Genshin Impact

Columbina (Damselette) Profile and Voice Actor

Genshin Impact - Columbina Damselette Character Profile

Columbina, also known as Damselette, is the Third Fatui Harbinger from Snezhnaya, and an upcoming character in Genshin Impact. See all confirmed about Columbina, her English and Japanese Voice Actors, and her possible release date!

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Columbina (Damselette) Character Information

Columbina (Damselette) Character Profile

Damselette, the 3rd Fatui Harbinger
Genshin Impact - Damselette Nation: Snezhnaya
Faction: Fatui
Element: Unknown
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Columbina Voice Actor

Genshin - Damselette Voice Actor.png

Columbina's Japanese voice actor is confirmed to be Lynn, while her English voice actor is Emi Lo.

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Who is Columbina, the Damselette?

Third of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers

Genshin - The Girl Teaser

Columbina is 3rd of the Harbingers, a group of elite soldiers and officers in the Fatui serving under the Cryo Archon, Tsaritsa. Her Harbinger codename is Damselette. In Japanese, her name is simply 少女, which directly translates into "Young Girl."

Not much is known about her, as this will be the first time we'll get to see her!

Other Members of the Harbingers

Fatui Harbingers
Genshin - PierroPierro
Genshin - CapitanoCapitano
Genshin - DottoreIl Dottore
Genshin - DamseletteDamselette
Genshin - ArlecchinoArlecchino
Genshin - PulcinellaPulcinella
Genshin - ScaramoucheScaramouche
Genshin - SandroneSandrone
Genshin - La SignoraLa Signora
Genshin - Pantalone Pantalone
Genshin - 10th Harbinger Unknown

Genshin - Tartaglia Tartaglia

The Eleven Fatui Harbingers

Columbina (Damselette) Release Date and Known Info

Columbina Release Date

Possible Release in Version 6.0

Genshin Impact - Snezhnaya - Everwinter Without Mercy

Columbina is a character from Snezhnaya, which is set to release in Version 6.0 Update or Chapter VI of Genshin Impact. Whether or not she's playable is yet to be known!

Update & Banner Schedules

Revealed in the Fatui Harbingers Teaser

She was first revealed in the Teyvat Chapter Interlude Teaser: A Winter Night's Lazzo video on YouTube as the Girl. The video contains spoilers of the Inazuma Archon Quest and Snezhnaya previews and characters that will be coming in the future!

Other New & Upcoming Characters

Character Thoughts on Columbina

All Available Lines on Columbina (Damselette)

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Arlecchino ImageArlecchino About Damselette
She is a very special Harbinger. Pose her a question, and the answer you receive will be entirely unpredictable, if she sees fit to give a proper answer at all. Regardless, any answer you do receive is sure to be an interesting one.
Genshin Impact - Tartaglia ImageTartaglia About Damselette
The Fatui Harbingers are ranked by strength, and I have no idea why that girl is No. 3. I'd test my skills with every Harbinger who ranks above me if I had the chance, but when it comes to her... something just doesn't feel right. Anyway, you should be careful around her.
Genshin Impact - Wanderer ImageWanderer About Damsellette
If you were to encounter a "damsel" who is oblivious and innocent at any given time, and unconcerned and unfeeling in any given situation? If it were me, I could at least challenge her to a fight. But if it were you... with your conscience, I would stay away from her.

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Characters by Element
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Fatui Harbingers

Genshin Impact - Fatui Harbingers

Cryo Archon
Genshin - Tsaritsa Tsaritsa
Fatui Harbingers
Genshin - PierroPierro
Genshin - CapitanoCapitano
Genshin - DottoreIl Dottore
Genshin - DamseletteDamselette
Genshin - ArlecchinoArlecchino
Genshin - PulcinellaPulcinella
Genshin - ScaramoucheScaramouche
Genshin - SandroneSandrone
Genshin - La SignoraLa Signora
Genshin - Pantalone Pantalone
Genshin - 10th Harbinger Unknown

Genshin - Tartaglia Tartaglia

Fatui Harbingers


25 Anonymous26 days

it's a playable/death order so we will play for Columbina and then Capitano. May be Capitano will wake up or be revived by Columbina.

24 Anonymousabout 1 month

we met Signora before Childe so this seems incorrect

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