Genshin Impact

Tracer No Tracing Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - Tracer No Tracing
Tracer No Tracing is the first part of the Tale of Dreams Plucked From Fire World Quest chain in Genshin Impact 5.0. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here in this guide!

Tales of Dreams Plucked From Fire Quest Guides
Tracer No Tracing Seeker No Finding

How to Unlock Tracer No Tracing

Complete the Prerequistes

Tracer No Tracing is a new World Quest added in Version 5.0, and is available through unlocking the Natlan region and finishing the "Lost in the Woods" World Quest.

Found near Ameyalco Waters area

Tales of Dreams Plucked From Fire Location - Genshin Impact Walkthrough
The quest is located east of Ameyalco Waters. The location of the quest is found in an underground tunnel, which can be entered just besides the Statue of the Seven right beside its entrance..

Natlan Map Guide and How to Enter

Interact with Chikya

Tracer No Tracing - Interact with Chikya - Genshin Impact

Once reaching the bottom of the hole in the ground, follow the path along until you reach some ruins inside, and a blue-haired individual named Chikya can be seen crouched on the ground, looking at something from afar.

Simply talk with them to trigger a cutscene to start the quest.

Tracer No Tracing Walkthrough

Defeat the opponents

Genshin Impact Tracer No Tracing Walkthrough - Defeat the opponents

Once the cutscene finishes after interacting with Chikya, defeat the Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker that will begin to wake up.

Talk to the young woman

Genshin Impact Tracer No Tracing Walkthrough - Talk to the young woman

After defeating the Hunter-Seeker, Chikya will invite the traveler on her goal of finding an "elixir that can cure all injuries" within the ruin.

Investigate the ruin

Follow the Path

Genshin Impact Tracer No Tracing Walkthrough - Investigate the ruin

Simply follow the path from the east side of the ruin hall, and jump over the Liquid Phlogiston in order to reach yet another hole that goes further down.

Reach a Closed Gate

Genshin Impact Tracer No Tracing Walkthrough - Investigate the ruin

Upon reaching a cavern, jump over even more flowing Liquid Phlogiston to reach the closed gate at the end.

Talk to Chikya

Genshin Impact Tracer No Tracing Walkthrough - Talk to Chikya

Search for the Unveiling Script(s)

The Unveiling Script can be seen as a glowing mark on certain parts of the wall. Indwell into a Koholasaurus to safely make it there, and hit it with an Aquadash in order to retrieve the Unveiling Script.

Integrate the Unveiling Script into the Phlogiston Engraving

Afterwards, head back to where you were before looking for the Unveiling Script, and interact with the Engraving to proceed further.

Investigate the ruin

Follow the path until you go into the deeper part of the ruin, where a Teleport Waypoint can be seen and unlocked.

Investigate the mechanism in the center

Continue the path down the ruin until players can see another circulam mechanism hovering above the Liquid Phlogiston.

Search for the Unveiling Script(s)

Since the first Unveiling Script was found earlier in the quest, there are only two more left to find deeper in the ruin.

First Location

How to Get Unveiling Script
Indwell as a Koholasaurusus to be able to swim in Liquid Phlogiston, and make your way up to a pool southwest of the ruins, where an Unveiling Script can be found.
2 Upon attacking the Script with an Autodash, a Fluid Avatar of Lava will spawn. Defeat it to get the Unveiling Script.

Second Location

How to Get Unveiling Script
Go to the western side of the ruin (close to the Teleport Waypoint), and jump on a glowing area on the Liquid Phlogiston that will boost your jumping prowess. Use it to go up and disable an Iridescent Beam floating in the air.
2 Upon disabling the Iridescent Beam, the Unveiling Script can be claimed afterwards.

Integrate the Unveiling Script into the Phlogiston Engraving

Genshin Impact Tracer No Tracing Walkthrough - Integrate the Unveiling Script into the Phlogiston Engraving 2

After claiming the Unveiling Scripts, interact with the Phlogiston Engraving again to unlock its Spiritway.

Ride the Spiritway back to ground level

While being a Koholasaurus, jump into the Spiritway that is in the middle of the Phlogiston Engraving.
This will cause the Koholasaurus to ride the Spiritway, which will automatically bring you back to the outside. The following cutscene marks the end of the quest.

Tracer No Tracing Information

Part of the Tale of Dreams Plucked From Fire Quest Chain

Tales of Dreams Plucked From Fire Information - Genshin Impact

Tracer No Tracing is the first act of the Tale of Dreams Plucked From Fire World Quest. This new World Quest is part of Version 5.0's release.

Tales of Dreams Plucked From Fire World Quest Guide

Tracer No Tracing Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×30 Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit ×2 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×22500
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore ×3

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Tales of Dreams Plucked From Fire Quest Guides
Tracer No Tracing Seeker No Finding

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