Genshin Impact

Pantalone (Regrator) Character Profile

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - Pantalone (Regrator) Character Guide

Pantalone, also known as Regrator, is the 9th Fatui Harbinger from Snezhnaya teased in Yelan's Story Quest in Genshin Impact. Learn more about Pantalone's voice actors, story and lore, and in-game mentions in this profile guide!

Pantalone (Regrator) Character Information

Pantalone (Regrator) Character Profile

Regrator, the 9th Fatui Harbinger
Genshin - Pantalone the Regrator Fatui Harbinger Nation: Snezhnaya
Faction: Fatui
Element: N/A
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Pantalone's Voice Actor

Genshin - Pantalone (Regrator) Voice Actor

Pantalone's English Voice Actor is J. Michael Tatum. Genshin Impact's Japanese Twitter posted that Pantalone's Japanese Voice Actor is Hoshino Takanori.

Who is Pantalone (Regrator)?

Ninth of the Fatui Harbingers

Pantalone is ranked 9th in the Fatui Harbingers, a group of elite soldiers and officers based in Snezhnaya serving under the Cryo Archon, Tsaritsa.

Other Members of the Harbingers

Fatui Harbingers
Genshin - PierroPierro
Genshin - CapitanoCapitano
Genshin - DottoreIl Dottore
Genshin - DamseletteDamselette
Genshin - ArlecchinoArlecchino
Genshin - PulcinellaPulcinella
Genshin - ScaramoucheScaramouche
Genshin - SandroneSandrone
Genshin - La SignoraLa Signora
Genshin - Pantalone Pantalone
Genshin - 10th Harbinger Unknown

Genshin - Tartaglia Tartaglia

The Eleven Fatui Harbingers

Snezhnaya's Economic Affairs

Pantalone manages affairs related to Snezhnaya's economy. He also has close trading ties with the Liyue Harbor, and is known for his exceptional talent when it comes to money and business.

He also conducts secret underground operations through his Fatui agents, as shown in Yelan's Story Quest, and Citlali's Story Quest, The Truth of the Battle of Seven Colors!

Pantalone (Regrator) In-Game Information

In-Game Mentions

Yelan Story Quest

Genshin - Regrator in Yelan Story Quest
While only mentioned offscreen in Yelan's Story Quest, Regrator is revealed to be the one getting Theofan, a Fatui agent, out from his potential arrest after Yelan and the Traveler exposed their plans in taking control of a seat in the Liyue Qixing through a puppet, Zhiyi.

Regrator is named as Pantalone in other languages, such as French and German, which equates his name being his alias.

Yelan Story Quest Guide

Goth Grand Hotel

Genshin - Goth owner of the Grand Hotel in Mondstadt
Pantalone booked the entire Goth Grand Hotel and turned it into the Fatui's base of operations in Mondstadt. This was revealed by Goth himself, who couldn't refuse their large sum offer.

Northland Bank

Genshin - Northland Bank
Andrei in the Northland Bank reveres the harbinger "Pantalone," who commends his "brilliance and foresight for the nation's economy".

Pantalone in Pale Flame Artifact Set

Possibly Featured in the Artifact Description

The Moment of Cessation from the Pale Flame Artifact Set is most likely referring to Pantalone. As someone with close ties to Liyue (other than Tartaglia), and the fact that he handles matters of economy, the story of the artifact fits his description.

Artifact Piece Archive Description
Genshin - Pale Flame - Moment of CessationMoment of Cessation Money is the lifeblood of the world, and the pathways along which it flows are the world's arteries.
Then, the center of the world is a heart made of gold.

He was not one of the favored, and could only pursue worldly power.
But though money ought to mean nothing to the gods,
They held it firmly within their grasp nonetheless, along with the countless other forms of power that they wielded.

Perhaps he lusted for money because he had once been destitute,
Or perhaps the fact that the gods had never looked upon him with favor ignited a burning desire for resistance inside him...

"The people of the land from which these coins hail revere contracts above all else."
"In the name of money, I shall respect the contract between us..."
"We shall, by whatever means necessary, become the heart that pumps money around the world."
"And, when the moment comes, that heart shall cease beating by our will alone."

Hinted to Possess No Vision

From the Pale Flame artifact description, it seems that Pantalone doesn't possess a vision, as "he was not one of the favored," and that he was never looked upon by the gods like other vision bearers do.

Pantalone possesing no vision could mean that he might not be playable in the foreseeable future, unless an upcoming storyline or Delusion enables him to do so.

Pantalone (Regrator) Release Date and Known Info

Pantalone's Release Date

Possible Release in Version 6.0

Genshin Impact - Snezhnaya - Everwinter Without Mercy

Since Snezhnaya is set to release in Version 6.0 Update or Chapter VI of Genshin Impact, it's likely that Pantalone will be fully revealed by then. Whether or not he's playable is yet to be known!

Update & Banner Schedules

Revealed in the Fatui Harbingers Teaser

Pantalone was revealed in the Teyvat Chapter Interlude Teaser: A Winter Night's Lazzo video on YouTube. The video contains spoilers of the Inazuma Archon Quest and previews Snezhnaya and characters that will be coming in the future!

Other New & Upcoming Characters

Character Thoughts on Pantalone (Regrator)

All Available Lines on Pantalone (Regrator)

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Arlecchino ImageArlecchino About Regrator
I won't deny that he is a capable and imaginative individual, but he lacks "clarity." He can formulate grand plans and manipulate the economy with ease, yet at the same time, he allows his actions to be governed by the vengeance and hatred locked in the depths of his heart. Rational people often believe themselves capable of controlling their emotions, but I believe that confidence is their greatest weakness.
Genshin Impact - Tartaglia ImageTartaglia About Regrator
Oh, now that guy has a head full of grandiose plans fueled by raw ambition. I don't understand a word he says once he starts talking about his theories... Eh, but as long as he keeps our cash reserves stocked up, I'm not complaining.
Genshin Impact - Wanderer ImageWanderer Oh, the ninth-ranked guy. He's obsessed with the idea of "fair exchange," to the point of wanting to overthrow the natural imbalance between gods and humans. But, I guess it's just how ordinary mortals are like — it's easy for them to come up with pointless delusions. Honestly, it's nothing worth writing home about, just like how there's also nothing impressive about his abilities or choice of partner. Hmph. Anyone who chooses to work closely with The Doctor is sure to meet a nasty end.

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Fatui Harbingers

Genshin Impact - Fatui Harbingers

Cryo Archon
Genshin - Tsaritsa Tsaritsa
Fatui Harbingers
Genshin - PierroPierro
Genshin - CapitanoCapitano
Genshin - DottoreIl Dottore
Genshin - DamseletteDamselette
Genshin - ArlecchinoArlecchino
Genshin - PulcinellaPulcinella
Genshin - ScaramoucheScaramouche
Genshin - SandroneSandrone
Genshin - La SignoraLa Signora
Genshin - Pantalone Pantalone
Genshin - 10th Harbinger Unknown

Genshin - Tartaglia Tartaglia

Fatui Harbingers


27 Anonymousabout 2 months

Dark Baiju

26 Anonymous2 months

Honestly if he was the only playable character with a delusion that would be cool, he would probably drain hp and have a bond of life (as delusions require life force to work) and he doesn't hae a vision, yes i know his kit would be simmilar to other characters but i think it would be cool to have emo baizhu as a character, - A baizhu main

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