Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Scorpion River Catacombs Location and Rewards

Scorpion River Catacombs Banner
Scorpion River Catacombs is a Minor Dungeon in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to learn more about Scorpion River Catacombs, including its map location, rewards, and what to do!

Scorpion River Catacombs Location

How to Get to Scorpion River Catacombs

Scorpion River Catacombs

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Type Minor Dungeon
Region Rauh Ruins
Location Found at the base of Rauh Ruins by the river.

Scorpion River Catacombs is found in the Rauh Ruins region of the Realm of Shadow.

Realm of Shadow DLC Interactive Map

Scorpion River Catacombs Rewards

List of Rewards
Black Knight Captain Huw Spirit Ash Imp Head (Lion) Knight's Lightning Spear
Great Ghost Glovewort Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Cerulean Amber Medallion +3

Obtain Black Knight Captain Huw Spirit Ash

Black Knight Captian Huw Location, c

Black Knight Captain Huw is a new spirit ash you can find in the first room with ceiling spikes. It is on top of an altar in the middle guarded by 2 Tarnished enemies and a Black Knight.

Black Knight Captain Huw Spirit Ash Location

Obtain Imp Head (Lion)

Imp Head (Lion) Location

The Imp Head (Lion) helmet provides +2 Vigor stat when equipped, increasing your health. This can be found on a high up platform right next to the first ceiling spikes you encounter in Scorpion River Catacombs.

How to Get Imp Head (Lion)

Obtain Knight's Lightning Spear


The Knight's Lightning Spear is a new incantation that can fire multiple Lightning Spears at your enemies. In order to find this, you have to cross the ledge towards the room next to the Deathblight Eyes.

Knight's Lightning Spear Location and How to Use

Obtain Great Ghost Glovewort

Great Ghost Glovewort Location
Great Ghost Glovewort is a valuable Bolstering Item for upgrading your Spirit Ashes to +10. You can find one after the room with a giant Bigmouth Imp.

How to Get Great Ghost Glovewort: Effects and Locations

Obtain Death Knight's Longhaft Axe and Cerulean Amber Medallion +3

Death Knight
You can acquire the Death Knight's Longhaft Axe and Cerulean Amber Medallion +3 after defeating the Death Knight at the end of the dungeon. This concludes all important item rewards you can find in Scorpion River Catacombs.

Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Location, Stats, and Scaling

Scorpion River Catacombs Bosses

Defeat the Death Knight

Death Knight

Death Knight is the dungeon boss of Scorpion River Catacombs. When combatting him, watch out for its drain attack once he drops to half health. We recommend using Poison and Bleed attacks as he is vulnerable to both.

Death Knight Location and How to Beat

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