Genshin Impact

Arataki Itto Voice Actors, Story and Lore

Genshin Impact -  Itto Story and Profile

Arataki Itto is an oni and the head of the Arataki Gang from Inazuma in Genshin Impact. Learn about Itto's character profile, voice actors, release date and character thoughts here!

Story Quest
Itto's Character Guides
Genshin - Itto Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Itto Story and ProfileLore Way of the Strong ImageSpecial Dish
Taurus Iracundus Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Rise Up, Golden Soul Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Itto Character Information

Itto Birthday and Details

(Hanamizaka Heroics)
Genshin - IttoProfile Nation: Inazuma
Faction: Arataki Gang
Race: Oni
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 01

Characters Born in June

Itto Voice Actors

Language Voice Actor
English Max Mittelman
Japanese Nishikawa Takanori
(西川 貴教)
Korean Song Jun-seok
Chinese Liu Zhaokun

List of Voice Actors

Itto Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 2.3
Genshin Impact - Version 2.3 Banner
Release Date November 24, 2021

Released in Version 2.3

Itto was released on December 14, 2021 during the second phase of Genshin Impact Version 2.3.

2.3 Release Date and Patch Notes

Who is Arataki Itto?

The One and Oni

Genshin - Arataki Itto Hanamizaka Heroics

Arataki Itto is an Oni, a type of Youkai in Genshin Impact. Itto has a similar appearance to humans, with the visible addition of a pair of horns on his head. The red markings on Itto's horns and body are painted.

Itto is a proud, cheerful, young man with a simple and optimistic outlook in life. He enjoys playing games such as Genius Invokation and Onikabuto fighting. He also supposedly has a great singing voice.

Legend of the Blue Oni and Crimson Oni

Genshin - Rise Up Golden Soul - Tale of the Blue Oni and the Crimson Oni
In Arataki Itto's Story Quest, Rise Up, Golden Soul, the legend of the Blue Oni and Crimson Oni was told. It reflected the story quest's plot and conflict between Itto and a Blue Oni named Takuya.

In this tale, the Blue Oni played the role of the bad guy in order to let the Crimson Oni appear heroic and earn the townspeople's friendship. In the end, the Blue Oni left the town and the Crimson Oni behind.

Takuya the Blue Oni Profile

Bean Allergy

Like all Oni, Itto is allergic to beans. According to his Character Story 3, Fried Tofu, in particular, makes Itto feel queasy for three days straight just by seeing them. Despite this, he still won a Kitsune Ramen eating contest against Yae Miko.

Adopted by Granny Oni

Genshin - Granny Oni
Arataki Itto was adopted as a child by an old lady now known as Granny Oni. She found Itto orphaned and living in the streets after his parents died of illness.

Granny Oni raised Itto by herself and is incredibly treasured by Itto as a result.

History with Tengu

Genshin - Arataki Itto - Rivalry with Sara
In Arataki Itto's Character Story 4, he recalls meeting a Tengu as a child and getting into an argument. They attempted to settle the argument with a sumo match which resulted in both kids rolling down the mountain.

The Tengu ended up carrying Itto home on their back after Itto sprained his ankle, and their match was left with no winner.

Possibly Met Kujou Sara as a Child?

Itto lamented that this match, and his loss against Kujou Sara during the height of the Sakoku Decree, were both losses against Tengu.

Some have speculated that the little Tengu and Sara are the same person, but neither Oni nor Tengu General remember each other.

Leader of the Arataki Gang

Genshin - Arataki Gang
Itto is the founder and leader of the Arataki Gang, a group of people who do odd jobs and follow Itto around in Hanamizaka, the outskirts of Inazuma City.

While their gang is largely known as troublemakers, especially to Kujou Sara and the Tenryou Commission, the people of Inazuma City don't have a particularly bad impression of them.

All Arataki Gang Members

All Members of the Arataki Gang
Genshin Impact - Arataki Itto
Arataki Itto
Genshin Impact - Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu (Deputy Officer) Genshin - Ushi
(Auxiliary Member)
Genshin - AkiraAkira Genshin - MamoruMamoru Genshin - GentaGenta

Itto also declared the Traveler to be a member of the Arataki Gang!

