Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Best DLC Equipment

Elden Ring - Best DLC Equipment

This is a list of all the best equipment in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Learn about the best DLC weapons, armor, spirit ashes, talismans, ashes of war, and spells here.

Equipment Guides
List of All Equipment Best Equipment Best DLC Equipment

Best DLC Weapons

Weapon Evaluation
Backhand Blade Icon Backhand Blade
Type: Backhand Blade
Stat Requirements:
STR: 10
DEX: 13

・Very easy to obtain early on.
・DEX scaling can reach S level.
・Has a useful weapon skill lets you dodge to the side for a strike.
・Best to infuse with Bleed.
Great Katana Icon Great Katana
Type: Great Katana
Stat Requirements:
STR: 14
DEX: 18

・Can be obtained early on.
・Overhead Stance skill is easy to use.
 └ Quick attack for a fast overhead cut.
 └ Strong attack for 3 strong overhead cuts.
・Has long weapon reach.
・Best for DEX/FAI builds.
Dragon-Hunter Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana
Type: Great Katana
Stat Requirements:
STR: 15
DEX: 20

・Has scaling of STR at C and DEX at C when fully upgraded.
・Weapon skill is easy and quick to use. Skill releases a ranged attack when charged.
・Applies Bleed status effect.
Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword Icon Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword
Type: Colossal Sword
Stat Requirements:
STR: 35
DEX: 10
ARC: 19

・High STR (B) and ARC (B) multiplier when fully upgraded
・White Light Charge skill is fast and has good reach
・Great for multiple enemies due to the explosive AOE effect of the weapon skill
Star-Lined Sword Icon Star-Lined Sword
Type: Katana
Stat Requirements:
STR: 10
DEX: 23
INT: 21

・An exceptional Katana for DEX-INT builds.
・Weapon skill is quick to use and allows follow-up combo slices.
Sword of Night Icon Sword of Night
Type: Katana
Stat Requirements:
STR: 11
DEX: 20

・High Dexterity (B) scaling when upgraded
・Casting Witching Hour Slash skill consecutively can penetrate shields
・Can build up Blood Loss
Claws of Night Icon Claws of Night
Type: Claw
Stat Requirements:
STR: 8
DEX: 20

・High Dexterity (B) Scaling at maximum upgrade
・Scattershot Throw has low FP cost
・Great for Blood Loss build up
・Can dish out strong attacks that can penetrate shields
Greatsword of Solitude Icon Greatsword of Solitude
Type: Greatsword
Stat Requirements:
STR: 27
DEX: 13

・Weapon skill is a ranged vertical slice. You can follow up afterwards with a heavy for a gap-closing attack.
・High poise from a follow-up attack.
・Great to pair along with Blackgaol Knight's armor for an STR build.
・Highest STR scaling is A when upgraded.
Spear of the Impaler Icon Spear of the Impaler
Type: Great Spear
Stat Requirements:
STR: 14
DEX: 35
FAI: 18

・Messmer's Assault skill can deal insane damage if everything hits
・Has good reach
・Strong attacks can be charged to produce flame on impact.

Best DLC Weapons

Best DLC Armor

Armor Evaluation and Requirements
Elden Ring - Fire Knight HelmFire Knight Helm
Weight: 4.0
Poise: 6
・Increases maximum HP, stamina, and Equip Load.
・Obtainable from defeating Fire Knights in Shadow Keep.
Elden Ring - Divine Beast HeadDivine Beast Head
Weight: 10.6
Poise: 13
・Increases STR and DEX attributes by 4 points each.
・Suitable for STR/DEX builds.
・Due to it reducing HP recovered from your flask, it is best to use for experts or tanky builds.
Elden Ring - Horned Warrior HelmHorned Warrior Helm
Weight: 4.6
Poise: 7
・Increases your STR attribute by 5 points.
・Suitable for pure STR builds.
・Due to it reducing HP recovered from your flask, it is best to use for experts or tanky builds.
Elden Ring - Death Knight ArmorDeath Knight Armor
Weight: 11.2
Poise: 22
・Increases the damage of Dragon Cult incantations like Knight's Lightning Spear and Fortissax's Lightning Spear.

Best DLC Armor Sets

Best DLC Spirit Ashes

Spirit Ash Evaluation and Requirements
Jolán and AnnaJolán and Anna
FP Cost: 144
・2 simultaneous summons at the same time help in diverting attention.
・Attacks cause bleed.
・Obtainable only if you have the Swordhand of Night Jolan spirit ash.
This section is under construction. Please stay tuned for any updates!

