Genshin Impact

Follow the Stone Slate's Guidance and Obtain Full Clearance

Genshin Impact Version 3.1 Follow the Stone Slate

Follow the Stone Slate's Guidance and Obtain Full Clearance is a quest objective for the Dual Evidence Quest. See how to obtain full clearance from all the three Aaru Place Ruins and how to clear each objective in this puzzle guide!

How to Follow the Stone Slate's Guidance to Obtain Full Clearance

Follow the Stone Slate's Guidance in Place of Rebirth

Place of Rebirth Walkthrough
Either use the Teleport Waypoint on the northern part of Dune of Magma or simply teleport to Duat Hall's entrance.
Descend the hole in front of the entrance of Duat Hall, nearby a Dendroculus and a Four-Leaf Sigil.
Afterwards, release the first Primal Ember to the flooded room.
Head inside the corridor across the entrance.
Once you're inside a room with multiple lit and fragmented Pyro Torches, look for the Forged Primal Lights outside the ledge across the room and create a Verity Cell on the blue platform.
Reveal the pyro torches using the Verity Cell you just created. Light all of them afterwards.
Defeat the enemy mob, then release the second Primal Ember back to the main room.
Head back to the main room and from there, go to the right path from the entrance.
Go down the right staircase.
In this room, you'll have to move the two cells at the same time. It has a hidden time limit. If you're too slow, the cell will return to the its original position. So alternate between two cells to ensure that both of them will link up to the their own respective cells.
Release the third and final Primal Ember to the main room. Once you do so, your clearance should go up by one!

Place of Rebirth Puzzle Guide

Follow the Stone Slate's Guidance in Place of Breath

Place of Rebirth Walkthrough
Teleport to Khemenu Temple then head toward the main room.
Keep going forward, then take immediately take the left corridor.
Open the first door you see with the blue book device, then drop down the hole.
Once the beam puzzle is within sight, break the rock on your left.
Open the door by rotating the cell. The Primal Flame beside you isn't required for this quest (as it's for a different puzzle). For the sake of completing the quest, enter the door to go outside.
Drop down to the ground and follow the stone slate guidance marker (it will appear when you press "Go" for Place of Rebirth on the third tab in your Scarlet Sand Slate gadget).
Keep going ahead and go up the ramp.
Follow the slate marker to the triangular entrance of the ruin.
Go inside the Place of Rebirth.
Glide down towards the right door from the entrance.
Continue forward until you see the first Primal Ember.
Follow the path of the Primal Ember until you get to the big fan blowing by the corridor. You'll have to disable the fan first by interacting the book (Clearance Level 2).
Head inside and defeat the Primal Constructs to obtain the second Primal Ember.
Before proceeding, collect the third one first inside the locked room with the book device. Get inside the door, then activate the elevator to go up to the last Ember.
Return with all Primal Embers and offer it to get another clearance level!

Place of Breath Puzzle Guide

Follow the Stone Slate's Guidance in Place of Swallowing

Place of Swallowing Walkthrough
Teleport to Duat Hall and head for the bluish area with broken platforms you were in earlier. Then go forth the big room.
Guide the three Primal Embers on the floating platforms to the room on your right.
You'll need to time your releases perfectly, since Primal Embers are fragile and will break easily because of the air. The left and center embers will be blown away by horizontal fans, while the fan for the right ember is vertical.
Gather all Primal Embers to the entrance of the right room.
Offer all of it to the monument to obtain another clearance!

Place of Swallowing Puzzle Guide

Follow the Stone Slate's Guidance and Obtain Full Clearance Information

Objective in Dual Evidence Quest

Genshin Impact - Dual Evidence Quest Puzzle

This objective is a necessary step to complete the Dual Evidence World Quest.

Dual Evidence Quest and Puzzles Guide

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