Genshin Impact

Revelations From the Past Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - Revelations From the Past World Quest Guide

Revelations From the Past is the third subquest of the Between Pledge and Forgettance quest chain in Genshin Impact 5.0. See how to unlock it, how to open the barrier, how to unlock the mechanism, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Between Pledge and Forgettance Quest Guides
Lost in the Woods Rite of the Bold Revelations from the Past

How to Unlock Revelations From the Past

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Genshin - Revelations From the Past
Genshin Impact - Rite of the Bold Tales of Dreams Plucked From Fire World Quest Quest: #2
Rite of the Bold

You can unlock Revelations From the Past immediately after completing the previous subquest of Between Pledge and Forgettance quest line, Rite of the Bold. You will get the map location once Pacal has given you his blessing to open the ruins of the Sage of the Stolen Flame.

Between Pledge and Forgettance Quest Guide

Revelations From the Past Walkthrough

Go to the entrance to the ruins

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Go to the entrance to the ruins

Once you've gotten the blessing from Pacal, go to the entrance to the ruins at Tequemecan Valley. You can easily access this location by using the Waypoint in the Sulfurous Veins, and treading on foot towards the ruin's entrance. There are Rifthound enemies guarding the entrance, so prepare for a fight.

Open the Barrier

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Place the talisman

Place the Talisman atop the pedestal then open the barrier blocking the entrance to the ruins. To open the barrier blocking the entrance to the ruins, make the Traveler stand on the yellow square and your Tepetlisaur buddy on the green box.

How to Open the Barrier Blocking the Entrance

How to Open the Barrier on the Entrance
To open the barrier blocking the entrance to the ruins, first have your Traveler stand on the yellow square to the right.
Then, press T on your keyboard or select the Tepetlisaur button to control your Saurian buddy. Simply stand on the green box to complete the puzzle!

Explore the ruins

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Explore the ruins

Afterwards, explore the ruins. Continue walking along the narrow hallway until you see the teleport waypoint. There's also an Exquisite Chest as you press on, so make sure to pick it up before reaching the end of the hallway!

Open the barrier

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Open the barrier

After descending from the ledge, swim towards the doorway, which connects to a much large room. There's another barrier puzzle just like with the entrance, but this one's a bit harder. To open the barrier for this area, use the mechanisms nearby to move the floating platforms!

How to Open the Barrier

How to Open the Barrier
To open the barrier, use the first lever once to move around the platforms. You'll know you have the correct settings if the platforms are color green. Then, while controlling your Tepetlisaur, head straight to the room located to the far left.
Once there, use your Saurian buddy's Dig skill to unravel the buried Pyro Totem underneath.
Afterwards, swap your controls back to your playable character, and hit the totem with any Pyro attack.
Next, is to head to the right side of the room while controlling your Tepetlisaurus buddy. You can use its burrow skill to quickly reach the other side. Then hit the nearest there to make the platforms go from green to orange.
Once the platforms have become orange, control your character and have it stand on the platform directly below the yellow light.
Afterwards, control your Tepetlisaurus again, and hit the lever beside it once to make the orange platforms green.
Simply walk over the green platform to open the barrier!

Explore the ruins

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Explore the ruins

With the barrier removed, walk towards the large doorway, and loot the Precious Chest you'll spot along the way. Then, after hearing the mysterious voice, explore the ruins by heading deep within.

Traverse the corridor

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Traverse the corridor

As you press forward, you'll see another large chamber filled with Liquid Phlogiston, and a towering mural depicting the supposed Pyro Archon and the Sage of the Stolen Flame. After the cutscene, traverse the corridor by controlling the Traveler and the Tepetlisaur separately, just like with previous puzzles.

Unlock the mechanism

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Unlock the mechanism

Entering each room will lock both the Traveler and the Tepetlisaur inside. To unlock the mechanism you must solve the puzzles within, which means you have to solve two sets of puzzles: one as the Tepetlisaur, and another as your playable character.