All DLC Spirit Ashes

Best DLC Talismans

Talisman Evaluation
Crimson Amber Medallion +3 IconCrimson Amber Medallion +3
Weight: 0.6
・Gives the largest increase in maximum HP.
・Highly recommended due to enemies dealing more damage in the DLC area.
Blessed Blue Dew Talisman IconBlessed Blue Dew Talisman
Weight: 1.2
・Passive slow recovery of FP.
・Great to have for long explorations without worrying about flasks.
・Pair with FP-cost reducing equipment to increase spell or weapon art usage.
RellanaRellana's Cameo
Weight: 0.8
・Increase stance-based weapon arts by 1.15x.
・Excellent for skills such as Square Off and Unsheathe.
Two-Headed Turtle Talisman IconTwo-Headed Turtle Talisman
Weight: 1.0
・Greatly increases stamina recovery speed.
・Is a better version of the Green Turtle Talisman.
・Best used for STR builds that take up a lot of stamina consumption.
Smithing Talisman
Weight: 1.3
・Strengthens weapon-throwing damage.
・Recommended to pair with Smithscript weapons.
Crimson Seed Talisman +1
Weight: 1.1
・Greatly increases HP recovery of the Crimson Flask.
・Obtainable in Ymir's questline.
Two-Handed Sword Talisman IconTwo-Handed Sword Talisman
Weight: 1.2
・Strengthens two-handed attacks by 1.15x.
Does not apply to paired or dual-wielded weapons such as Fists.
Does not apply to weapon arts or Ashes of War.
Flamedrake Talisman +3 IconFlamedrake Talisman +3
Weight: 0.9
・Provides the greatest protection to fire damage.
・Best to equip when fighting Messmer the Impaler.
Golden Braid
Weight: 0.9
・Provides the greatest protection to fire damage.
・Best to equip when fighting the final boss of the DLC.

All DLC Talismans

Best DLC Ashes of War

Ash of War Evaluation and Requirements
Overhead Stance IconOverhead Stance
FP Cost: -(8/10)
Default Affinity:
Elden Ring - Keen Keen
Great Katana
・The Great Katana's default weapon art.
・Quick attack is a downward slash.
 └ Easy to use even in tight openings.
・Strong attack is 3 consecutive downward slashes.
 └ High damage and high stance-break potential.
Savage LionSavage Lion's Claw
FP Cost: 20(-/10)
Default Affinity:
Elden Ring - Heavy Heavy
Swords, Axes, and Hammers (except Small armaments and Thrusting Swords)
・The advanced version of Lion's Claw.
・Adds an additional slam to teh weapon.
 └ The extra slam input is quick to use.
・High damage and high stance-break potential.
・Grants hyper armor for the duration of the skill.
Blind Spot IconBlind Spot
FP Cost: 9(-/-)
Default Affinity:
Elden Ring - Keen Keen
Backhand Blades
・Default skill of the Backhand Blade.
・Use as an evasive move with a follow-up attack.
・Has high stance-break potential.
・Has a fast start-up and can be used to exploit small openings.
Wing Stance IconWing Stance
FP Cost: -(8/10)
Default Affinity:
Elden Ring - Quality Quality
Light Greatswords
・Quick attack from the skill is a triple slash. Good for applying status effects.
・The skill's strong attack a jumping thrust.
・Has a quick startup for exploiting small windows for damage.
Flame Spear IconFlame Spear
FP Cost: 19(-/-)
Default Affinity:
Elden Ring - Flame Art Flame Art
Armaments capable of thrusting (except Claws and Backhand Blades)
・Launches of a spear of fire in a straight line. Effective at long range.
・Applies the Fire infusion to weapons.
・Distance and damage is increased when charged.
・Works well with Fire Knight's Greatsword.

FP costs of Ashes of War can be reduced with equipment such as talismans.

All DLC Ashes of War and Skills

Best DLC Spells

Spell Evaluation and Requirements
Pest-Thread SpearsPest-Thread Spears
FP Cost: 28
Type: Incantation
Stat Requirements:
FAI: 26

・An highly upgraded version of Pest Threads.
・Deals a lot of damage against large-sized bosses.
・Projectiles adjust to home in on enemies, so this spell is also effective at long distances.
KnightKnight's Lightning Spear
FP Cost: 29
Type: Incantation
Stat Requirements:
FAI: 36

・Fires 5 lightning spears.
 └ Fires 7 projectiles in total when charged.
・Quick and easy to use.
・Best used against enemies weak to lightning.
・Can be strengthend with the Gravel Stone Seal.
Golden ArcsGolden Arcs
FP Cost: 12
Type: Incantation
Stat Requirements:
FAI: 22

・Fires 3 consecutive light waves.
Giant Golden ArcGiant Golden Arc
FP Cost: 24
Type: Incantation
Stat Requirements:
FAI: 34

・Fires 3 wide holy projectiles forward. Repeated usage can stagger enemies.
・Can be charged for increased damage.
・Can be strengthened with Sacred Scorpion Charm.

FP costs of Spells can be reduced with equipment such as talismans.

All DLC Spells

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - DLC

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Guide

All Shadow of the Erdtree Guides

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Guides
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Lamenter’s Mask Location How to Use Shadow Realm Blessings
Best DLC Equipment All DLC Remembrance Duplication Locations
How to Upgrade Weapons in the DLC DLC Larval Tear Locations
DLC Smithing Stones Nameless Mausoleums
Should You Burn the Sealing Tree? Best DLC Spirit Ashes
All DLC Bell Bearing Locations All Painting Locations and Rewards
Should You Suggest Thiollier or Hornsent? All DLC Sites of Grace Map
How to Skip Rellana Should You Imbibe Nectar?


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