Pokemon Sword and Shield

The Crown Tundra Pokedex | All New and Added Pokemon in The Crown Tundra DLC

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This is a list of all Pokemon found in The Crown Tundra DLC. Find out which Pokemon are newly available on The Crown Tundra, listed by their Pokedex Number!

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PokemonList of All Pokemon
Get All Starters Hot Article Icon.png
Galar Pokedex
AllNewPokemon.pngThe Isle of Armor Pokedex
Crown Tundra Pokedex Icon.pngThe Crown Tundra Pokedex Pokemon HOME Pokedex Icon.pngAll Pokemon HOME Additions
The Crown Tundra Pokedex Articles
Pokedex Icon.pngThe Crown Tundra Pokedex Completion Mark.pngHow to Complete the Crown Tundra Pokedex and Rewards

List of Pokemon in The Crown Tundra

All Pokemon in the Crown Tundra

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Crown Tundra Pokedex Non-Pokedex Pokemon

Many of the Legendary Pokemon in the Crown Tundra are not included in the Crown Tundra Pokedex. Click one of the links above to check for Pokemon which are included in the Pokedex, or those which are excluded.

The Crown Tundra Pokedex (Crown Dex)

The Pokemon below are ordered by their Crown Dex number.

Pokemon Excluded from Crown Tundra Pokedex

The Pokemon below are ordered by their National Dex number.

Nat. No. Pokemon Type
150 Psychic Type
199 Poison Type Psychic Type
243 Electric Type
244 Fire Type
245 Water Type
249 Psychic Type Flying Type
250 Fire Type Flying Type
252 Grass Type
253 Grass Type
254 Grass Type
255 Fire Type
256 Fire Type Fighting Type
257 Fire Type Fighting Type
258 Water Type
259 Water Type Ground Type
260 Water Type Ground Type
380 Dragon Type Psychic Type
381 Dragon Type Psychic Type
382 Water Type
383 Ground Type
384 Dragon Type Flying Type
480 Psychic Type
481 Psychic Type
482 Psychic Type
483 Steel Type Dragon Type
484 Water Type Dragon Type
485 Fire Type Steel Type
486 Normal Type
487 Ghost Type Dragon Type
488 Psychic Type
494 Psychic Type Fire Type
641 Flying Type
642 Electric Type Flying Type
643 Dragon Type Fire Type
644 Dragon Type Electric Type
645 Ground Type Flying Type
646 Dragon Type Ice Type
647 Water Type Fighting Type
647 Water Type Fighting Type
649 Bug Type Steel Type
716 Fairy Type
717 Dark Type Flying Type
718 Dragon Type Ground Type
719 Rock Type Fairy Type
721 Fire Type Water Type
785 Electric Type Fairy Type
786 Psychic Type Fairy Type
787 Grass Type Fairy Type
788 Water Type Fairy Type
789 Psychic Type
790 Psychic Type
791 Psychic Type Steel Type
792 Psychic Type Ghost Type
793 Rock Type Poison Type
794 Bug Type Fighting Type
795 Bug Type Fighting Type
796 Electric Type
797 Steel Type Flying Type
798 Grass Type Steel Type
799 Dark Type Dragon Type
800 Psychic Type
803 Rock Type Steel Type
804 Fire Type Ghost Type
805 Poison Type
806 Poison Type Dragon Type

New Pokemon in The Crown Tundra

Galarian Slowking

Galarian Slowking
Galarian Slowking
Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Psychic Image

Like Galarian Slowbro, which made its appearance in The Isle of Armor, Galarian Slowking has been revealed to debut in The Crown Tundra. Sharing the same Poison/Psychic typing, it learns a new signature Move, Eerie Spell, and plays host to a new signature Ability as well, Curious Medicine.

Galarian Slowking

New Regi Pokemon


Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Electric Image -



Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Dragon Image -


Two new Pokemon who had only been seen in rough sketches, Regieleki and Regidrago have had their full information revealed, including Abilities, signature moves, and more. Check out each page to learn more about these new Legendaries!


Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Grass Image


Calyrex is a noble leader and a new Legendary Pokemon that will appear during your adventure in The Crown Tundra and plays a significant role in the game's story.

Also known as the "King of Bountiful Harvets" of myth and legend, the High King Pokemon was once known to bless the Crown Tundra with plentiful harvests, though only a few people remember such legends as actual truth! As a result, much of this legendary Pokemon's power has diminished.

The High King's Legendary Steeds


Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Ice Image -



Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Ghost Image -


Glastrier and Spectrier are Calyrex's fabled legendary steeds. Legends tell that the fabled High King Pokemon rode these steeds across the land, bringing lush vegetation and harvests yearly, though people are divided which one Calyrex actually rode.

