Genshin Impact

Tighnari Story Quest Guide | Chapter 1: Vulpes Zerda The Unanswerable Problems

Genshin Impact - Tighnari Story Quest Act 1 Guide

Here's the guide to the first Tighnari Story Quest in Genshin Impact, Vulpes Zerda Chapter: Act I. See how to unlock Tighnari's quest, how to complete all quests in The Unanswerable Problems here!

Story Quest
Tighnari's Character Guides
Genshin - Tighnari Builds and RatingBuild Guide Forest WatcherSpecial Dish
Vulpes Zerda Chapter
Genshin - Act 1The Unanswerable Problems Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

How to Unlock Tighnari's Story Quest

Tighnari Quest Unlock Requirements

How to Unlock
Complete Archon Quest Chapter 3: Act 2 - The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings
Reach Adventure Rank 40

Players will need to reach Adventure Rank 40 to unlock Tighnari's Story Quest, The Unanswerable Problems. They will also need to complete the new Archon Quest, The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings.

A Story Key is also required to unlock the quest. A Story Key can be earned after completing 8 Daily Commissions.

List of Story Quests

Tighnari Story Quest Walkthrough

The Start of Contamination

Tighnari Quest Walkthrough
Talk to Katheryne in the Adventurers' Guild in Sumeru City.
Head to Gandharva Ville and talk to Tighnari.
Go back to Sumeru City and talk to Mahir.
Talk to Akarsh, Abdo, and Kadin.
Head to the south waters outside of Sumeru City.
Follow and feed the Sumpter Beast.
Defeat the Mechanical Crab.
Head back to Sumeru City and talk to Mahir.
Go to Gandharva Ville and talk to Collei.

Into the Hitherland

Tighnari Quest Walkthrough
Head west to find the Mechanical Crab.
Go to the marked location nearby and collect Strange Sumeru Roses. You will have to do this three times
Defeat the attracted spinocrocodiles after stabilizing the Leyline energy.
Defeat the Ruin Sentinels to save Jasar.
Climb up the hill to set up camp.
Go inside the tent and rest.
Collect the pest-repelling devices beside the tent.
Collect the Strange Sumeru Rose.
Defeat another set of Ruin Sentinels.

Heart of the Machine

Tighnari Quest Walkthrough
Enter the domain and defeat yet another set of Ruin Sentinels.
Go forward and examine the strange device.
Go to the next marked location until you find a lab.
Go to the marked locations to find three documents.
Use the Four-Leaf Sigil to head up.
Head to the next marked location using the yellow bridge and avoid the bubbles.
Jump down to the next area and defeat more Ruin Sentinels.
Head back to the lab.
Shut down the Ley Line Extractor then leave the Secret Lab.

Garden Memories

Tighnari Quest Walkthrough
Talk to Katheryne in Sumeru City.
Adjust the time to the next day at 8:00 - 12:00.
Meet up with Tighnari at Pardis Dhyai.

Tighnari Story Quest Basic Info

Story Quest Details

Genshin - Tighnari Story Quest

The Unanswerable Problems is Act 1 of the Vulpes Zerda Chapter Story Quest, which features the 5-Star Dendro Character, Tighnari.

Tighnari Builds and Rating

Tighnari Story Quest Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 3.0
Genshin Impact - Version 3.0 The Morn A Thousand Roses Brings
Release Date August 24, 2022

Tighnari's Story Quest was released in Version 3.0 on August 24, 2022. This was also announced in the 3.0 livestream!

Version 3.0 Release Date and Patch Notes

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2 Pavonoctuaover 2 years

The last time I cry like this was in Venti's story quest. Amazing story, good writing for Tighnari story quest

1 Anonymousover 2 years

hallo for the garden memories it should be ended after we meet tighnari at pardis dhyai, anw thank you for the guide!

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