Elden Ring

How to Find and Summon the Horse (Torrent)

Elden Ring - How to Get the Horse

The Horse (Torrent) can be obtained by speaking to Melina at the Gatefront or Agheel Lake North Sites of Grace in Elden Ring. Read on to learn how to get the horse, as well as how to summon and ride it!

How to Get the Horse

Speak to Melina to Get the Spectral Steed Whistle

Elden Ring - Spectral Steed Whistle

Upon starting a New Game, discover and rest at either the Gatefront or Agheel Lake North Sites of Grace to speak to Melina. After accepting her help, she will give you the Spectral Steed Whistle which you can use to summon Torrent (the horse).

How to Find Melina

How to Summon the Horse

Use the Spectral Steed Whistle to Summon Torrent

Simply select the Spectral Steed Whistle in your inventory and use it to summon Torrent. For easier access, we recommend equipping it into your Quick Items hotbar or your Pouch.

If added to your hotbar, cycle to the Spectral Steed Whistle by using the Down D-Pad and press Square/X to summon Torrent. If added to your Pouch, hold Triangle/Y and select the whistle using its assigned D-Pad button.

Press L3 / L to Dismount or Use the Spectral Steed Whistle

Elden Ring - PlayStation L3 Button (PS) / Elden Ring - Xbox Left Stick Press (Xbox)

The fastest way to dismount from Torrent is by pressing L3 (PS) or L (Xbox) on your controller. Another way of dismounting is to use the Spectral Steed Whistle while you're riding on Torrent.

Dismounting while Torrent is galloping will allow you to jump and land farther compared to normal dismounting.

Revive Torrent Using a Healing Flask

Sometimes, while exploring dangerous areas or fighting bosses on horseback, Torrent may take lethal damage. When his HP bar drops to 0, he will despawn and throw you off his back.

In order to resummon him, you will need to spend 1 Flask of Crimson Tears charge or rest at a Site of Grace. Until you spend a flask charge (or rest at a Site of Grace), you will not be able to summon Torrrent.

How to Ride the Horse

Dash for a Short-Speed Burst

Dash / Sprint
Elden Ring - Play Station Circle Button (PS) / Elden Ring - Xbox B Button (Xbox)

Dashing with Torrent grants you a short speed burst that is useful for breaking away from dangerous enemies or environment. This does not consume stamina if you're only exploring, but will consume stamina if you're in combat.

Use Jump and Spirit Springs to Reach Higher Areas

Jump / Double Jump
Elden Ring - Play Station Button (PS) / Elden Ring - Xbox Button (Xbox)

Press twice to Double Jump.

Jumping with Torrent allows you to reach higher areas. With access to Double Jump, you can scale high places that you normally can't reach on foot.

Spirit Springs - gusts of wind encircling a small patch of ground - are also usable when riding Torrent. Use Jump while inside their AoE to perform a high jump which you can use as a shortcut to climb cliffs. Landing on Spirit Springs from high places will also negate fall damage.

Use Left and Right Bumpers to Swing Your Weapon

Normal Attack Press L1 / LB (Left) or R1 / RB (Right) to Attack.
Strong Attack Press L2 / LT (Left) or R2 / RT (Right) to Strong Attack.
Charged Attack Press and Hold L2 / LT (Left) or R2 / RT (Right).

While mounted, you can swing your weapon left and right to deal damage against enemies. This is a viable strategy against enemies in the open world and is best used for hit-and-run scenarios against larger enemies with slow attack windups.

Two-Handing Your Weapon Deals More Damage

Your mounted attacks deal more damage if you two-hand your weapon before mounting Torrent. The mounted attack animation does not change, but the damage output is noticeable.

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