Genshin Impact

Klee Quest Guide | True Treasure Story Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - True Treasure Story Quest Guide

True Treasure is a Story Quest in Genshin Impact. Learn how to unlock this Quest and where it is found, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough for completing the Quest.

Story Quest
Klee's Character Guides
Genshin - Klee Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Klee Story and ProfileLore Fish-Flavored Toast ImageSpecial Dish
Trifolium Chapter
Genshin - Act 1True Treasure Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

True Treasure Basic Information

Quest Details

Quest Type Story Quest
Chapter Trifolium: Act I
Location Mondstadt, Mondstadt
Required AR 32
Quest Giver Klee

During Midsummer Island Adventure Event

How to Unlock Available after Version 1.6
Reach Adventure Rank 21

After Midsummer Island Adventure Event

How to Unlock
Reach Adventure Rank 32

True Treasure Walkthrough and Rewards

Who is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter?

Customers at the Angel's Share have started devating the hottest topic on Mondstadt's streets: Who is the strongest fighter in Mondstadt?

Who is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? Objectives

  • Wait Until Night
  • Talk to Patton about recent conversation topics
  • Enter the tavern
  • Ask tavern patrons about the strongest fighter in Mondstadt (0/4)
  • Discuss your findings with Paimon
  • Go to the Knights of Favonius headquarters
  • Ask Jean about the strongest fighter in Mondstadt
  • Leave the Knights of Favonius office
  • Ask about the girl


1 Speaking to Patton
Talk to Patton in front of Angel's Share at night.
2 Enter the tavern.
3 Speaking to the Patrons
Talk to the patrons in the tavern. You will need to speak to 4 specific characters.
4 Talk to Jean
Head to the Knights of Favonius headquarters and speak to Jean in her office.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×400 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×18000 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×2
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×4

The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure

You have heard people from various corners weigh in on who the strongest fighter in Mondstadt is, but have yet to get a definite answer. Outside the Knights headquarters, you have an unexpected meeting with one of the candidated for the title - Klee, who is in dire need of help to recover her stolen treasure.

The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure Objectives

  • Find the treasure trove in the Whispering Woods
  • Talk to Klee
  • Chase down the Abyss Mage with Klee (If the Abyss Mage gets more than 50m away, the quest will be failed)
  • Track down the Abyss Mage
  • Enter the Domain
  • Explore the domain and find the Abyss Mage
  • Negotiate with the Abyss mage


1 Find the Treasure
Head to the marked location and interact with the hole.
2 Follow the Abyss Mage. It will summon enemies for you to fight each time you catch up with it.
Note: Make sure it doesn't get more than 50m away from you or the quest will fail.
3 Break the rocks in the are to find the hidden domain.
4 Enter the Domain
Head into the domain and complete it.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×675 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×31175 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×6

A Very Volatile Treasure

Klee's highly explosive treasure proved to be a remarkably swift solution to the Abyss Mage problem. However, she fled the sceme after the explosion. Confused, you decide to return to the Knights headquearters and report the matter to Jean...

A Very Volatile Treasure Objectives

  • Go back to the Knight's headquarters and report to Jean
  • Find the door of the confinement room in Knight's headquarters.


1 Head back to the Knight of Favonius headquarters and talk to Jean.
2 Interact with the door next to jean
Leave Jean's office and interact with the door of the room next to Jean's office.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×400 Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×60 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×18000
Genshin Impact - Teachings of Freedom Image Teachings of Freedom ×5 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×2 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×4

True Treasure Tips & Strategies

Use Klee to Dodge the Lasers

Dodge Lasers as Klee

Some of the lasers you will encounter in the domain is unavoidable. Klee's short stature can help her avoid the the lasers by allowing her to walk past them. Switch to Klee and get by the lasers without breaking a sweat.

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2 Anonymousover 3 years

I can do Klee's story quest and I'm adventure rank 29

1 RavaRavnalmost 4 years

You also need to complete the Lupical/Razor's story quest. In the quest he talks about his friend, the burny girl. Which he says isn't Amber. It's Klee! It also says Lupical questline is needed to be finished while accepting the Klee questline. Idk why it isn't said in the event info.

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