Genshin Impact

Arataki Itto Story Quest Guide | Taurus Iracundus Act I Walkthrough

Genshin Impact - Rise Up Golden Soul Story Quest Guide

Rise Up, Golden Soul is Arataki Itto's Story Quest, and the first Act of Taurus Iracundus Chapter, released in Version 2.3 of Genshin Impact. We’ve got the quest walkthrough and rewards, guide to complete Itto's domain, unlock requirements, and tips on how to sneak up on Itto right here!

Story Quest
Itto's Character Guides
Genshin - Itto Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Itto Story and ProfileLore Way of the Strong ImageSpecial Dish
Taurus Iracundus Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Rise Up, Golden Soul Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Taurus Iracundus: Act I Walkthrough and Rewards

The Oni's Evil

Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - The Oni

Inazuma's Katheryne would like you to help conduct an emergency investigation...

The Oni's Evil Objectives

  • Talk to Katheryne in Inazuma City
  • Get news of Arataki Itto (0/3)
  • Ask Sango for more information


1 Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - The Oni
Talk to Katheryne in Inazuma.
2 Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - The Oni
Go around and talk to Furuya Noboru, Ogura Mio, and Uesugi, in Inazuma City.
Head to Bantan Sango Detective Agency in Inazuma City and talk to Sango.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×450 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×27825 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×3
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×6

The Oni's Justice

Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - The Oni

You set off to Yashiori Island using the clues Sango provided...

The Oni's Justice Objectives

  • Go to Yashiori Island to search for Arataki Itto
  • Use Elemental Sight to chase the tracks
  • Continue the pursuit
  • Hit Arataki Itto with the beans
  • Go to the Onikabuto capture spot
  • Go to the tree where the Onikabuto reside
  • Check the area where lightning struck
  • Leap off the gorge to look for Onikabuto
  • Go to the purple object
  • Search for an Onikabuto
  • Capture an Onikabuto
  • Go have a bug battle with Daisuke and Itto


Teleport to Yashiori Island. You can go there quickly by teleporting to the Formation Estate Waypoint.
Use Elemental Sight and follow the trail of footprints until you see Arataki Itto.
While sneaking carefully, hurl the Bag of Beans you have acquired from Sango to Itto.

Click here to learn how to sneak!
Hunt Onikabutos by first heading to the lone tree.
Glide down the gorge and approach the Lavender Melons.
Approach the Onikabuto hanging on a stone.
Head to the tent near Formation Estate and watch the beetle fight..


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×600 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×38100 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8

The Oni's Pride

Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - The Oni

After Daisuke points out the inconsistencies in his story, Arataki Itto is forced to reveal to you that he is currently acting to protect the blue oni. To ascertain the truth, you agree to set out with Itto once again.

The Oni's Pride Objectives

  • Go to check on the victim
  • Lie in wait at Nazuichi Beach for the ronin to show up
  • Defeat the ronin
  • Defeat the Tenryou Commission members
  • Follow the footprints and chase Takuya
  • Investigate the trail
  • Defeat the ambushing ronin
  • Look for more trails
  • Go deeper into the ronin hideout
  • Defeat the ronin guarding this place
  • Rescue the people held here
  • Defeat all the ronin
  • Tell Granny Oni everything that happened


Head to Fort Fujitou and approach Masato.
Teleport to Nazuichi Beach near Tatarasuna, then drop down to the area.
With Arataki Itto in your party, defeat the Nobushi ronins.
Defeat Ishizaki and the guards while playing as Arataki Itto.
Follow the footprints on the beach south to search for Takuya's trail.
Defeat the Nobushi ronins.
Reach the entrance to the domain hidden behind the shrubs..
Complete the Crumbling Guilt domain with Arataki Itto in your party.

Click here for the domain walkthrough!
Teleport back to Granny Oni. Talking to Granny Oni and watching the cutscenes will complete the Story Quest!


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×700 Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×60 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×44000
Genshin Impact - Guide to Elegance Image Guide to Elegance ×5 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×5 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×10