Perhaps reuniting one of the Legendary Steeds will restore Calyrex's lost power?

Galarian Forms of Legendary Birds

Galarian Articuno

Galarian Articuno
Galarian Articuno
Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Flying Image

Galarian Articuno

Galarian Zapdos

Galarian Zapdos
Galarian Zapdos
Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Fighting Image Pokemon Flying Image

Galarian Zapdos

Galarian Moltres

Galarian Moltres
Galarian Moltres
Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Dark Image Pokemon Flying Image

Galarian Moltres

The three Kantonian legendary birds are back, having lost their fundamental types and taking on new ones in their Galarian Forms. They've each been announced to have brand new signature moves that match their new types!

Returning Pokemon in The Crown Tundra

100+ Pokemon from previous games returning in The Crown Tundra make their way into Pokemon Sword and Shield for the first time.

Pokemon SWSH - AbsolAbsol Pokemon SWSH - AerodactylAerodactyl Pokemon SWSH - AggronAggron Pokemon SWSH - AltariaAltaria
Pokemon SWSH - AmauraAmaura Pokemon SWSH - AnorithAnorith Pokemon SWSH - ArchenArchen Pokemon SWSH - ArcheopsArcheops
Pokemon SWSH - ArmaldoArmaldo Pokemon SWSH - AronAron Pokemon SWSH - ArticunoArticuno Pokemon SWSH - AudinoAudino
Pokemon SWSH - AurorusAurorus Pokemon SWSH - AzelfAzelf Pokemon SWSH - BagonBagon Pokemon SWSH - BeldumBeldum
Pokemon SWSH - BlacephalonBlacephalon Pokemon SWSH - BlazikenBlaziken Pokemon SWSH - BuzzwoleBuzzwole Pokemon SWSH - CarbinkCarbink
Pokemon SWSH - CarracostaCarracosta Pokemon SWSH - CelesteelaCelesteela Pokemon SWSH - CobalionCobalion Pokemon SWSH - CombuskenCombusken
Pokemon SWSH - CosmoemCosmoem Pokemon SWSH - CosmogCosmog Pokemon SWSH - CradilyCradily Pokemon SWSH - CresseliaCresselia
Pokemon SWSH - CrobatCrobat Pokemon SWSH - CryogonalCryogonal Pokemon SWSH - DialgaDialga Pokemon SWSH - DiancieDiancie
Pokemon SWSH - DragonairDragonair Pokemon SWSH - DragoniteDragonite Pokemon SWSH - DratiniDratini Pokemon SWSH - ElectabuzzElectabuzz
Pokemon SWSH - ElectivireElectivire Pokemon SWSH - ElekidElekid Pokemon SWSH - EnteiEntei Pokemon SWSH - GabiteGabite
Pokemon SWSH - GarchompGarchomp Pokemon SWSH - GenesectGenesect Pokemon SWSH - GibleGible Pokemon SWSH - GiratinaGiratina
Pokemon SWSH - GolbatGolbat Pokemon SWSH - GroudonGroudon Pokemon SWSH - GrovyleGrovyle Pokemon SWSH - GuzzlordGuzzlord
Pokemon SWSH - HeatranHeatran Pokemon SWSH - Ho-ohHo-oh Pokemon SWSH - JynxJynx Pokemon SWSH - KabutoKabuto
Pokemon SWSH - KabutopsKabutops Pokemon SWSH - KartanaKartana Pokemon SWSH - KeldeoKeldeo Pokemon SWSH - Keldeo (Resolute Form)Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Pokemon SWSH - KyogreKyogre Pokemon SWSH - KyuremKyurem Pokemon SWSH - LaironLairon Pokemon SWSH - LandorusLandorus
Pokemon SWSH - LatiasLatias Pokemon SWSH - LatiosLatios Pokemon SWSH - LileepLileep Pokemon SWSH - LugiaLugia
Pokemon SWSH - LunalaLunala Pokemon SWSH - MagbyMagby Pokemon SWSH - MagmarMagmar Pokemon SWSH - MagmortarMagmortar
Pokemon SWSH - MarshtompMarshtomp Pokemon SWSH - MespritMesprit Pokemon SWSH - MetagrossMetagross Pokemon SWSH - MetangMetang
Pokemon SWSH - MewtwoMewtwo Pokemon SWSH - MoltresMoltres Pokemon SWSH - MudkipMudkip Pokemon SWSH - NaganadelNaganadel
Pokemon SWSH - NecrozmaNecrozma Pokemon SWSH - NidokingNidoking Pokemon SWSH - NidoqueenNidoqueen Pokemon SWSH - Nidoran♀Nidoran♀
Pokemon SWSH - Nidoran♂Nidoran♂ Pokemon SWSH - NidorinaNidorina Pokemon SWSH - NidorinoNidorino Pokemon SWSH - NihilegoNihilego
Pokemon SWSH - OmanyteOmanyte Pokemon SWSH - OmastarOmastar Pokemon SWSH - PalkiaPalkia Pokemon SWSH - PheromosaPheromosa
Pokemon SWSH - PoipolePoipole Pokemon SWSH - RaikouRaikou Pokemon SWSH - RayquazaRayquaza Pokemon SWSH - RegiceRegice
Pokemon SWSH - RegigigasRegigigas Pokemon SWSH - RegirockRegirock Pokemon SWSH - RegisteelRegisteel Pokemon SWSH - RelicanthRelicanth
Pokemon SWSH - ReshiramReshiram Pokemon SWSH - SalamenceSalamence Pokemon SWSH - SceptileSceptile Pokemon SWSH - SealeoSealeo
Pokemon SWSH - ShelgonShelgon Pokemon SWSH - SmoochumSmoochum Pokemon SWSH - SolgaleoSolgaleo Pokemon SWSH - SphealSpheal
Pokemon SWSH - SpiritombSpiritomb Pokemon SWSH - StakatakaStakataka Pokemon SWSH - SuicuneSuicune Pokemon SWSH - SwabluSwablu
Pokemon SWSH - SwampertSwampert Pokemon SWSH - Tapu BuluTapu Bulu Pokemon SWSH - Tapu FiniTapu Fini Pokemon SWSH - Tapu KokoTapu Koko
Pokemon SWSH - Tapu LeleTapu Lele Pokemon SWSH - TerrakionTerrakion Pokemon SWSH - ThundurusThundurus Pokemon SWSH - TirtougaTirtouga
Pokemon SWSH - TorchicTorchic Pokemon SWSH - TornadusTornadus Pokemon SWSH - TreeckoTreecko Pokemon SWSH - TyrantrumTyrantrum
Pokemon SWSH - TyruntTyrunt Pokemon SWSH - UxieUxie Pokemon SWSH - VictiniVictini Pokemon SWSH - VirizionVirizion
Pokemon SWSH - VolcanionVolcanion Pokemon SWSH - WalreinWalrein Pokemon SWSH - XerneasXerneas Pokemon SWSH - XurkitreeXurkitree
Pokemon SWSH - YveltalYveltal Pokemon SWSH - ZapdosZapdos Pokemon SWSH - ZekromZekrom Pokemon SWSH - ZubatZubat
Pokemon SWSH - ZygardeZygarde

