Elden Ring

List of All Spirit Ashes

Elden Ring - All Spirit Ashes

Spirit Ashes are used to summon familiars to fight with you in Elden Ring. Check out our complete list of all Spirit Ashes and their locations, how to summon them, and how to upgrade them with Gloveworts.

Spirit Ash Guides
List of All Spirit Ashes Best Spirit Ashes All DLC Spirit Ashes

All Spirit Ash Summons

All Base Game Spirit Ashes

Note: More Spirit Ashes data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll horizontally.

※ Input a Spirit Ash you want to search for or select a type from the buttons below. You may also search by inputting a range of FP costs.

FP Cost~
Spirit Ashes Type FP Cost How to Get
AlbinauricAlbinauric Standard 53 FP On a corpse in the graveyard east of Caria Manor.
Ancestral FollowerAncestral Follower Standard 63 FP Drops form an Ancestor Spirit in Siofra River.
Ancient Dragon Knight KristoffAncient Dragon Knight Kristoff Legendary 108 FP Defeat the Ancient Hero of Zamor in the Sainted Hero's Grave.
ArcherArcher Standard 57 FP Obtained by pillaging a corpse in a balcony.
Avionette SoldierAvionette Soldier Standard 67 FP Pillaged from a corpse near a tombstone.
Azula BeastmanAzula Beastman Standard 102 FP Found on a sarcophagus at the lowest floor of the Dragon Temple in Crumbling Farum Azula.
Banished Knight EngvallBanished Knight Engvall Special 100 FP Defeat the Grave Warden Duelist in Murkwater Catacombs. Spirit automatically appears in inventory if the dungeon is cleared before Patch 1.03.
Banished Knight OlegBanished Knight Oleg Special 100 FP Acquired by defeating the Ulcerated Urtree in Fringefolk Hero's Grave.
Battlemage HuguesBattlemage Hugues Special 122 FP Defeat Battlemage Hugues in Sellia Evergaol.
Black Knife TicheBlack Knife Tiche Legendary 132 FP Defeat the Black Knife Ring Leader at the Ringleader's Evergaol.
Blackflame Monk AmonBlackflame Monk Amon Special 115 FP Defeat the Stray Mimic Tear at the Hidden Path to the Haligtree.
Bloodhound Knight FlohBloodhound Knight Floh Special 95 FP Defeat Red Wolf of the Champion in Gelmir Hero's Grave.
ClaymanClayman Standard 77 FP On a body at the edge of a waterfall in AInsel River Main.
Cleanrot Knight FinlayCleanrot Knight Finlay Legendary 127 FP Located in a chest next to a gazebo in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.
CrystalianCrystalian Standard 101 FP Inside a chest guarded by three Glinstone Sorcerers in Sellia Hideaway (Greyoll's Dragonbarrow).
Demi-HumanDemi-Human Standard 69 FP Drops from Erdtree Burial Watch Dog in Impaler's Catacombs.
Depraved Perfurmer CarmaanDepraved Perfurmer Carmaan Special 124 FP Obtained in a locked room.
Dolores the Sleeping Arrow PuppetDolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet Special 87 FP Dropped by Pidia, Carian Servant if Nepheli Loux did not drink Seluvis's Potion.
Dung Eater PuppetDung Eater Puppet Special 118 FP Can be bought from Perceptor Seluvis if you give Seluvis's Potion to the Dung Eater.
Fanged ImpFanged Imp Standard 50 FP Chosen as a Starting Keepsake Item.
Can be bought from the Isolated Merchant in Raya Lucaria Academy.
Finger Maiden Therolina PuppetFinger Maiden Therolina Puppet Special 82 FP Buy from Preceptor Seluvis after you have discovered his secret dungeon in the ruins between the Three Sisters in Liurna of the Lakes.
Fire MonkFire Monk Standard 85 FP In a room with frost breath statue traps. This is accessed by using an elevator hidden below the first elevator (send the first back up).
Giant RatGiant Rat Standard 0 FP Inside a stable guarded by several Giant Rats at the West Windmill Pasture.
Glintstone SorcererGlintstone Sorcerer Standard 49 FP Defeat the snail summoner boss inside the Road's End Catacombs at the Liurnia of the Lakes region.
Godrick SoldierGodrick Soldier Standard 54 FP Found on a body in a graveyard filled with Spirit Jellyfish southwest of Stormhill Shack in Limgrave.
Greatshield SoldierGreatshield Soldier Standard 74 FP Obtained by pillaging a corpse in a gravesite.
Haligtree SoldierHaligtree Soldier Standard 66 FP In front of large chalice statue overlook where you can see the 2nd Putrid Avatar in Brace of the Haligtree.
Jarwight PuppetJarwight Puppet Special 60 FP Buy from Preceptor Seluvis after you have discovered his secret dungeon in the ruins between the Three Sisters in Liurna of the Lakes.
