Genshin Impact

Yae Miko Story Quest Guide | The Great Narukami Offering Story Walkthrough and Rewards

Genshin Impact - The Great Narukami Offering Story Quest Guide

The Great Narukami Offering is Yae Miko's Story Quest in Version 2.5 of Genshin Impact. We’ve got the quest walkthrough and rewards, unlock requirements, how to activate all lamps using Electro, clear the quest domain, and wait for three days right here!

Yae Miko
Story Quest
Yae Miko's Character Guides
Genshin - Yae Miko Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Yae Miko Story and ProfileLore Fukuuchi Udon ImageSpecial Dish
Divina Vulpes Chapter
Genshin - Act 1The Great Narukami Offering Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Yae Miko Story Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Mysterious Urban Legend

Genshin - Yae Miko Story Quest - Mysterious Urban Legend

You planned to visit the Yae Publishing House, but after arriving in Hanamizaka, you find that it is more lively than usual here...

Mysterious Urban Legend Objectives

  • Take a stroll around Hanamizaka
  • Investigate a kaidan that has been making the rounds recently
  • Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine and look for Yae Miko
  • Search for Youhei's brother
  • Ask the villagers about Youhei and his brother
  • Ask the villagers for more information
  • ''Exorcise'' Katou Shingo
  • Defeat the spirit that has possessed Shingo


Go to Hanamizaka west of Inazuma City.
Approach Shigeru and Junkichi near Yae Publishing House.
Teleport to Grand Narukami Shrine and talk to Yae Miko.
Search around Konda Village to gather information.
Go to the waterfall below Mt. Yougou and approach Katou Shingo.
Defeat Arakawa Kouji, a Kairagi: Dancing Thunder.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×425 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×31125 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×7

Friendship in Writing

Genshin - Yae Miko Story Quest - Friendship in Writing

It turns out that Youhei and Shingo had summoned a spirit with the method recorded in ''A Firsthand Guide to Summoning Spirits.'' Yae Miko suggests going to the Yae Publishing House to discuss how to respond...

Friendship in Writing Objectives

  • Go to Yae Publishing House
  • Go to the submission event to listen to what the reader like (0/3)
  • Go to Uyuu Restaurant to finish the light novel
  • Go to Yae Publishing House to complete the endorsement
  • Go to submit the manuscript
  • Wait for three days


Go to Yae Publishing House.
Go to the submission area and talk to Oosuke, Tetsuo, and Kyouta.
Enter Uyuu Restaurant in Inazuma City.
Go back to Yae Publishing House and talk to Kuroda.
Go back to the submission area and submit the novel to Nakano Shino.
Wait for three days.
See how to change the time here!


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×525 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×38100 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8

A Centuries-Long Dream

Genshin - Yae Miko Story Quest - A Centuries-Long Dream

The light novel was a great success! Now that you've taken ''A Firsthand Guide to Summoning Spirits'' down a peg or two, it's time to find out who wrote it.

A Centuries-Long Dream Objectives

  • Go to the summoning ritual site
  • Enter the summoning site
  • Collect clues concerning the summoning ritual
  • Activate the lamps using Electro


Go to the summoning ritual site on the shoreline east of Inazuma City.
Enter the Secret Summoning Chamber domain.
Activate all lamps in the domain using Electro to complete the domain.
See the full walkthrough of the domain here!


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×525 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×38100 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8

Banquet of Parting

Genshin - Yae Miko Story Quest - Banquet of Parting

What can we do for these youkai? If you were to answer honestly, it could only be a grand farewell party.

Banquet of Parting Objectives

  • Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine and look for Yae Miko
  • Go to the main road under Mt. Yougou
  • Stop the affected monsters from getting up the mountain
  • Return to the Grand Narukami Shrine
  • Wait until the appointed time (the following day)
  • Go close to Uyuu Restaurant
  • Enter Uyuu Restaurant


Teleport back to Grand Narukami Shrine and talk to Yae Miko and the Shrine Maiden.
Head on the main road west of Mt. Yougou and defeat the waves of enemies.
Return to the Grand Narukami Shrine.
Adjust the time to the next day.
Head to Uyuu Restaurant in Inazuma City. Heading inside the restaurant will finish this story quest!


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×525 Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×60 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×38100
Genshin Impact - Guide to Light Image Guide to Light ×5 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8

Yae Miko Story Quest Domain Walkthrough

Secret Summoning Chamber Domain Walkthrough

Head forward until you see the Kairagis and Nobushis. Defeat them and unlock the Exquisite Chest.
Go to the next room and you should see a big mirror. This will be the Main Room floor so take note!
Your goal from hereon is to raise or lower all four Lamp Stands inside the domain so they all go to the Main Floor.

