Pokemon Sword and Shield

Turffield Map and Obtainable Pokemon

Tier List / Doubles Tier List / Movesets / Rental Teams
✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
Competitive Battle Guide

This is a map of Turffield, and list of Pokemon who appear in this area in Pokemon Sword and Shield. This page will display information such as obtainable Pokemon from Turffield, as well as items, and more!

Turffield - Map and Items

Turffield - List of TMs

No. Move How to Obtain Price
TM10 Magical Leaf Receive for obtaining the 1st Badge -
TM11 Solar Beam On the ground -
TM97 Brutal Swing On the ground -

Turffield - List of Items

Max Revive Expert Belt
Leaf Stone X Attack

Turffield - Walkthrough Information

Steps to proceed through Turffield Town
1 Talk to Hop
2 Head west (left) and follow the Yamper.
3 Talk with Sonya.
4 Continue to the place where you talked with Hop, then head north to the Gym.
5 Talk to the person at the front desk furthest away.
6 Challenge the Gym

Turffield Gym Leader: Milo's Pokemon

Pokemon Lv Type
Gossifleur ImageGossifleur Lv. 19 Grass TypeGrass
Eldegoss ImageEldegoss Lv. 20 Grass TypeGrass

How to Beat Milo

Turffield Shops

Pokemon Center and Stadium Shop

Item Price

Stadium Uniform Shop

Item Price
Ghost Uniform ₽18,000
Ice Uniform ₽18,000
Bug Uniform ₽18,000
Steel Uniform ₽18,000
Psychic Uniform ₽18,000
Electric Uniform ₽18,000
Ground Uniform ₽18,000
Flying Uniform ₽18,000
Normal Uniform ₽18,000
Poison Uniform ₽18,000

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Guides

Towns and Cities
Postwick Wedgehurst Motostoke
Turffield Hulbury Hammerlocke
Stow-on-Side Ballonlea Circhester
Spikemuth Wyndon -
Route 1 Route 2 Route 3
Route 4 Route 5 Route 6
Route 7 Route 8 Route 9
Route 10
Galar Mine Galar Mine No. 2 -
Wild Area Maps
North Lake Miloch Hammerlocke Hills Lake of Outrage
Giant's Cap Giant's Mirror Dusty Bowl
Bridge Field Stony Wilderness Motostoke Riverbank
Watchtower Ruins East Lake Axewell South Lake Miloch
Giant's Seat Axew's Eye West Lake Axewell
Dappled Grove Rolling Fields -
Miscellaneous Maps
Glimwood Tangle Motostoke Outskirts Slumbering Weald


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