Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Astonish


This is an article for the move Astonish and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Astonish - Effect

Type Pokemon Ghost Image
Category Pokemon Physical Image
Power 30
Accuracy 100
PP 15
Effect The user attacks the target while shouting in a startling fashion. This may also make the target flinch.
Max Move Max Phantasm
Power: 90

This attack has a 30% chance of making the opponent Flinch.

Pokemon That Learn Astonish

By Default

GolbatGolbat DugtrioDugtrio Alolan DugtrioAlolan Dugtrio
CrobatCrobat LotadLotad LombreLombre
LudicoloLudicolo NuzleafNuzleaf ShiftryShiftry
WhismurWhismur LoudredLoudred ExploudExploud
MawileMawile WailordWailord TrapinchTrapinch
VibravaVibrava FlygonFlygon LileepLileep
CradilyCradily DuskullDuskull DusclopsDusclops
SnoruntSnorunt GlalieGlalie DrifloonDrifloon
DrifblimDrifblim ToxicroakToxicroak DusknoirDusknoir
FroslassFroslass RotomRotom YamaskYamask
Galarian YamaskGalarian Yamask CofagrigusCofagrigus VanilliteVanillite
VanillishVanillish VanilluxeVanilluxe FoongusFoongus
AmoongussAmoonguss LitwickLitwick LampentLampent
ChandelureChandelure GolettGolett GolurkGolurk
TornadusTornadus Tornadus (Therian Forme)Tornadus (Therian Forme) ThundurusThundurus
Thundurus (Therian Forme)Thundurus (Therian Forme) KlefkiKlefki PhantumpPhantump
TrevenantTrevenant PumpkabooPumpkaboo GourgeistGourgeist
DartrixDartrix DecidueyeDecidueye MorelullMorelull
ShiinoticShiinotic PalossandPalossand MimikyuMimikyu
Tapu LeleTapu Lele BlacephalonBlacephalon ApplinApplin
FlappleFlapple AppletunAppletun SinisteaSinistea
PolteageistPolteageist CursolaCursola RunerigusRunerigus
DreepyDreepy DrakloakDrakloak DragapultDragapult

By Level Up

ZubatZubat DiglettDiglett Alolan DiglettAlolan Diglett
Galarian CorsolaGalarian Corsola SeedotSeedot SableyeSableye
WailmerWailmer CroagunkCroagunk RowletRowlet
SandygastSandygast DhelmiseDhelmise

By TM / TR

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Egg Move

GastlyGastly HaunterHaunter GengarGengar
DunsparceDunsparce QwilfishQwilfish SwabluSwablu
StunkyStunky SkuntankSkuntank SolosisSolosis
DuosionDuosion ReuniclusReuniclus EmolgaEmolga
ElgyemElgyem BeheeyemBeheeyem StunfiskStunfisk
Galarian StunfiskGalarian Stunfisk DeinoDeino ZweilousZweilous

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Competitive Analysis

Astonish has the secondary effect of having a 30% chance to make the target flinch.

However, this attack remains to be very weak and is not viable for use even with the chance of making the target flinch. Alternative Ghost-type moves include the use of Shadow Claw which has the secondary effect of landing critical hits more easily, Poltergeist which deals a lot of damage if the target is holding an item, or Shadow Sneak which enjoys being a priority move.

Astonish Locations

Astonish can only be learned by Level Up, Egg Moves, and by Default

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
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Moves by Category
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Moves by Effects
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List of Priority Moves


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