Elden Ring

Alexander Quest and Location

Elden Ring - Alexander

Alexander is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in Limgrave. Read on to learn more about Alexander's quest walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

Alexander Quest Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

Alexander the Warrior Jar is a jolly fellow seeking to strengthen himself by journeying through the Lands Between. Follow and complete his questline to receive one of the game's best talismans called the Shard of Alexander.

Free Alexander Near the Saintsbridge

Elden Ring - Freeing Alexander

When you find Alexander, he will be stuck inside a crater of earth to the south of the Saintsbridge. Speak to him and accept his request for help. To free him, simply walk behind the jar and hit him a few times with your equipped melee weapon.

Once freed, you will receive the Triumphant Delight gesture and a piece of Exalted Flesh. Exhaust Alexander's dialogue to know more about the Festival of Combat happening at Redmane Castle in Caelid.

Help Alexander at the Gael Tunnel

Map Location
World View

Your next interaction with Alexander will be at the Gael Tunnel, on the border between Limgrave and Caelid. Enter the tunnel to find him blocked by a locked door.

In order to allow him entry into the Caelid Wilds, players will need to enter from the Gael Tunnel's exit in Caelid and open the door from there.

Magma Wyrm Boss Fight is Optional

Magma Wyrm Boss Room

For players only looking to progress Alexander's questline, the Magma Wyrm boss fight is optional and can be skipped. Players only need to open the door and speak to Alexander to complete this portion of his quest.

Participate in the Festival of Combat

Steps to Complete
Check Icon Defeat a Shardbearer and Meet the Two Fingers
Check Icon Defeat Starscourge Radahn
Map Location
World View

When players eventually make their way to Redmane Castle, Alexander will be in the courtyard, listening to speech being given by Castellan Jerren. Speak to him after the speech in preparation for the festival.

Later on, when players participate in the combat festival against Starscourge Radahn, Alexander will be one of the many gold summons available in the arena.

Defeat a Shardbearer and Meet the Two Fingers

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In order to unlock the Starscourge Radahn boss battle, players will need to defeat a Shardbearer and meet the Two Fingers. Otherwise, arriving at the castle willl have Jerren tell you that the festival preparations are still ongoing.

Defeat Starscourge Radahn

After the Radahn Battle

To progress Alexander's questline, players will need to defeat Starscourge Radahn. After the battle, Alexander will appear beside the new site of grace you spawn in. Approach the distressed Warrior Jar and exhaust his dialogue to continue his quest.

Note: During the Radahn Boss Battle, Alexander will be available as a gold summon for both boss phases. Summon him to help out during the fight.

How to Beat Starscourge Radahn

Help Alexander Free Himself in Liurnia

Map Location
World View

Players will next encounter Alexander in Liurnia, just south of the Artist's Shack. He will again be stuck in the ground just like in Limgrave.

Free Alexnader by throwing an Oil Pot at him and hitting him with a charged attack from behind. Again, he will reward you with Exalted Flesh once freed.

Buy the Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 17

World View Map Location

Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 17 will unlock the option to craft Oil Pots. Players can buy this from the Abandoned Merchant at the Siofra River for 1000 Runes.

To find the merchant, head over to the Siofra River via the Siofra River Well and find the Abandoned Merchant near the Worshippers' Woods site of grace.

Speak to Alexander on Mt. Gelmir

Map Location
World View

Alexander can next be found sitting on a lava lake in Mt. Gelmir at the Altus Plateau. Head over to one of the large rocks jutting out beside him in order to speak to the Warrior Jar.

Warning: A Magma Wyrm boss spawns in the western portion of this lake. To avoid fighting it, approach Alexander's location from southern side of the lava lake via the Craftsman's Shack site of grace.

How to Get the Jar Helmet

Jar Helmet

As a token of your friendship, Alexander will reward you with the Jar helmet once you speak to him by the lava pool. This helmet boosts the power of throwing pot items and allows you to emulate a living jar.

Summon Alexander to Fight the Fire Giant

Map Location
World View

Alexander, true to his word on Mt. Gelmir, can next be encountered when you reach the Mountaintops of the Giants. He will be a gold summon for the Fire Giant boss fight. Players can summon him once they enter from the northernmost gate of the boss arena.

Warning: While Alexander will be a much stronger gold summon during this fight, he will prevent you from riding Torrent during the fight. Consider this limitation before summoning him to help.

How to Beat Fire Giant

Fight Alexander in Crumbling Farum Azula

Steps to Complete
Check Icon Speak to Melina at the Forge of the Giants
Check Icon Defeat the Godskin Duo
Check Icon Open the Path to the Dragon Temple Lift
Map Location
World View

Alexander's final encounter will be on a platform to the east of the Dragon Temple in Crumbling Farum Azula. The only way to get to that platform is from the Dragon Temple Lift site of grace.

