Genshin Impact

Nilou Story Quest Debate Answers | Lotos Somno Chapter Act 1 Guide

Genshin Impact - Nilou Story Quest Act 1 Guide

To the Wise is Act 1 of the Lotos Somno Chapter is Nilou's Story Quest released in Genshin Impact 3.1. See how to unlock Nilou's Story Quest, all contemplation and debate answers, along with a quest walkthrough here!

How to Unlock Nilou's Story Quest

Nilou Quest Unlock Requirements

How to Unlock
Complete Archon Quest Chapter 3: Act 2 - ''The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings: Denouement''
Reach Adventure Rank 40+

In order to unlock Nilou's story quest, To the Wise, you must be at least Adventure Rank 40. You must also complete the Archon Quest Chapter 3: Act 2, ''The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings.''

A Story Key is also required to unlock the quest. A Story Key can be earned after completing 8 Daily Commissions.

List of Story Quests

Nilou's Story Quest Answers

Show Canceled Contemplation Answers

Nilou Quest Answers
Interpret Rekhar's Opinion and submit.
Interpret the Grand Bazaar Crowd's Opinion. Afterwards, submit Value of the Theater's Existance as your conclusion.

Show Canceled Guide

Debate Answers in The Reason We Are Gathered Here

Nilou Debate Answers
Submit the Grand Bazaar Crowd's Opinion.
Submit Khasani's Opinion.
Submit Sheikh Zubayr's Opinion.
Submit the Value of the Theater's Existance.
Submit Inayah's Will.

The Reason We Are Gathered Here Guide

Nilou Story Quest Walkthrough

The Warm Rhythm of the Streets

Nilou Quest Walkthrough
Go inside the Grand Bazaar to talk to Nilou.
Go to the marked locations and talk to Jut, Afshin, and Farhad respectively.
Go to the stage and talk to the members of the theater.
Head down the stage and talk to Nilou.

Show Canceled

Nilou Quest Walkthrough
Talk to Sheikh Zubayr.
Talk to Sheikh Zubayr, Khasani, and Rekhar.
Talk to the group of people consisting of Afshin, Farhad, and Jut.
Return to the theater.
Head to the marked location just at the north of Vimara Village which is a tent.
Go near the next location which is an Apple Tree. Defeat the Rishboland Tigers. Afterwards, talk to Inayah
Interpret Rekhar's Opinion and submit it as your conclusion.
Head back to Sumeru City.
Interpret the Grand Bazaar Crowd's Opinion and submit Value of the Theater's Existance as your conclusion.

The Reason We Are Gathered Here

Nilou Quest Walkthrough
Adjust the time to the day after tomorrow at 15:00 to 18:00.
Return to the Grand Bazaar.
Submit the Grand Bazaar Crowd's Opinion as your conclusion.
Submit Khasani's Opinion as your conclusion.
Submit Sheikh Zubayr's Opinion as your conclusion.
Submit the Value of the Theater's Existance as your conclusion.
Submit Inayah's Will as your conclusion.
Talk to Nilou by the message board.
Adjust the time to the day after tomorrow at 20:00 to 22:00 to complete the quest!

Nilou Story Quest Information

Story Quest Details

Genshin - Nilou Story Quest Lotus Somno Act 1
Lotos Somno: Act 1 - To the Wise is a Story Quest that features the dancing 5-Star Hydro Character, Nilou!

Nilou Character Guide

Nilou Story Quest Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 3.1 Phase 2
Genshin Impact Version 3.1
Release Date October 14, 2022

Nilou's Story Quest was announced in the 3.1 Livestream, and was released on October 14, 2022, along with the main star herself: Nilou!

Version 3.1 Livestream Summary

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3 Anonymousover 1 year

The lowest low of Mihoyo's story writing.

2 Anonymousabout 2 years

in the reason we are gathered here its 2 days later not tomorrow oh it says day after tomorrow huh i read wrong....

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