Related Links

Crown Tundra Pokemon Guides

How to Get Crown Tundra Pokemon
Calyrex.pngCalyrex Glastrier ImageGlastrier Spectrier ImageSpectrier
Galarian Articuno ImageGalarian Articuno Galarian Zapdos ImageGalarian Zapdos Galarian Moltres ImageGalarian Moltres
Regirock ImageRegirock Regice ImageRegice Registeel ImageRegisteel
Regidrago ImageRegidrago Regieleki ImageRegieleki Regigigas ImageRegigigas
Cobalion ImageCobalion Terrakion ImageTerrakion Virizion ImageVirizion
Keldeo ImageKeldeo Galarian Slowking ImageGalarian Slowking Spiritomb ImageSpiritomb
Cosmog ImageCosmog Poipole ImagePoipole Necrozma ImageNecrozma

All Pokemon

Pokedex and List of All Pokemon

Pokemon by Pokedex

All Pokedex Pages
Get All Starters Hot Article Icon.png
Galar Pokedex
AllNewPokemon.pngThe Isle of Armor Pokedex
Crown Tundra Pokedex Icon.pngThe Crown Tundra Pokedex Pokemon HOME Pokedex Icon.pngAll Pokemon HOME Additions

Pokemon by Generation

All Generation Lists
Generation 1 Pokemon.pngGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3
Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4 Generation 5 PokemonGeneration 5 Generation 6 PokemonGeneration 6
Generation 7 PokemonGeneration 7 New PokemonGeneration 8 (New Pokemon)

Pokemon by Type

All Type Lists
FireFire WaterWater GrassGrass
ElectricElectric IceIce FightingFighting
PoisonPoison GroundGround FlyingFlying
PsychicPsychic BugBug RockRock
GhostGhost DragonDragon DarkDark
SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal

Pokemon by Stats

All Stat Lists
Base Stats EV Yield Speed Ranking

Pokemon Related Links

Other Pokemon Guides
How to Get All Gigantamax Pokemon All Pokemon Added in Pokemon HOME
How to Evolve Every Pokemon List of Galarian Forms
Which Starter Pokemon Should You Choose? Type Effectiveness and Damage Output
Generation 8
(New Pokemon)
Legendary Pokemon
List of Egg Groups Guide to Egg Moves


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