Check here for the summary!
From the Main Room, simply press Start on the lever near the lower right corner to lower the First Lamp Stand.
Press start on the lever beside the mirror to lower the Second Lamp Stand. This should lower it to the Main Floor when you return later.
Ride the elevator down. If you didn't get to ride it, simply interact the lever again to raise it back up.
Go to the brightly-lit room and defeat the Kairagis. Get the Exquisite Chest as well!
Interact with the lever on the corner of the room to raise the Third Lamp Stand.
Ride the elevator, or you can use the wind current to go up.
Go to the highest floor by riding the wind currents.
Interact with all the movable panels until you reach the lever to lower the Fourth Lamp Stand.
Ride the elevator down by interacting with the lever. You should be back to the mirror Main Room!
Hit all Lamp Stands on the corners of the Main Room with any Electro attacks to active them.
14 Genshin - Yae Miko Story Quest Domain Walkthrough - 14 Main Room Ending
Go to the middle of the Main Room. Doing this will play a cutscene and end the domain! A Precious Chest will also spawn for you.

Your main goal in this domain is to reset all Lamp Stands so they go to the same floor as the big mirror Main Room. Afterwards, you'll need to use an Electro character to hit these lamps to finish the domain!

List of All Electro Characters

How to Activate All Lamps in Yae Miko's Story Quest Domain

Hit the Lamps With Electro

Genshin - Yae Miko Story Quest - How to Activate All Lamps Using Electro
To clear Yae Miko's Story Quest Domain, you'll need to navigate around the domain until you can raise or lower all lamp stands on the same floor. Then, use Electro to activate all four lamps!

With Yae Miko in your party, you can just use your Normal Attacks to accomplish this!

How to Move All Lamps Stands to the Main Floor

All Lamp Locations
Lower the lamp by interacting the lever on the lower right corner of the room.
Lower the lamp by pressing Start on the lever beside the big mirror in the Main Room.
Raise the lamp by interacting the lever on the corner of the brightly-lit room with two Kairagis.
Lower the lamp by going to the highest floor. You'll need to Move all the moveable panels in that room until you reach the lever.

▲ See the Full Domain Walkthrough ▲

How to Wait for Three Days in Yae Miko's Story Quest

Set to Day After Tomorrow

Genshin - Yae Miko Story Quest - How to Wait for Three Days
To wait for three days in Yae Miko's Story Quest, you can adjust your time to Day After Tomorrow. If you still need one day, you can adjust again to wait until Tomorrow.

Note that you can only rotate the dial twice to skip two days!

Yae Miko Story Quest Basic Info

Quest Details

Quest Type Story Quest
Chapter Divina Vulpes: Act I
Location Inazuma
Required AR 40

How to Unlock

How to Unlock
Complete Archon Quest Chapter 2 Act 3 - Omnipresence Over Mortals
Complete Raiden Shogun's Story Quest Transient Dreams
Reach Adventure Rank 40

Yae Miko's story quest unlocks after completing Raiden Shogun's Story Quest Act 2 in AR 40. You will need 1 Story Key to unlock this.

Version 2.5 Release Date and Patch Notes

Complete Inazuma Act 3 of Archon Quest

Genshin Impact - Archon Quest Chapter 2 Act 3 - Omnipresence Over Mortals Quest Guide
Complete Chapter 2: Act 3 of the Archon Quest to unlock Yae Miko's Story Quest. Check out our guide for this archon quest on the link below!

Inazuma Chapter 2: Act 3 Archon Quest Guide

Complete Raiden's Story Quest Act 2

Genshin Impact - Raiden Shogun Story Quest Act II - Quest Guide
Unlock Yae Miko's Story Quest by completing Raiden Shogun's Story Quest. Check out our guide for her story quest on the link below!

Raiden Shogun Story Quest Act 2 Guide

Unlock With Story Key

Genshin - Yae Miko Story Quest Story Key

Use one Story Key to unlock Yae Miko's Story Quest. You can get this by doing 8 Commissions, which equals to 2 days worth of Commissions!

How to Unlock Daily Commissions

Released in Version 2.5

Genshin Impact Version 2.5
Genshin Impact - Version 2.5 Banner - When the Sakura Bloom
Release Date February 16, 2022

Yae Miko's Story Quest was released at the same time as the Version 2.5 update of Genshin Impact on February 16, 2022.

Update 2.5 Release Date & Patch Notes

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