Once there, speak to Alexander and he will challenge you to a duel that proves who is the better warrior. Defeat him to receive the Shard of Alexander talisman and a key item called Alexander's Innards.

Speak to Melina at the Forge of the Giants

Speak to Melina at the Forge of the Giants

After the Fire Giant fight, players can head into the now unlocked Forge of the Giants to progress the main story. Speak to Melina and watch the cutscene to unlock Crumbling Farum Azula.

Defeat the Godskin Duo

Godskin Duo

To access the Dragon Temple Lift, players will first need to defeat the Godskin Duo guarding the Dragon Temple Altar. This is one of the tougher fights in Crumbling Farum Azula, so make sure to prepare beforehand.

How to Beat Godskin Duo

Open the Path to the Dragon Temple Lift

Open Path to Dragon Temple Lift

In order to reach Alexander, players will need to start from the Dragon Temple Altar site of grace. Once at the temple, head north and use 2 Stonesword Keys to open up the elevator taking you to the Dragon Temple Lift site of grace.

Give Alexander's Innards to Jar-Bairn

Companion Jar Talisman Drop

Despite Alexander meeting his end in Crumbling Farum Azula, his legend can live on in Jar-Bairn. If players progressed the questlines of Diallos, completing Jar-Bairn's will be easy.

Head to Jarburg in Liurnia and look for the little jar. At the end of his questline, you can give him Alexander's Innards. In return, Jar-Bairn will give you the Companion Jar talisman.

Jar-Bairn Questline and Location

Alexander Location

Found Near the Saintsbridge Site of Grace

Map Location World View

Alexander can be found stuck in the ground in Limgrave. From the Saintsbridge site of grace, head to the cliff opposite the Deathtouched Catacombs entrance (south east).

Alexander Armor and Weapon Drops

Items Warrior Jar Shard x1
・1500 Runes (NG)

The Warrior Jar Shard can only be obtained by defeating Alexander at the end of his questline.

Alexander Information and Lore

The Warrior Jar

  • Iron Fist Alexander is a Warrior Jar, a construct made sentient by the flesh of warriors long past. His goal is to become the best warrior he can be, and to do that, he vows to meet any trial of combat sent his way.
  • After the battle with Starscourge Radahn, Alexander's confidence in his abilities wavers. Confiding in the Tarnished, the Warrior Jar tells them that he had hidden in fear during the battle after his vessel was shattered.
  • Later on, a noticeably worse-for-wear Alexander will end up getting stuck in Liurnia. Freeing him will have him journey to Mt. Gelmir, seeking to reinforce his cracked exterior in the fires of the volcano.
  • Regaining his confidence, Alexander assists the Tarnished in challenging the Fire Giant. Akin to a god, this opponent is felled allowing Alexander to journey to Crumbling Farum Azula after the Tarnished burns the Erdtree.
  • In the crumbling city, Alexander finally challenges the Tarnished to a duel. Despite his extensive journey, collecting warriors and growing stronger, Alexander loses. In the end, he dies the warrior's death he had yearned for.


  • Based on what we hear about the warriors Alexander speaks to and the description of the Jarwight Puppet, Living Jars can actively commune with the flesh of the warriors they consume and make their innards.
  • Due to what happened in the aftermath of the Festival of Combat, it can be inferred that the red-haired warrior mentioned in the Shard of Alexander's description points to Radahn.


"Hello? Can you hear me? Help me! I'm stuck! Hello? Please! Anyone!."
"Oh my stars, I'm so happy to see you! I am Alexander, also known as the Iron Fist. And as you can see, I'm stuck here. Please can you help me out of this?"
"Ahh! Well played, good sir. Well played! Though that mighty wallop of yours almost spelt the end of me! (laughs)"
"Ah, I see you've finally made it here yourself. The city hanging in the air is slowly crumbling. What an incredible place we find ourselves. I doubt there's a single soul who could've handled that giant, other than you. It was practically a god... Of course I count myself, the great Alexander, among the many. Which merans, I've but one thing to ask of you. Would you kindly undertake my ordeal?"
"I've been longing to fight a warrior as accomplished as you. You are ready then, I take it? Then let us begin. I am the great jar warrior, Iron Fist Alexander. Lend me strenght, O warriors within! Let us become one champion, together!"
"As I suspected... Victory...was impossible. This vessel...was found lacking... My thanks. I knew you were the stuff of champions. It was a marvellous battle. I implore you, take what I bequeath...from inside me... All vessels are destined to one day break. But the great Alexander lived as a warrior to his last! Ha ha ha ha!"

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