Kaiden SellswordKaiden Sellsword Standard 88 FP Defeat the Erdtree Burial Watchdog in Cliffbotton Catacombs.
Kindred of RotKindred of Rot Standard 73 FP Drops from the Cemetery Shade in Caelid Catacombs.
Land SquirtLand Squirt Standard 240 HP On a body at a grave south of the Eastern Liurna Lake Shore Site of Grace.
Latenna the AlbinauricLatenna the Albinauric Special 74 FP Present the right half of the Haligtree Secret Medallion to Latenna at Slumbering Wolf's Shacks in Liurnia of the Lakes.
Leyndell SoldierLeyndell Soldier Standard 64 FP Found in a corpse in a room with a collapsing floor in Sainted Hero's Grave.
Lhutel the HeadlessLhutel the Headless Legendary 104 FP Acquired after defeating Cemetery Shade.
Lone WolfLone Wolf Standard 55 FP After obtaining the Spectral Steed Whistle, head to the Church of Elleh and speak with Renna.
Mad Pumpkin HeadMad Pumpkin Head Standard 110 FP Obtained after defeating the two Erdtree Burial Watchdog boss duo at the end of the Minor Erdtree Catacombs in Caelid.
Man-SerpentMan-Serpent Standard 62 FP Obtained on top of a stone table.
Marionette SoldierMarionette Soldier Standard 67 FP On a corpse guarded by Marionette Soldiers in the graveyard area of the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
Mausoleum SoldierMausoleum Soldier Standard 75 FP In front of a dead tree at the northernmost part of the Deeproot Depths.
Mimic TearMimic Tear Legendary 660 HP Obtained by opening a chest behind a fog wall.
Miranda SproutMiranda Sprout Standard 185 HP Hidden behind an illusory wall in the Caelid Catacombs, after the first Site of Grace.,
Nepheli LouxNepheli Loux Special 90 FP Get from Pidia, Carian Servant's body in Ranni's questline if you gave Nepheli Loux Seluvis's potion.
Nightmaiden & Swordstress PuppetsNightmaiden & Swordstress Puppets Special 97 FP Acquired by entering a structure that requires 2 Stonesword Key.
Noble SorcererNoble Sorcerer Standard 10 FP Defeating the Erdtree Burial Watchdog.
NomadNomad Standard 28 FP On a corpse past some basilisks in the Subterrenean Shunning-Grounds under Leyndell, Royal Capital.
Omenkiller RolloOmenkiller Rollo Special 113 FP Defeat the Fell Twins on the bridge connecting to the Divine Tower of East Atlus
Oracle EnvoyOracle Envoy Standard 72 FP On a body guarded by Oracle Envoys near the Haligtree Town Site of Grace.
PagePage Standard 81 FP Near the tomb on the final area of Cliffbottom Catacombs.
Perfumer TriciaPerfumer Tricia Special 78 FP Defeat Perfumer Tricia and Misbiegotten Warrior duo boss at Unsightly Catacombs.
Putrid CorpsePutrid Corpse Standard 40 FP Defeat the Frenzied Duelist at Gaol Cave.
Radahn SoldierRadahn Soldier Standard 71 FP On a room filled with Scarlet Rot guarded by a Clean Rot Knight spirit in War-Dead Catacombs
Raya Lucaria SoldierRaya Lucaria Soldier Standard 59 FP Inside a treasure chest in the Road's End Catacombs. You must hit an illusory wall near the end of the catacombs to access the area.
Redmane Knight OghaRedmane Knight Ogha Legendary 106 FP Defeat the Putrid Tree Spirit in War-Dead Catacombs in Caelid.
Rotten StrayRotten Stray Standard 35 FP On a corpse of a rotten stray dog south of the Sellia Under-Stair Site of Grace.
Skeletal BanditSkeletal Bandit Standard 22 FP Obtained by Defeating Tibia Mariner
Skeletal MilitiamenSkeletal Militiamen Standard 44 FP Obtained From Defeating Tibia Mariner
Soldjars of FortuneSoldjars of Fortune Standard 135 HP Drops from Grave Warden Duelist in Azuriza Side Tomb.
Spirit JellyfishSpirit Jellyfish Standard 31 FP Given to the Tarnished after conversing with the woman wearing a Red Hood at Stormhill Shack.
Stormhawk DeenhStormhawk Deenh Special 47 FP On the wooden platforms on the second floor of the Chapel of Anticipation only accessible after revisiting the area by teleporting at The Four Belfries.
Twinsage SorcererTwinsage Sorcerer Standard 89 FP Obtained after defeating Cemetery Shade.
Vulgar Militia Standard 70 FP Found on a body in a hidden northern area of Auriza Hero's Grave, Capital Outskirts.
Wandering NobleWandering Noble Standard 28 FP On a corpse propped against a coffin.
WarhawkWarhawk Standard 52 FP Obtained from completing the Painting Puzzle located in Stormveil Castle
Winged MisbegottenWinged Misbegotten Standard 37 FP Inside a pit guarded by Misbegotten in Unsightly Catacombs.

