Elden Ring

Best Rune Farming Locations for Early and End Game

Rune Farming Guide

This is a guide to the best Rune Farming Spots in Elden Ring! There are different best rune farming locations for the early game and the mid game in the game so learn more about the best rune farming methods as well as tips on how to farm runes fast!

Early Game Rune Farming Guides

Best Early Game Farming Methods
Fort Faroth Dragon Farming Lenne's Rise Boulder Farming

Fort Faroth Dragon Farming

Fort Faroth Dragon Farming Method

Fort Faroth Dragon Farming is the best farming area for the early game by a long mile. The base rune you can get from the dragon is worth 50,000 Rune per kill and you can do it in roughly 2 minutes per run.

Equip a Bleed Weapon

Morning Star Location

Before starting the farming method, you'll first need to acquire a bleed weapon. This can be any weapon as long as it's capable of applying the blood loss effect but we highly recommend the Morning Star as it has a low stat requirement of 12 Str and 8 Dex and even if you lack the 12 Strength, you can two-hand the weapon to reduce its strength requirement.

Morning Star Stats, Upgrades, and How to Get

Travel to Fort Faroth

Once you have a Bleed Weapon, head to Fort Faroth which is located in the Northeast part of the map in Caelid. An easy method to get to Fort Faroth is by taking the teleporter near the Third Church of Marika then head south from the Bestial Sanctum where you teleport to into the said fort.

Bring the Giant Dragon to Near Death

Once you arrive in the area, start hacking away at the giant dragon that's resting in Fort Faroth. This dragon will not fight back but it has a massive HP pool which is why a weapon that can inflict blood loss which scales of the target's max HP is required to kill the giant beast.

Once the Dragon's HP is low, be prepared to ride Torrent and use the Site of Grace nearby. If you're able to use the Site of Grace before the dragon's body expires, the dragon will not disappear from the map allowing you to kill it again.

Lenne's Rise Boulder Farming

Fort Faroth Dragon Farming Method

The Ball Trap or Boulder Farming in Lenne's Rise is an alternative and easy strategy to farm runes in the early game without having any required gear save for having access to Torrent. You can gain almost 2000 runes with this method in 15 - 20 seconds with this method and roughly around 360,000 Runes per hour with a steady and consistent farming routine.

Head to Lenne's Rise Site of Grace

Lennes Rise

The first step is to head to Lenne's Rise Site of Grace. It can be found south of the Farum Great Bridge site of grace and can be easily reached by using the teleporter in the Third Church of Marika.

Ride Torrent and Lure the Ball Trap to a Cliff

The next and last step is to head to the path leading downward from the Site of Grace. Soon after, a ball trap will spawn that will attempt to kill you. Step sideways to the right to make the ball fall to the cliff which kills the ball trap once it hits the ground.

Best Place to Farm Runes

Mohgwyn Palace Bird Farming

An extremely effective way of getting Runes early on is to make it to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of grace in Mohgwyn Palace and shoot the bird in the swamp nearby with arrows such that it falls off a cliff.

To do this method, you have to stand at the ledge near the wall to your left when facing the palace and the blood lake where the bird is. Shooting it from an angle that is farther than that area will cause the bird to stop and stay in place which prevents the farming method.

Complete Varre's Questline to Access Moghwyn's Palace

Elden Ring - White-Faced Varre

To access Moghwyn's Palace, you'll first have to complete White Mask Varre's questline. Varre is the first NPC you can interact with in the game and his questline involves dueling with other players or NPC. Successfully completing a part of his questline grants you access to the palace!

White Mask Varre Questline and Location

Can Alternatively be Accessed Via Teleporter in Consecrated Snowfields

Elden Ring - portal to Mohgwyn Palace

You can also access Mohgwyn's Palace via a teleporter in a teleporter in the Consecrated Snowfields. To gain access to the area however, you'll need to obtain the left part and right part of the Secret Medallion and use it first to unlock and use the elevator leading to the area.

Mohgwyn Palace - Sacred Sword Farm

Again, near the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of grace, there will be dozens of passive enemies that give a decent amount of Runes. Use any AoE attack that can kill these enemies all at once. A few recommended weapons are the Starscourge Greatswords or the Sacred Relic Sword as their skills can quickly take out groups of enemies.

If you are also using the Gold Scarab to increase the amount of Runes per kill, one round will give you roughly 20,000 Runes in a matter of seconds.

Note: This method is only recommended if you have enough damage to take down the enemies quickly. If you can't one-shot enemies with an AoE attack, it's best to farm the bird until you have a hard-hitting AoE attack at your disposal.

Mohgwyn's Palace Rune Farming Video Guide

DLC Rune Farming Spot

Rauh Ruins Furnace Golem Rune Farm

An easy and passive rune farming spot in the Elden Ring DLC can be found once you reach the Rauh Ancient Ruins, West site of grace at the Ancient Ruins of Rauh region. Upon arriving at the spot, simply walk up to the bridge filled with shadowy enemies and wait for the Furnace Golem in the distance to awaken.

Once it fully stands, it will charge a spiral fire attack that hits all enemies on the bridge, rewarding you with at least 14272 Runes per run. If you get all enemies on the bridge in one go, you get 17840 Runes. If you equip the Gold Scarab and all enemies on the bridge die, you'll get 29959 Runes per run.

Rune Farming Tips

How to Increase Rune Drops

Obtain the Gold Scarab

Elden Ring - Gold Scarab Abandoned Cave Location

The Gold Scarab is a Talisman that increases the amount of Runes obtained from defeating enemies. This is a must-have item for farming and you can obtain it in the Abandoned Cave in Caelid.

Since the talisman is in Caelid, make sure you're leveled high enough before crossing the Limgrave border.

How to Get Gold Scarab: Effects and Locations

Use Golden Runes

Golden Runes

Golden Runes are consumable items that give you a certain amount of Runes when consumed or sold to a merchant. They can be found all over the world, with clusters of them located at tombsites.

These can be used at any time so it's best to save them for when they'll be used, such as when you're leveling up at a Site of Grace or purchasing items from a merchant.

Use Gold-Pickled Fowl Feet

The Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot is an item that increases the amount of Runes you acquire for a short time. It can be bought from Patches for 600 Runes each. Alternatively, you can buy the Missionary's Cookbook [2] from him to craft it yourself.

Fight Enemies at Night

The number of Runes obtained from slain enemies is boosted at night, making this a great time to farm enemies. They're also much tougher, however, so take extra caution during combat.

Weather Effect That Increases Runes Acquired

Rare Weather Increased Runes Elden Ring.PNG

Sometimes, a rare weather effect that looks like leaves falling will happen in an area. If you are in this area, you gain a buff that increases the amount of Runes obtained.

What are Runes?

Used to Level Up, Enhance Gear, or Purchase Items

Elden Ring Levelling Stats

Runes is the game's experience as well as its currency system which allows you to use several features such as consuming runes to level up, enhance your existing gear, or purchase new items from merchants!

Dying Causes Runes to Drop on the Ground

Dying will cause all the runes you have to drop on the ground and you'll need to pick them up again at the same spot to retrieve all of your runes. Dying again will cause the said runes to disappear!In the case of dying from a ledge, the runes will appear near the area that you fell from.

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