Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments


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    3 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Oh and The Perpetual Mechanical array cant be accessed if you don't do the "Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual" till that point.

    2 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    (see other comment first) -on how to get the waypoints. The other one, the first tablet, if you just collect all the treasure in the room under the well you will grab it.

    1 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Just so yall know, the 3rd tablet is wayyy harder to get then the other where you need to progress through the "A Strange Story in Konda" which is a subquest of the "Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual" You need to progress through the sakura quest until it askes you to go to the three separate shrines. Go the the- Arakumi i think? shrine, as the image shows. then, after cleansing it, you're gonna need to drain the water (which I looked up a guide on, its pretty complicated tho. Just look up a guide-

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