Arataki Itto Story Quest Domain Guide

How to Complete Itto's Crumbling Guilt Domain

Head forward while defeating the enemies until you reach the Main Room. The goal here is to move the stair around until you reach the top-most floor.
Pull the lever of the first mechanism to lower the stairs.
Go up the stairs and around until you reach the second mechanism. Don't forget to open the Common Chest behind it!
Head down the ladder. You will notice that you have returned to the Main Room with the first mechanism. Interact with this mechanism again to raise the staircase back to where it once was.
Return and climb the ladder and go towards the staircase that formed a new path.
Defeat all foes and open the Exquisite Chest.
Head inside the newly-opened door. Don't forget to open the Common Chest hidden behind the screen and up the ladder!
Pull the third mechanism and head through the door on your left.
You will once again return to the Main Room, but do not interact with the mechanisms there. This current position will be pivotal later. Instead, climb up the ladder again.
After going up the ladder and around, glide to the panel and up the stairs. Don't forget to get the hidden Common Chest behind a screen!
Head forward until you see the jails and the Nobushis. Defeat the enemies and open the Precious Chest and the Common Chest inside one of the jails. Enter the newly opened door afterwards.
Pull the fourth mechanism to raise the staircase to the highest floor. If it is on the wrong direction, reset one of the previous mechanisms.
Defeat Nogata and his minions.

Domain Stair Puzzle Order

Stair Mechanism
1st Stair Mechanism
2nd Stair Mechanism
Return to 1st Stair Mechanism
3rd Stair Mechanism
4th Stair Mechanism

While in the domain, keep in mind to only interact with the 1st mechanism twice. Make sure to leave the 1st mechanism as it is!

Arataki Itto Story Quest Tips and Tricks

Hit Arataki Itto With Beans While Sneaking

How to Sneak

Sneak Controls
Standing Genshin - Sneaking - Crouching
Genshin - Sneaking - Dashing
Genshin - Sneaking - Jumping
Crouching Genshin - Sneaking - Stand Up
Stand Up
Genshin - Sneaking - Hurl Beans
Throw Beans
Genshin - Sneaking - Roll Over
Roll Over

There are two modes to sneaking, standing or crouching. You need to crouch to throw beans and hide behind objects!

When throwing beans, you can hold your skill button to throw the beans further away.

Approach Itto from Behind

Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - Approach Itto from Behind
The best strategy when sneaking up on Itto is to get close to him from behind. While crouching, approach Itto when he is facing away.

Hide Behind Objects Away from Itto's Line of Sight

Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - Sneak - Crouching
You can sneak and throw the Bag of Beans by hiding behind rocks or boxes. If Itto sees you, roll over to these objects.

Disable the Electro Armor Rack

Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - Crumbling Guilt Domain - Deactivate or Close the Electro Buffer Statue
Close the armor rack to remove the Electro buff from the Nobushis. This will make it easier for you to defeat them.

Rise Up, Golden Soul Basic Info

Quest Details

Quest Type Story Quest
Chapter Taurus Iracundus: Act I
Location Inazuma

How to Unlock Itto's Story Quest

How to Unlock
Complete Archon Quest Chapter 2: Act 3 Omnipresence Over Mortals
Complete Act 1 of Kokomi's Story Quest
Reach Adventure Rank 40

Arataki Itto's story quest unlocks after completing Kokomi's Story Quest in AR 40. You will need 1 Story Key to unlock this.

2.3 Release Date and Patch Notes

Complete Inazuma Act 3 of Archon Quest

Genshin Impact - Archon Quest Chapter 2 Act 3 - Omnipresence Over Mortals Quest Guide
Complete Chapter 2: Act 3 of the Archon Quest to unlock Itto's Story Quest. Check out our guide for this archon quest on the link below!

Inazuma Chapter 2: Act 3 Archon Quest Guide

Complete Kokomi's Story Quest

Genshin Impact - Kokomi Story Quest Act 1 Guide
Unlock Itto's Story Quest by completing Kokomi's Story Quest. Check out our guide for her story quest on the link below!

Kokomi Story Quest Guide

Unlock With Story Key

Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - Unlock with Story Key
Use one Story Key to unlock Arataki Itto's Story Quest. You can get a Story Key by doing 8 Commissions, which equals to 2 days worth of Commissions!

How to Unlock Daily Commissions

Featured Characters

Arataki Itto

Genshin - Arataki Itto in Story Quest
Our favorite rowdy Oni, Itto, is the main character featured in this Story Quest! This is the first time Itto has appeared in any storyline in Inazuma.

Arataki Itto Rating and Best Builds


Genshin - Takuya in Itto Story Quest
Takuya is the Blue Oni, the Crimson Oni's counterpart, and the main secondary character for this Story Quest.

Learn more about Takuya and his lore by clicking on Takuya's profile page below!

Takuya Profile and Voice Actor

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4 Anonymousover 3 years

i saw someone comment on the wiki that the japanese title "akagane tamashii" can be misread as "aka kintama" or red testicles lol

3 Anonymousover 3 years

I can't figure out how to get on the stairs for 4th mechanism please help

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