How to Unlock the Mechanism (Tepetlisaurus Puzzle)

How To Unlock the Mechanisms
1 To unlock the mechanism, solve the series of puzzles inside each area as a Tepetlisaur and a playable character. For this guide, we'll solve the Tepetlisaurus puzzles first, as they're easier to do.
While controlling your Tepetlisaur buddy, press forward until you see a large cavern filled with trees and a lake. To avoid touching the body of water, tread along the right side of the cavern, until you see the breakable rocks.
3 There are a total of three breakable rocks you can destroy using the Body Slam skill of your Saurian buddy. Destroying the third one reveals a single Tremulous Crystal inside.
Once revealed, hit the Tremulous Crystal once to reveal four more crystals. Strike all of them one at a time, until you trigger a resonance that will break the huge slab of crystal blocking your way.
Then, using the crystal as a makeshift bridge, traverse to the other side. There's a hollow log along the way you can pass through to avoid contact with water..
Continue forward until you see another Tremulous Crystal. As with the first one, strike it once to reveal four more crystals, and hit them all to trigger a resonance.
Once all the three giant crystals have tumbled down, use one of them to reach the small concrete platform right in the middle of the lake. There's a Pyroculus you can pick as you stand on it.

How to Unlock the Mechanism (Character Puzzle)

How To Unlock the Mechanisms
Once you've successfully reached the platform as a Tepetlisaurus, swap your control over to your character. Then, jump down the ledge while avoiding being in contact with any of the laser or the lava. Then, hit the breakable wall to your left to destroy it. There's another Pyroculus you can pick up as you head inside.
Use the stairs behind the Pyroculus, until you see an Exquisite Chest. After looting its content, do a quick jump from the ledge, and glide slowly to safely avoid the lasers. Make sure to keep on gliding while panning your glider to the left, otherwise you'll land straight onto the Liquid Phlogiston.
3 As soon as you land, you'll see a bunch of scattered lasers that will trigger the Liquid Phlogiston to rise. You can avoid the lasers but you can also touch them as they will only trigger once. The lava will take some of your HP, but not enough to completely kill your character.
Reach for the switch past the lasers, and turn it off. This will disable them, as well as reveal a hidden path right across the switch.
Keep on walking ntil you see a lever to your left. Operate it once, to disable to laser that blocks the doorway, and raise the platform of the Tepetlisaurus on its side of the room. Walk towards the Precious Chest at the end of the pathway, and loot it.
Then, quickly control your Tepetlisaurus, and have it stand on the green square at the end of the platform. Simply control your character back, once done.
Back on your character's room, you'll notice a bunch of deactivated Pyro Totems. You don't need to hit them to activate them, but instead, walk along the stairs to your left and make sure to hit the lasers along the way. Doing so makes the lava rise up, thereby activating the totems all at once. This also activates a nearby switch.
Then, use the switch to open the door in front of you, and keep on walking until you see a mural. Stand on the yellow marker, and do the same with Saurian companion.

Meet up with Your Saurian Buddy

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Meet up with Your Saurian Buddy

After the cutscene with the Mural, go to your left to meet up with your Saurian Buddy. There's a Precious Chest before the yellow marker, so make sure to claim it before standing on the marker.

Your control will automatically switch to your Saurian buddy once your character has settled on the yellow marker, so just jump down on green square to continue the trial.

Traverse the lava

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Traverse the lava

Another cutscene about the mural plays out, followed by a staircase that leads straight to the Liquid Phlogiston below. Traverse the Lava using the stairs until you reach its end.

Note: Make sure to bring a team with a healer and strong characters, as the fight that ensues after this objective is challenging. A Bow character also helps whittle down its HP from a distance, as the Wolflord is a pretty agile boss.

Touch the inscription

Genshin Impact Revelations from the Past Walkthrough - Touch the inscription

After defeating the opponents, touch the inscription to get teleported to the secret area of the Sage of the Stolen Flame. Once you've presented the amulet, a brief cutscene plays out. You will obtain the Golden Entreaty afterwards, and a bunch of Precious Chests, and one Luxurious Chest.

Revelations From the Past Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Luxurious and Precious Chests

Aside from the regular rewards above, Travelers will also get one Luxurious Chest and two Precious Chest after completing the entire quest chain. The quest items, Cornerstone of Stars and Flames, as well as Golden Entreaty will also be logged onto the Traveler's inventory!

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Revelations From the Past

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List of World Quests


6 Anonymous6 months

So one should teleport out once you get to the island and collect the three chests???

5 Anonymous6 months

the follow up quest is gonna be added in a future update

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