Auxiliary Member Ushi

Genshin - Arataki Itto - Ushi of the Arataki Gang
Ushi is a small, fat cow that Itto calls an Auxiliary member of the Arataki Gang. According to Itto, Ushi has the ability to exorcise youkai and spirits, and has a keen sense of direction. He is also known as ''Beefcake.''

New Arataki Gang Member?

Genshin - The Beetle Battles Will Never End! Quest - Shinobu
In the Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl event, it was revealed that Kuki Shinobu met a boy who was considering joining the Arataki Gang.

Itto met the boy, who called himself Grandmaster Hanakado, but mistook him for a rival in beetle fights rather than a possible gang member.

The Beetle Battles Will Never End! Quest Guide

Itto In-Game Appearances

All of Itto's In-Game Appearances

Name Type
Rise Up, Golden Soul Story Quest
Perilous Trail Archon Quest
The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival Event
Akitsu Kimodameshi Event
Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl Event

Rise Up, Golden Soul Story Quest

Genshin - Arataki Itto Story Quest - The Oni

Katheryne asks the Traveler to take on a commission to bring in a criminal that the Tenryou Commission is trying to apprehend, an oni by the name of Arataki Itto.

After the initial investigation and meeting Itto personally, the Traveler finds out that Itto is being framed and trying to take the blame himself. The real culprit is Takuya, a blue oni, who Itto is trying to save.

Arataki Itto Story Quest Guide

Perilous Trail Archon Quest

Genshin - Chasmic Maze Perilous Trail Walkthrough 2 - Talk to Everyone

During the Perilous Trail Archon Quest, Arataki Itto and Kuki Shinobu run into the Traveler at the Chasm while following Yanfei. Shinobu had briefly studied in Liyue, during which Yanfei was her senior.

The group end up getting trapped along with Yelan and Xiao because of an ancient device that had gotten lost in the depths of the Chasm Mines.

Perilous Trail Archon Quest Guide

The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival

Genshin - The Arataki Great and Glorous Drumalong Festival
Arataki Itto decided to hold a Drumalong Festival to celebrate Kuki Shinobu's return to Inazuma after the Sakoku Decree was repealed.

Various characters visited the event venue and even left gifts and messages on a noticeboard erected during the festival.

Arataki Drumalong Festival Event Guide

Akitsu Kimodameshi Event

Genshin - Akitsu Kimodameshi
The Yashiro Commission held a Test of Courage in the Chinju Forest, during which Itto had the idea to scare participants of the event. The Youkai living in the area had the same idea.

Eventually, the youkai enlisted the help of the Traveler and Itto in holding a festival that both youkai and humans can attend.

Akitsu Kimodameshi Event Guide

Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl

Genshin - Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Extreme Beetle Brawl
Arataki Itto, the ''Bona-Fide Beetle Battle King,'' had decided to hold an all out Beetle Brawl competition after losing to an opponent known as the Grandmaster Hanakado.

The Traveler and Paimon ended up helping Itto and the Arataki Gang with the creation of and participation in the event.

