Genshin Impact

Dehya Story Quest Guide for Mantichora Chapter Act 1

Genshin Impact - Dehya Story Quest

Dehya Story Quest is the "Lionsblood" chapter released in Genshin Impact 3.5. Find out the requirements to unlock Dehya's Act 1 quest, and walkthrough to complete the domain here!

Story Quest
Dehya's Guides
Genshin - Dehya Builds and RatingBest Builds Genshin Impact - DehyaMaterials Goldflame Tajine ImageDish
Mantichora Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Lionsblood Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Dehya Story Quest How to Unlock

Complete Chapter 3 Act 5 Archon Quest

Genshin - Mantichora Chapter Dehya Story Quest

How to Unlock
Complete Chapter 3: Act 5 Archon Quest
Reach Adventure Rank 40+

To unlock Dehya's story quest, Lionsblood, you must be at least Adventure Rank 40. You must also complete the Archon Quest Chapter 3: Act 5, Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises!

A Story Key is also required to unlock the quest, which you can earn after completing 8 Daily Commissions.

List of Story Quests

Dehya Story Quest Walkthrough

Part 1 - Shade Upon Red Silk

Shade Upon Red Silk Quest Guide
Head to the Grand Bazaar. You will encounter Dunyarzad and Dehya. Talk to them about the troubles of the Eremite Mercenaries.
Go to Caravan Ribat and talk to the members of Dehya's Brigade (Blazing Beasts).
Teleport to the Dark Valley Domain and wait with Dehya. The cutscene will switch your time until the Eremites arrive.
Intercept the caravan and defeat the Eremite enemies using Dehya!
After defeating the Eremites, talk to Sattar about the secrets of the Dakan Al-Ahmar.
Look for clues on the Eremite cargo until you find the Caravan Accounts on the bag.
Talk to Dehya and finish the conversation to move on to the next part of the quest!

Part 2 - Annals of the Scarlet Sands

Annals of the Scarlet Sands Quest Guide
Use the waypoint near the Akademiya and head toward Dunyarzad's location.
Talk to Dunyarzard about what you found out from the Caravan Accounts about her father, Shahzaman.
Teleport to the waypoint near the Adventurer's Guild and find out what happened from Shahzaman.
Go look for Jawad outside the tavern at night. Adjust your time to the evening and talk to Jawad.
Go to the location of Dakan Al-Ahmar.
Defeat the Dakan Al-Ahmar members using Dehya once again.
Talk to the Dakan Al-Ahmar members and find out what happened to Dehya's father, Kusayla. Finish the conversation to move on to the next part!

Part 3 - Sincerity's Facade

Sincerity's Facade Quest Guide
Go to the hiding place of Deshret's Relics. It is located near Khaj-Nisut.
Enter the Hiding Place (Bygone Glories Passed Domain) and storm the area with the Dakan Al-Ahmar's members.
You will get separated and will have to go through a series of puzzles to get to the main room. Click to jump to the domain guide!
Once you reach the room after solving the puzzles, a cutscene will start where you will confront the leader of Deshret's Relics, Mishal.
Defeat the Eremite enemies. Fill up the meter by beating all the Eremites!
Another cutscene will commence where the Dakan Al-Ahmar members will catch up on you and the leader will admit their defeat.
Use the mechanism to get to the upper floor. Get the precious chest on the way there!
Interrogate Shakhbout (Deshret's Relics Member) about the old burnt records room with Dehya.
Go to the records room with Dehya and the members of Daka Al-Ahmar.
A cutscene will start where Dehya would reminisce about the old hero plays that her dad would often do when she was a kid.
The cutscene will continue until Paimon goes and treats Dehya with food while waiting for Dunyarzard to come.
After the conversation, head to the Grand Bazaar. Speak to Dehya and the others until Sattar comes to give Dehya, Kusayla's last possessions.
The possessions turned out to be a box with many things including a letter for Dehya. Dehya will read the letter and talk to you. After that, the quest is complete!

Dehya Story Quest Domain Guide

Go to the Hiding Place of Deshret's Relics Guide

  1. Enter the domain with Dehya.
  2. Puzzle 1 - Look for a Different Path ▼
  3. Defeat the Primal Construct to open the door.
  4. Puzzle 2 - Look for a Different Path ▼
  5. Defeat the Primal Constructs to open the door.
  6. Defeat the Primal Constructs to get a chest.
  7. Puzzle 3 - Proceed Further ▼

Puzzle 1 Look for a Different Path

How to Solve Puzzle 1
Enter the domain with Dehya and the Dakan Al-Ahmar members. Defeat the Eremite enemies. After you get separated from your allies, look for a different path.
Find your way toward the room with a mechanism.
Head for the large mechanism with a beam on it and change the color to yellow.
After that, press the raise button once to match the beam to the gem on the other mechanism!
This will open a room with a Primal Construct Repulsor, a door, and a locked Common Chest. Defeat the primal construct to open the door and the Common Chest!

Puzzle 2 Look for a Different Path

How to Solve Puzzle 2
Enter the next room after defeating the Primal Construct.
Head for the pyramid mechanism in the middle and rotate it twice so the gems on it are facing the two mechanisms with beams on it.
The pyramid mechanism will go down.
Go the mechanism with a yellow beam and lower the beam to match the gem on the mechanism it's beaming on!
This will open the door that will lead to another area with Primal Construct Prospectors in it. Defeat them to open the door and unlock the normal chest!

Puzzle 3 Proceed Further

How to Solve Puzzle 3
Go to the open door and defeat the Primal Constructs guarding an Exquisite Chest!
Head up the stairs. There will be two puzzles there. Complete the one on the left side first because they are connected.
On the left puzzle, go to the mechanism on the right side of the pyramid mechanism and raise the beam twice to match the gem on the pyramid!
This will lower the pyramid mechanism and the beam from the mechanism you just used would shine on the gem on the right side of the room. You must change the color of the beam to purple.
That will activate a part of the gem on the pyramid on the right side of the room.
Go to the right side of the room and change the color of the beam to purple.
This will make the pyramid go down. After that, change the color back to yellow to open the door and you can continue the quest!

Dehya Story Quest Rewards

All Lionsblood Rewards

Quest Quest Rewards
Shade Upon Red Silk
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x34,075
Annals of the Scarlet Sands
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x34,075
Sincerity's Facade
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x47,175

Dehya Story Quest Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 3.5
Genshin Impact - Version 3.5
Release Date March 1, 2023

Dehya's Story Quest, Lionsblood, was released when the Version 3.5 update went live on March 1, 2023!

Version 3.5 Release Date & Patch Notes

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