Genshin Impact

Kazuha Story Quest Guide | Acer Palmatum Chapter 1: A Strange and Friendless Road

Genshin Impact - A Strange and Friendless Road Story Quest Guide

Here's the guide to the first Kazuha Story Quest in Genshin Impact, "Acer Palmatum Chapter: Act I." See how to unlock Kazuha's quest, how to complete all quests in "A Strange and Friendless Road," and how to get the free 4-Star sword among other rewards!

Story Quest
Kazuha's Character Guides
Genshin - Kazuha Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Kazuha Story and ProfileLore Ascension MaterialMaterials All-Weather Beauty ImageSpecial Dish
Acer Palmatum Chapter
Genshin - Act 1A Strange and Friendless Road Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

How to Unlock Kazuha's Story Quest

Kazuha Quest Unlock Requirements

  1. Reach Adventure Rank 40+
  2. Complete the Chapter 2: Act 3 Archon Quest
  3. Complete Raiden's first Story Quest
  4. Use a Story Key

You can unlock Kazuha's Story Quest by consuming a Story Key, but you need to reach Adventure Rank 40 or above. You also have to complete the Chapter 2: Act 3 Archon Quest and Raiden's first Story Quest!

Kazuha Story Quest Walkthrough

A Strange and Friendless Road Chapters

  1. Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow
  2. Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled
  3. Ere the End, a Glance Back

Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow Guide

Quest Type Story Quest
Chapter Acer Palmatum: Act I
Location Byakko Plain, Narukami Island
Required AR 40

You and Paimon travel near Byakko Plain on your journey...

Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow Objectives

  • Go to Byakko Plain
  • Defeat the attacker
  • Go to Ritou and look for Kazuha
  • Go to the Tenryou Commission Headquarters

Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow Walkthrough

Kazuha Quest Walkthrough
Go to the quest location in Byakko Plain and defeat the "Sudden Attacker".
Go to the docks in Ritou and ask Chao about Kazuha.
Enter the Tenryou Commission Headquarters building in Inazuma City to find and talk to Kazuha.

Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled Guide

Quest Type Story Quest
Chapter Acer Palmatum: Act I
Location Inazuma City, Narukami Island
Required AR 40

To prevent the attacker from causing more harm, you and Kazuha decide to investigate his identity.

Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled Objectives

  • Ask Ryuuji for information
  • Ask Amenoma Tougou for information
  • Go to the Nagato household and find out what happened
  • Go to the warehouse where the fire broke out
  • Follow the scent and look for clues
  • Defeat the hilichurls
  • Keep following the scent and looking for clues
  • Defeat the attacker

Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled Walkthrough

Kazuha Quest Walkthrough
Look for Ryuuji near Amenoma Smithy in Inazuma City. Talk to him to get some clues.
Walk to Amenoma Smithy and talk to Amenoma Tougo, the old man standing in front of the blacksmith.
Go to the Nagato Household and talk to Nagato Sachiko to investigate further. She'll tell you about a warehouse fire.
Teleport to the waypoint to by the warehouse, which is just outside of Inazuma City. Let Kazuha do some more investigating.
Follow the dark, blue-green clouds to the quest markers. Keep following the scent until you see a group of Hilichurls.
Defeat the Hilichurls to continue your search.
Start following the scent to another island. This time, you'll need to go through a quick and easy gliding course. Just use the air currents to boost you to your next location.
Defeat the attacker again to continue.

Ere the End, a Glance Back Guide

Quest Type Story Quest
Chapter Acer Palmatum: Act I
Location Mt. Yougou, Narukami Island
Required AR 40

As it turns out, the one behind the missing-person case is a cursed blade that has possessed Amenoma Yuuya's body. To save the latter and to prove the absurdity of the blade's fixation, Kazuha eventually takes up the cursed blade himself.

Ere the End, a Glance Back Objectives

  • Go to the blade-testing venue
  • Enter the occupied hold and defeat the opponents
  • Keep going and defeat the opponents
  • Talk to Kazuha
  • Fulfill the cursed blade's wish
  • Have a duel with Amenoma Yuuya
  • Return to Amenoma Smithy
  • Accompany Kazuha while he gives Kujou Kamaji his response

Ere the End, a Glance Back Walkthrough

Kazuha Quest Walkthrough
Go to the blade-testing venue near the Kamisato Estate. It's a quest domain named "Occupied Hold" inside a cave, behind some wooden planks.
Defeat the enemies with just the trial version of Kazuha. Kazuha's one of the best characters in Genshin so this should be pretty easy, but you'll want to dodge every now and then because you don't have shields.
After defeating all opponents and listening to Kazuha and the Cursed Blade's conversation, talk to Kazuha again.
Exit the quest domain and go to the quest marker in Byakko Plain.
Defeat Amenoma Yuuya using just the trial version of Kazuha. We recommend fighting him in the water so you get additional Hydro Swirl damage.
Go back to Amenoma Smithy in Inazuma City, talk to Kazuha, and finish the cutscene.
Go to the next quest marker in Inazuma City and look for Kujou Kamaji. Listen to his conversation with Kazuha to complete the Story Quest!

How to Follow the Scent and Look for Clues in Kazuha's Quest

Look for a dark, blue-green cloud in your surroundings. Follow this scent trail until you get to the next location, which is marked on your map!

All Rewards from Kazuha Story Quest

Get the Cursed Blade from Kazuha's Story Quest

After completing the full Kazuha Quest, you'll get the Cursed Blade that was featured in the story. The sword's name is "Kagotsurube Isshin" and you can learn more about it in our weapon guide!
Kagotsurube Isshin Weapon Guide

Other Kazuha Story Quest Rewards

Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow Rewards

Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×475 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×31125 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×7

Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled Rewards

Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×675 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×44000 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×5
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×10

Ere the End, a Glance Back Rewards

Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×575 Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×60 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×38100
Genshin Impact - Guide to Diligence Image Guide to Diligence ×5 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×4 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8

Additional Kazuha Story Quest Information

A Strange and Friendless Road

Quest Type Story Quest
Chapter Acer Palmatum: Act I
Location Byakko Plain, Narukami Island
Required AR 40

Kazuha Story Quest Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 2.8
Genshin - Summertime Fantasia
Release Date July 13, 2022

Kazuha's Story Quest is a permanent quest that was released right as Version 2.8 went live on July 13, 2022.
2.8 Release Date & Patch Notes

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2 Anonymous3 months

is it just me, or is the story quest missing on the page? i haven't done it before on the account i'm using

1 Anonymous7 months

how long like hours does the quest take? could this be added to every quest page here btw?

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