Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Megahorn (TR28)

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This is an article for the move Mega Horn (TR28) and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Megahorn - Effect

Type Pokemon Bug Image
Category Pokemon Physical Image
Power 120
Accuracy 85
PP 10
Effect Using its tough and impressive horn, the user rams into the target with no letup.
Max Move Max Flutterby
Power: 140
TM / TR TR28

Pokemon That Learn Megahorn

By Default

NidokingNidoking RapidashRapidash Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash

By Level Up

RhyhornRhyhorn RhydonRhydon GoldeenGoldeen
SeakingSeaking HeracrossHeracross RhyperiorRhyperior
ScolipedeScolipede BouffalantBouffalant XerneasXerneas
Tapu BuluTapu Bulu FalinksFalinks

By TM / TR

NidokingNidoking RapidashRapidash Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash
RhyhornRhyhorn RhydonRhydon GoldeenGoldeen
SeakingSeaking TaurosTauros LaprasLapras
MewMew HeracrossHeracross AbsolAbsol
RhyperiorRhyperior ScolipedeScolipede KarrablastKarrablast
EscavalierEscavalier BouffalantBouffalant CobalionCobalion
TerrakionTerrakion VirizionVirizion KeldeoKeldeo
XerneasXerneas Tapu BuluTapu Bulu CelesteelaCelesteela
DrednawDrednaw FalinksFalinks GlastrierGlastrier
Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider)

By Egg Move

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Competitive Analysis

Megahorn remains a staple attacking move due to its high Base Power of 120 while having an 85% Accuracy and generally no drawbacks, and many Bug-type Pokemon that can learn this move use it as their man STAB move.

Megahorn Locations

Purchase from the Wild Area Trader

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Watt Trader.png
Megahorn (TR28) is available to purchase from the Watt Traders in the Wild Area for 8000 Watts.

The Watt Traders' selection of TM and TRs changes everyday so make sure to check what's in stock!

How to Farm Watts Quickly

A Possible Drop from Max Raids

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Max Raid Battle.png
It's also possible to get Megahorn (TR28) from Bug-type Max Raid dens as a reward for defeating or catching the resident Dynamax or Gigantamax Pokemon.

How to Max Raid With Friends

Get from the Cram-o-Matic

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Cram-o-Matic.png
It's also possible to get Megahorn (TR28) from the Cram-o-Matic, although the chances are still low even when using the right items.

How to Use the Cram-o-Matic

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
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SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal
Moves by Category
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Dynamax Moves
Max Moves G-Max Moves
Moves by Effects
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List of Priority Moves


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