Elden Ring

Carian Grandeur Ash of War Location and Effect

Carian Grandeur is an Ash of War in Elden Ring. Read on to learn the location of Carian Grandeur in-game, as well as how to use Carian Grandeur, its effect, and FP cost per cast.

Carian Grandeur Location

Found on a Corpse in Caria Manor

World View Map Location

Looted from a hanging corpse in Caria Manor. Just before the boss room door to Royal Knight Loretta, turn left and you should see a door hidden behind a copse of trees. Enter it and jump down to the lower levels using the wooden platforms, past a few living jars, until you find the corpse with the Ash of War.

Caria Manor Walkthrough and Location

Default Ash of War for the Carian Knight's Sword

Carian Grandeur is also the default Ash of War of the Carian Knight's Sword. This weapon can be obtained from the back of a carriage being pulled by Trolls in the northwest area of Liurnia of the Lakes.

Carian Knight's Sword Location and Stats

How to Use Carian Grandeur

Used to Deal Damage to Staggered Enemies

Carian Grandeur is a much more powerful version of Carian Greatsword. In can be charged up to 3 times to extend its reach and increase its damage. Due to its cast time, this is best used against enemies who are already Staggered or Slept.

Carian Grandeur Effect and Basic Info

Carian Grandeur Overview
Elden Ring - Carian Grandeur Ash of War
Creates a magical greatsword to strike your enemies.
Elden Ring - Magic Magic
FP Cost
Skill Type Ash of War
Infusable Weapons Swords (except Colossal Weapons)
Chargeable? Can be charged to deal more damage.

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