Arataki Beetle Brawl Event Guide

Arataki Itto's Demo and Teaser

Arataki Itto Character Teaser

Arataki Itto Character Demo

Character Thoughts on Itto

Other Character's Thoughts About Itto

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Ayato ImageAyato Now he's an interesting case. Pitting docile Onikabuto against each other in battle... heh, that's a first... I was only speaking in polite platitudes when I gave him that little pep talk, but to my surprise he started calling me "bro"... To this day, he calls me "my bro Ayato" without the faintest idea of my true identity. It's quite alright by me, though, I have nothing against his... unique character.
Genshin Impact - Heizou ImageHeizou I've done a few favors before to deliver Roasted Lavender Melon to him in prison. This one time, I overheard him singing. The lyrics... were complete trash, but I gotta say — he has a pretty good set of pipes. And it's not every day you come across an inmate who's in the mood to sing their heart out.
Genshin Impact - Kirara ImageKirara He's an oni, but he gets along with humans perfectly - he even has his own gang! Oh, I'm so jealous. Maybe I should go ask him for some advice.
Genshin Impact - Raiden ImageRaiden Who?
Genshin Impact - Sara ImageSara Tsk... I can't help but get a little irate when his name comes up. He kicked up a big fuss when I confiscated his Vision, by far the noisiest person... no, the noisiest oni I've ever encountered. He showed me was enough of a man to admit defeat, but the rematch he insisted upon... Tsk... To this day, I still don't want to talk about it. If you really must know, you can go and ask him yourself.
Genshin Impact - Sayu ImageSayu Why does he have to make such a racket? And how did he get so tall!?
Genshin Impact - Shinobu ImageShinobu The boss has a lot of unpleasant memories from his past, but he still manages to stay positive. I'd say that kind of resilience is pretty rare. He treats us well and his character has a good effect on everyone in the gang. Of course, it's never an excuse for him to run amok with no consideration for others. Just let me know if he ever causes you any trouble and I'll be sure to make him regret ever being rude to you.
Genshin Impact - Thoma ImageThoma Hmm... Word on the street is that he's quite a character — apparently, he even has youkai heritage. Have you met him? If you two are close, maybe you could introduce me sometime. It's good to make friends from all walks of life... youkai included!
Genshin Impact - Yae Miko ImageYae Miko Ah, the oddball oni. Heh, I hear that he's been quite a pain for the Kujou Clan. The Tenryou Commission wanted to remove his messages on the bulletin board, claiming that they were "harmful to the public order." I made quite sure they stayed put, haha. He's an entertaining character... you don't often see oni like him in this day and age.
Genshin Impact - Yoimiya ImageYoimiya Duels: Oh, he may look scary, but he is very popular with the children. However, he can be very competitive. Every time we play with the children, it always turns into a showdown between him and me. For example, we'd drink a bowl of ramen soup in one go, or try to eat sour plums without making any faces. The children will cheer us both on and try to guess the winner. And when that happens... well, then I can't let him beat me, right?
Arataki's Gang: Arataki's gang? Huh!? So he isn't just someone with too much free time on his hands?

Change in Ayato's Voiceline About Itto

Previous Voiceline
Ayato: About Itto
Now he's an interesting case. The idea of pitting docile Onikabuto against each other in battle, I mean really... I was only speaking in polite platitudes when I gave him that little pep talk, but to my surprise he started calling me "bro"... To this day, he calls me "my bro Ayato" without the faintest idea of my true identity. It's quite alright by me, though, I have nothing against his... eccentricities.

In Version 3.3, Kamisato Ayato's voiceline about Arataki Itto was changed. Certain words and phrases were replaced, as well as the overall tone of his voice.

