's Cave Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs
Yelough Anix Tunnel Cave of the Forlorn Minor Erdtree (Consecrated Snowfield)
Yelough Anix Ruins Zamor Ruins


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