All DLC Spirit Ashes

Shadow of the Erdtree Spirit Ashes
Elden Ring - Curseblade MeeraCurseblade Meera Elden Ring - Bloodfiend HexerBloodfiend Hexer's Ashes Elden Ring - Gravebird AshesGravebird Ashes
Elden Ring - Fire Knight HildeFire Knight Hilde Spider Scorpion Ashes Inquisitor Ashes
Demi-Human Swordsman Yosh Elden Ring - Messmer Soldier AshesMessmer Soldier Ashes Elden Ring - Black Knight Commander AndreasBlack Knight Commander Andreas
Elden Ring - Black Knight Captain HuwBlack Knight Captain Huw Elden Ring - Bigmouth Imp AshesBigmouth Imp Ashes Man-Fly Ashes
Taylew the Golem Smith Elden Ring - Divine Bird Warrior OrnisDivine Bird Warrior Ornis Horned Warrior Ashes
Elden Ring - Ancient Dragon FlorissaxAncient Dragon Florissax Fingercreeper Ashes Elden Ring - Fire Knight QueelignFire Knight Queelign
Elden Ring - Swordhand of Night JolanSwordhand of Night Jolan Elden Ring - Jolan and AnnaJolan and Anna

All DLC Spirit Ashes

Legendary Spirit Ashes

Legendary Spirit Ashes
Lhutel the Headless IconLhutel the Headless Mimic Tear IconMimic Tear Black Knife Tiche IconBlack Knife Tiche
Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff IconAncient Dragon Knight Kristoff Cleanrot Knight Finlay IconCleanrot Knight Finlay Redmane Knight Ogha IconRedmane Knight Ogha

Legendary Spirit Ashes are a subset of Special Ashes and are among the strongest spirit ashes in the game. While they have a high FP cost to summon (HP for the Mimic Tear), they are guaranteed to provide great utility in battle.

