Genshin Impact

Pierro (The Jester) Profile and Voice Actor

Genshin Impact - Pierro (The Jester) Voice Actor and Character Guide

Pierro, or "The Jester", is the Director of the Fatui Eleven Harbingers in Genshin Impact. See all info on the upcoming Snezhnaya character Pierro, his voice actor, predictions, and possible release date!

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Pierro (The Jester) Character Information

Pierro Character Profile

The Jester, the Director of the Fatui Harbingers
Genshin Impact - Pierro Nation: Snezhnaya
Faction: Fatui
Element: Unknown
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Pierro's Voice Actor

Genshin - Pierro Voice Actor

Pierro's Japanese voice actor is confirmed to be Yasuhiro Mamiya, while Pierro's English voice actor is none other than Richard Tatum.

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Who is Pierro, the Jester?

Director of the Harbingers

Genshin - Pierro in the Teaser

Pierro, also known as "the Jester," is the director of the Fatui Harbingers, a group of elite soldiers and officers based in Snezhnaya serving under the Cryo Archon, Tsaritsa.

Other Members of the Harbingers

Fatui Harbingers
Genshin - PierroPierro
Genshin - CapitanoCapitano
Genshin - DottoreIl Dottore
Genshin - DamseletteDamselette
Genshin - ArlecchinoArlecchino
Genshin - PulcinellaPulcinella
Genshin - ScaramoucheScaramouche
Genshin - SandroneSandrone
Genshin - La SignoraLa Signora
Genshin - Pantalone Pantalone
Genshin - 10th Harbinger Unknown

Genshin - Tartaglia Tartaglia

The Eleven Fatui Harbingers

The Leader of the Fatui Harbingers

The Jester is the leader of the eleven Fatui Harbingers. He devotes himself to the Tsaritsa, who bears a strong sense of camaraderie for his Fatui allies.

Gave Tartaglia his Delusion

Pierro is also the one who gave Tartaglia his Electro Delusion.

Tartaglia Best Builds

Pierro (The Jester) Release Date and Known Info

Pierro's Release Date

Possible Release in Version 6.0

Genshin Impact - Snezhnaya - Everwinter Without Mercy

Pierro is a character from Snezhnaya, which is set to release in Version 6.0 Update or Chapter VI of Genshin Impact. Whether or not he's playable is yet to be known!

Update & Banner Schedules

Revealed in the Fatui Harbingers Teaser

Pierro was first revealed in the Teyvat Chapter Interlude Teaser: A Winter Night's Lazzo video on YouTube as the Jester. The video contains spoilers of the Inazuma Archon Quest and Snezhnaya previews and characters that will be coming in the future!

Other New & Upcoming Characters

Character Thoughts on Pierro

All Available Lines on Pierro

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Arlecchino ImageArlecchino About The Jester
As the original Harbinger, much about him remains a mystery. Upon our first meeting, he recognized my background with ease, yet to this day, I know little about him.
Genshin Impact - Tartaglia ImageTartaglia He was the first ever Fatui Harbinger, and today he is our leader. He only appears on important occasions. As for his accomplishments... To be honest, I don't really care. I owe my loyalty and devotion to the Tsaritsa, no one else.
Genshin Impact - Wanderer ImageWanderer About The Jester
The Jester is a survivor of Khaenri'ah. Besides that singular fact, I know very little about him, and have never had any kind of close association with him. He seems to want something from me, though. In the past, he assigned to me many important tasks, including a number of trips to the Abyss.

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Characters by Element
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Fatui Harbingers

Genshin Impact - Fatui Harbingers

Cryo Archon
Genshin - Tsaritsa Tsaritsa
Fatui Harbingers
Genshin - PierroPierro
Genshin - CapitanoCapitano
Genshin - DottoreIl Dottore
Genshin - DamseletteDamselette
Genshin - ArlecchinoArlecchino
Genshin - PulcinellaPulcinella
Genshin - ScaramoucheScaramouche
Genshin - SandroneSandrone
Genshin - La SignoraLa Signora
Genshin - Pantalone Pantalone
Genshin - 10th Harbinger Unknown

Genshin - Tartaglia Tartaglia

Fatui Harbingers


14 Anonymousover 1 year

Istg if he's not playable i'll riot I finally wanna have a character with a beard, we've had enough babyface male characters at this point...

1 Anonymousover 2 years

Omg he’s hot He better be playable

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