Genshin Impact

Royal Bow Best Characters and How to Get

Genshin Impact - Royal Bow Bow

Royal Bow is a 4-Star Bow in Genshin Impact. See the best characters for Royal Bow, how to get it, its information, stats, and ascension materials in this weapon guide!

Royal Bow Best Characters

Who is Royal Bow Good For?

Recommended Characters
Venti ImageVenti Fischl ImageFischl Tartaglia ImageTartaglia
Ganyu ImageGanyu Yoimiya ImageYoimiya Sara ImageSara
Aloy ImageAloy Lyney ImageLyney Chasca ImageChasca
Ororon ImageOroron

Good ATK Booster

The Royal Bow gives off ATK as its substat, which is a good option for when you find yourself a little short on it. Apart from that, if you need a little bit of a boost on CRIT Rate, this weapon can also help you out.

However, do take note that the Royal Bow's CRIT Rate buff gets cleared upon scoring a CRIT hit. Therefore, it might still be in your best interest to build your characters with enough CRIT Rate, especially if they're a DPS character.

List of Bows

Royal Bow Weapon Information

Royal Bow Basic Stats and Skills

Royal Bow
Royal Bow Image
Type Bow
Base ATK 42
Rarity ★★★★
Bonus Effect
ATK + 9.0%
Upon damaging an opponent, increases CRIT Rate by 8%. Max 5 stacks. A CRIT hit removes all stacks.

Royal Bow Stats

Lvl. Base ATK ATK
1/20 42 9.0%
20/20 109 15.9%
40/40 205 23.2%
50/50 266 26.8%
60/60 327 30.4%
70/70 388 34.1%
80/80 449 37.7%
90/90 510 41.3%

Royal Bow Refinement Levels

R1 Upon damaging an opponent, increases CRIT Rate by 8%. Max 5 stacks. A CRIT hit removes all stacks.
R2 Upon damaging an opponent, increases CRIT Rate by 10%. Max 5 stacks. A CRIT hit removes all stacks.
R3 Upon damaging an opponent, increases CRIT Rate by 12%. Max 5 stacks. A CRIT hit removes all stacks.
R4 Upon damaging an opponent, increases CRIT Rate by 14%. Max 5 stacks. A CRIT hit removes all stacks.
R5 Upon damaging an opponent, increases CRIT Rate by 16%. Max 5 stacks. A CRIT hit removes all stacks.

How to Get Royal Bow

Get from the Starglitter Exchange

Months Available February, April, June, August, October, December
Genshin Impact - Masterless Starglitter Image x24

The Royal Weapons Series, including the Royal Bow, can be purchased from the Starglitter Exchange in the Shop using Masterless Starglitter.

The Royal Weapons Series rotates with the Blackcliff Series in the Shop every month, so be sure to grab them while you can if you have enough Masterless Starglitter!

Starglitter Exchange Shop Guide

Royal Bow Ascension Materials








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