Much like Legendary Armaments, collecting all 6 Legendary Spirit Ashes will net you one of Elden Ring's achievements called Legendary Ashen Remains (silver trophy).

How to Get Legendary Spirit Ashes

How to Summon Spirit Ashes

Obtain the Spirit Calling Bell from Ranni

Elden Ring - Talk to Renna at the Church of Elleh After Meeting with Melina
The Spirit Calling Bell is required in order to summon Spirit Ashes. To get it, you will first need to have spoken to Melina at either the Gatefront or Agheel Lake North site of grace.

After speaking to her (and while it's night time), fast travel back to the Church of Elleh where you will find Ranni. Tell her you're Torrent's new master to get the bell and the Lone Wolf ashes.

Note: If you miss this interaction with Ranni, both the Spirit Calling Bell and the Lone Wolf ashes will eventually be sold by Twin Maiden Husks back at the Roundtable Hold.

How to Get Spirit Calling Bell

Summon Spirit Ashes When You See a Summoning Icon

Elden Ring - Rebirth Monument and Summoning Icon
Once you have both the Spirit Calling Bell and a Spirit Ash, you need to be close to a Rebirth Monument to summon the Spirits Ashes. You'll know you're close to one if an icon of a glowing gravestone appears on the left side of your screen.

Remember, in order to summon a Spirit Ash, the following conditions will need to be met:

  • Requires the Spirit Calling Bell.
  • Summoning consumes either FP or HP (dependent on Spirit Ash).
  • Only 1 Spirit can be summoned in between rests at Sites of Grace.
  • Summoning is only possible when near Rebirth Monuments.
  • Summoning is unavailable during online play when another player present.
  • Furlcalling Finger Remedy must be disabled (re-use the item if it was enabled previously).

Your Spirit Ash will despawn if its HP is reduced to 0, an area's boss is defeated, you move too far away from the Rebirth Monument, or if you use the same Spirit Ash again.

How to Upgrade Spirit Ashes

Upgrade Spirit Ashes with Gloveworts

Grave Gloveworts Ghost Gloveworts
Elden Ring - Great Grave GlovewortGrave Gloveworts
For Standard Spirit Ashes
Elden Ring - Ghost GlovewortGhost Gloveworts
For Special and Legendary Spirit Ashes
[1] [2] [3] [1] [2] [3]
[4] [5] [6] [4] [5] [6]
[7] [8] [9] [7] [8] [9]
Great Grave Glovewort Great Ghost Glovewort

Each number, along with each Great form, refers to the upgrade range for a Spirit Ash.

Spirit Ashes can be strengthened to +10 by offering Gloveworts to Roderika at the Roundtable Hold (after unlocking Spirit Tuning). You will have to complete Roderika's questline first before you can start upgrading your summons.

Similar to upgrading Weapons, Standard Spirit Ashes are upgraded with Grave Gloveworts while the rarer, Special and Legendary types, require Ghost Gloveworts.

How to Upgrade Spirit Summons

How Many Spirits Ashes are in Elden Ring?

There are 64 Spirit Ashes in the Base Game

How Many Spirits
There are 64 types of Spirit Ash Summons in Elden Ring base game. 42 are Standard Spirit Ashes and 22 are Special Spirit Ashes (of which 6 are considered legendary).

What are Spirit Ashes?

Familiars That Fight With You

What are Spirits
Spirit Ashes are familiars that you can summon to help assist you in battle. They will appear on the field and attack enemies, providing ample support for when you need to deal extra damage or when diverting the attention of enemies and bosses.

Spirit Ashes Can Be Healed

Spirit Ashes have a health bar and can disappear when they've been beaten. Players can prolong the life of their summons by using healing items that affect allies such as Warming Stones or healing-related Incantations.

Elden Ring Related Guides

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

That's all of the summons . You can get the blood hound night in a cave near the valcano


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