Genshin Impact

Yoimiya Quest Guide | Dreamlike Timelessness Story Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Genshin Impact - Yoimiya Story Quest - Dreamlike Timelessness Guide

Dreamlike Timelessness is Yoimiya's Story Quest in Genshin Impact. Learn how to unlock this Quest and where it is found, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough for completing the Quest.

Story Quest
Yoimiya's Character Guides
Genshin - Yoimiya Builds and RatingBuild Guide Summer Festival Fish ImageSpecial Dish
Carassius Auratus Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Dreamlike Timelessness Genshin - Act 2Star-Pickers' Passage Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Dreamlike Timelessness Basic Information

Quest Details

Quest Type Story Quest
Chapter Carassius Auratus: Act I
Location Inazuma
Required AR 30

How to Unlock

How to Unlock Complete Archon Quest Chapter 2: Act 1 The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia
Reach Adventure Rank 30

Yoimiya's Story Quest will not need a Story Key to unlock it.

Available On Version 2.0 Release

Genshin Impact Version 2.0
Genshin - 2.0 Announcement Livestream
Release Date July 21, 2021

Dreamlike Timelessness will become permanently available after the release of Version 2.0 of Genshin Impact.

2.0 Patch Notes and Release Date

Dreamlike Timelessness Walkthrough and Rewards

The Firework Girl's Strange Stories

Genshin Impact - The Firework Girls Strange Stories

You've been in Inazuma for a while now, but your investigations continue. One day, you and Paimon arrive at the seaside...

The Firework Girl's Strange Stories Objectives

  • Go to Narukami Island's beaches
  • Catch up to the children who are about to leave
  • Go to Naganohara Fireworks
  • Confirm the source of the sound


1 Genshin Impact - The Firework Girls Strange Stories - 3 Children at Narukami Island Beach
Go to Narukami Island's beaches and approach the 3 children.
2 Genshin Impact - The Firework Girls Strange Stories - Catch Up to the Children
Follow the 3 children along the beach.
3 Genshin Impact - The Firework Girls Strange Stories - Naganohara Fireworks
Head over to Naganohara Fireworks.
4 Genshin Impact - The Firework Girls Strange Stories - Source of the Sound
Go to the back of Naganohara Fireworks to investigate where the sound came from.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×400 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×24100 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×3
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×5

Expectations Not to Be Betrayed

Genshin Impact - Expectations Not to Be Betrayed

You return with Yoimiya to Naganohara Fireworks, but discover a stowaway hiding inside the shop named Sakujirou. To prevent his capture at the hands of the Tenryou Commission, you must find a way for him to leave Inazuma while preparing for a fireworks show.

Expectations Not to Be Betrayed Objectives

  • Prepare a boat for Sakujirou alongside Yoimiya
  • Look for firework materials in the city
  • Talk to Morihiko
  • Go to Amenoma Smithy
  • Head to the designated location to meet Kouichi
  • Go and confirm the ships' condition
  • Tell Sakujirou the ship's location


1 Genshin Impact - Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Prepare a Boat
Head to the marked area to prepare a boat for Sakujirou.
2 Genshin Impact - Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Morihiko
Head to Yae Publishing House and talk to Morihiko.
3 Genshin Impact - Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Amenoma Smithy
Go to Amenoma Smithy.
4 Genshin Impact - Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Kouichi
Meet up with Kouichi at the same location.
5 Genshin Impact - Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Ships Condition
Head to the marked area along the beach to check on the ship.
6 Genshin Impact - Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Sakujirou
Go back to Naganohara Fireworks and talk to Sakujirou.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×500 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×31125 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×7

A Sliver of Hope

Genshin Impact - A Sliver of Hope

Though you and Yoimiya managed to secure Sakujirou's passage out by sea, he wavers, unable to reconcile himself to his wish. It is at this moment that Yoimiya recalls an old couple among Naganohara Fireworks' clients who might be able to help him out.

A Sliver of Hope Objectives

  • Visit the old couple to ask for their help
  • Help the old couple clean up their courtyard
  • Give the Pickled Radish to Satoru in the village
  • Report back to the old couple
  • Tell Sakujirou the news


1 Genshin Impact - A Sliver of Hope - Imatani Kaori and Imatani Saburou
Head to Konda Village and talk to either Imatani Kaori or Imatani Saburou.
2 Genshin Impact - A Sliver of Hope - Courtyard Clean Up
Use Sword or Claymore attacks or Pyro characters to get rid of the weeds in the courtyard.
3 Genshin Impact - A Sliver of Hope - Satoru
Go to the other side of the village and give Satoru the Pickled Radish.
4 Genshin Impact - A Sliver of Hope - Old Couple
Report back to the old couple.
5 Genshin Impact - A Sliver of Hope - Sakujirou
Tell Sakujirou the news back at Naganohara Fireworks.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×500 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×31125 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×7

Together Under the Fireworks

Genshin Impact - Together Under the Fireworks

Unexpectedly, this old couple's child is the Tenryuo Commission's Imatani Keisuke, an old acquaintance of Sakujirou's. However, the two of them once had a sharp disagreement, and so Yoimiya is unable to use this prior relationship to help Sakujirou out of his bind. As the Tenryou Commission closes in on Naganohara Fireworks, Yoimiya fears that Sakujirou will forever forfeit his chance to fulfill his wish...