Version 3.3 Release Date and Patch Notes

Itto's Thoughts on Others

Itto's Thoughts About Other Characters

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Ayato ImageAyato About Ayato
Haha, I only wish I could have met Ayato sooner. He really taught me something. "You can kindle the warrior spirit even in the weakest of bugs"... Yep, I really took that one to heart. If it weren't for those words of wisdom, I'm pretty sure I would have given up beetle fighting after losing for the 780th time... Yeah, I guess sometimes it takes a warrior to understand a warrior. When we're playing trading card games or battling beetles, we're always totally on the same wavelength.
Genshin Impact - Gorou ImageGorou About Gorou
Oh yeah, the doggy general in the resistance... Hey, I've gotta hand it to him, he may be on the small side, but he's got quite the fighting spirit. Also, he gives off this vibe that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, almost as if he understands my innermost feelings... I mean, I've barely met the guy, so that's kinda weird.
Genshin Impact - Kazuha ImageKazuha About Kazuha
Word on the street is that he blocked the Musou no Hitotachi after you escaped from Tenshukaku. Seriously? 'Cause I mean, that is awesome! Who knows how he pulled it off. He, now that I think about it, he's from a fallen clan, and I'm from a fallen clan... That kinda makes us equals, haha! Yeah, so next time someone attacks you, it's my turn to block the blade!
Genshin Impact - Raiden ImageRaiden About Raiden
During the Vision Hunt Decree, the Shogun had to send her top tengu in person to get my Vision off me. Heh, means she must have found me to be quite the pain in the neck. But, y'know, she's abolished the Vision Hunt Decree now, so no hard feelings, I guess. As long as she's learned her lesson, of course. 'Cause if she pulls something like that again, this old pain in the neck will be back with a vengeance.
Genshin Impact - Sara ImageSara About Sara
You know what, yeah, she beat me during the Vision Hunt Decree. I'm not ashamed to admit it. When you lose, you admit defeat, and when you screw up, you take it on the chin, like a man! And anyway, let's not forget which one of us won't agree to a rematch — her, the tengu warrior! It's just a sumo street fight, I mean, what's she so afraid of? If she keeps snubbing me, I'm gonna have to stop calling her Kujou Tengu and start calling her Kujou Chicken! Heh, we'll see what she thinks of that.
Genshin Impact - Sayu ImageSayu About Sayu
All I did was give her a little pat on the head this one time when she wasn't looking, and now, she pounces to attack every time she lays eyes on me. Haha, what can I say? Tanuki are adorable! What am I supposed to do — not pat one on the head? ...Oh yeah, and that's the other thing — she beats you up for calling her a tanuki, too! What's up with that? I mean, a tanuki's what she's going for, right? Sheesh, talk about getting your fur all ruffled over nothing...
Genshin Impact - Shinobu ImageShinobu About Shinobu
Nobody questions my leadership in the gang, what I say goes — except when it comes to Shinobu. She's always challenging everything I say. And not only that — all the hard-earned loot I bring back and share with everyone? She goes and returns it! But also, she gets me out of every mess we get ourselves into, so I'll let it slide. Besides, I don't wanna get on her bad side... An angry Shinobu would make my life a nightmare.
Genshin Impact - Thoma ImageThoma About Thoma
Some of the boys have been telling me that he was the star of the show at the Vision Hunt Ceremony. I'm like — are you kidding me??? How come he gets his own special ceremony!? Was the hundredth Vision supposed to be, like, stronger than the other ninety-nine, or something? Pff, nah, it can't have been that, 'cause, uh, hello! They would've chosen me if that's what they were going for.
Genshin Impact - Yae Miko ImageYae Miko About the Lady with Fox Ears
I crushed that Kitsune Ramen eating contest we had. Even all that Fried Tofu couldn't stand in my way — she didn't come close to beating me! ... I was, uh, bedridden for more than a month after that, but you know what? I'd rather lie in bed a winner than walk away a loser! So... Anyway, I had the last laugh, 'cause she had to foot the bill for 32 bowls of noodles! Haha!
Genshin Impact - Yoimiya ImageYoimiya About Yoimiya
Hmph, she's always showing off her fancy fireworks and toys to the kids. Well, I'm sick of it! Nobody steals my thunder! I'm the one that's supposed to be adored by the kids! Me! That goes for you too, you're siding with me on this, okay... Huh? Whaddya mean, you're not a kid? Eh, details. If you're shorter than me, you're a kid as far I'm concerned.

Itto Serenitea Pot Information

Itto Favorite Furnishing Set

Furnishing Set Set Rewards

Summer Night's Recollection
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000

Jade Wilds
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000

Itto Specialty Dish

Way of the Strong Recipe

Original Dish Specialty Dish
Genshin Impact - Mixed Yakisoba Image Mixed Yakisoba Way of the Strong Image Way of the Strong
Flour Flour ×3

List of Character Specialty Dishes

Genshin Impact Lore Guides

Genshin Impact - Characters and Factions

List of Characters & Factions

Arataki Gang

All Characters
Itto ImageItto Shinobu ImageShinobu


Genshin Impact - Locations - Inazuma

All Characters
Yoimiya ImageYoimiya Sayu ImageSayu Kazuha ImageKazuha
Yae Miko ImageYae Miko Ayaka ImageAyaka Raiden ImageRaiden
Kokomi ImageKokomi Sara ImageSara Thoma ImageThoma
Gorou ImageGorou Itto ImageItto Ayato ImageAyato
Shinobu ImageShinobu Heizou ImageHeizou Kirara ImageKirara

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