Together Under the Fireworks Objectives

  • Follow the road out of the city to look for clues
  • Talk with the children
  • Follow the direction indicated by the children
  • Approach the Tenryou Commision officers who are blocking the road
  • Defeat the Tenryou Commission officers
  • Talk to the panicking Tenryou Commission officers
  • Proceed deeper within to find Sakujirou
  • Defeat Imatani Keisuke
  • Talk to Imatani Keisuke and Sakujirou
  • Go to a place to watch the Fireworks Show


1 Genshin Impact - Together Under the Fireworks - Children
Take the road outside the city and talk to the children.
2 Genshin Impact - Together Under the Fireworks - Tenryou Commission Officers
Head to the direction that the children gave and approach the Tenryou Commission officers.
3 Genshin Impact - Together Under the Fireworks - Defeat Tenryou Commission Officers
Defeat the Tenryou Commission officers.
4 Genshin Impact - Together Under the Fireworks - Sakujirou
Keep going along the beach and find Sakujirou.
5 Genshin Impact - Together Under the Fireworks - Defeat Imatani Keisuke
Defeat Imatani Keisuke.
6 Genshin Impact - Together Under the Fireworks - Fireworks Show
Climb the hill on Amakane Island and watch the fireworks with Yoimiya.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×600 Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×60 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×36825
Genshin Impact - Guide to Transience Image Guide to Transience ×5 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8

Dreamlike Timelessness Tips & Strategies

Recommended Characters

Sword and Claymore Users

All Characters
Itto ImageItto Xilonen ImageXilonen Kinich ImageKinich
Chiori ImageChiori Clorinde ImageClorinde Furina ImageFurina
Navia ImageNavia Traveler (Hydro) ImageTraveler (Hydro) Nilou ImageNilou
Dehya ImageDehya Alhaitham ImageAlhaitham Traveler (Dendro) ImageTraveler (Dendro)
Ayato ImageAyato Traveler (Geo) ImageTraveler (Geo) Traveler (Electro) ImageTraveler (Electro)
Kazuha ImageKazuha Ayaka ImageAyaka Traveler (Anemo) ImageTraveler (Anemo)
Jean ImageJean Diluc ImageDiluc Qiqi ImageQiqi
Keqing ImageKeqing Eula ImageEula Albedo ImageAlbedo
Kirara ImageKirara Sayu ImageSayu Gaming ImageGaming
Kaeya ImageKaeya Razor ImageRazor Freminet ImageFreminet
Bennett ImageBennett Noelle ImageNoelle Lynette ImageLynette
Layla ImageLayla Kaveh ImageKaveh Beidou ImageBeidou
Xingqiu ImageXingqiu Chongyun ImageChongyun Dori ImageDori
Xinyan ImageXinyan Shinobu ImageShinobu

Pyro Characters

All Characters
Diluc ImageDiluc Klee ImageKlee Hu Tao ImageHu Tao
Yoimiya ImageYoimiya Lyney ImageLyney Arlecchino ImageArlecchino
Dehya ImageDehya Amber ImageAmber Bennett ImageBennett
Xiangling ImageXiangling Xinyan ImageXinyan Yanfei ImageYanfei
Thoma ImageThoma Chevreuse ImageChevreuse Gaming ImageGaming

During the quest, you will be tasked to get rid of some weeds, you will need to attack the weeds either with a Sword or a Claymore or use Pyro attacks to remove them.

Chance to Use Yoimiya

Genshin Impact - Tapestry of Golden Flames Gacha and Wish Guide

During the quest, you will be able to use Yoimiya in combat even before her Wish banner releases, so this is a great chance to try her out and decide if you want to roll for her.

Yoimiya Banner and Gacha Rates

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Quests

All Quests and Quest Types

All Story Quest Guides

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Genshin Impact Dendro Characters Story Quest.png

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Pyro Characters Story Quest

Genshin Impact Pyro Characters Story Quest.png

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Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1 Act 2

Cryo Characters Story Quest

Genshin Impact Cryo Characters Story Quest.png

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Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1

Anemo Characters Story Quest

Genshin Impact Anemo Characters Story Quest.png

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Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1

Geo Characters Story Quest

Genshin Impact Geo Characters Story Quest.png

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Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1 Act 2

Hydro Characters Story Quest

Genshin Impact Hydro Characters Story Quest.png

Character Story Quests
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1

Electro Characters Story Quest

Genshin Impact Electro Characters Story Quest.png

Character Story Quests
Act 1
Act 1 Act 2
Act 1 Act 2
Act 1
Act 1
Act 1

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