Genshin Impact

The Other Side of the Sky Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - The Other Side of the Sky World Quest Guide

The Other Side of the Sky is the fifth quest under the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm quest chain in the for Genshin Impact 5.2. See how to Collect the Burning Firestones, how to unlock the World Quest, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Quest Guides
Vaulting the Wall of Morning Mist Adventure in the Land of Mists Palace of the Vision Serpent
To the Sky-Road The Other Side of the Sky Moment of Awakening
The Chosen One's Promise

How to Unlock The Other Side of the Sky

Complete the To the Sky-Road Quest

Genshin Impact - To the Sky-Road World Quest Guide

To unlock The Other Side of the Sky, you must have first completed the previous subquest of Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm, To the Sky-Road!

To the Sky-Road Quest Guide

The Other Side of the Sky Walkthrough

Explore the Tonatiuh

Genshin Impact The Other Side of the Sky Walkthrough - Explore the Tonatiuh

Explore the Tonatiuh as soon as you land. There should be a Qucusaurus spiritsconce nearby, simply indwell onto it to fly from one floating island to another.

Go to Where Bona Is

Genshin Impact The Other Side of the Sky Walkthrough - Go with your little Tepetlisaurus to where Bona is

After arriving at the island where the active Pyrophosphorite is located—just past the Teleport Waypoint—go with your little Tepetlisaurus to where Bona is. You can immediately spot her across a floating platform, which you can get onto by pressing the nearby switch.

Collect the Burning Firestones

Genshin Impact The Other Side of the Sky Walkthrough - Collecting the burning Firestones

At Bona's behest, collect the Burning Firestones which can be found on all of the nearby floating islands. There are a total of four Firestones, the first of which, has already been collected by your Tepetlisaurus companion, which leaves you with the remaining three Firestones!

How to Collect the Northeastern Firestone

How to Collect the First Firestone
1 Genshin Impact The Other Side of the Sky Quest Guide - How to Collect the Northeastern Firestone 1.png
To collect the first Firestone or the Firestone on the Northeastern Floating Island, head towards the already connect bridge on the right side of the Altar. From Bona's location, you should immediately see this bridge across her. Cross the bridge, then raise the lift.
Press forward, until you see your Tepetlisaurus companion standing in front of a closed gate. As soon as you get near, the Tepetlisaurus sneakily gets in, which you means you have find another way to get inside.
To get inside, use the nearby stairs then interact with the switch. This should activate the moving platforms, which you can use to get on the roof of the closed room. There's also a Secret Source enemy that will spawn after getting off the platform, so simply fight it off, then proceed.
Afterwards, use the nearby stairs to reach another switch which opens the iron hatch where the Secret Source enemy spawned. There's also an Exquisite Chest just past the stairs, so make sure to loot it!
Once the hatch is open, jump down and reunite with your Tepetlisaurus companion. Open the gate first, then interact with your companion to to return the altar. Just tag along the Tepetlisaurus until you reach the altar.

How to Collect the Northwestern Firestone

How to Collect the Second Firestone
1 Genshin Impact The Other Side of the Sky Quest Guide - How to Collect the Northwestern Firestone 1.png
To collect the second Firestone or the Firestone on the Northwestern Floating Island, rotate the floating isle mechanism using the switch on the right of the Altar, after getting off the first island. From Bona's location, this stone is the one to her right, next to the altar.
After rotating the mechanism, cross the bridge and head towards the Firestone altar. However, as you and your companion creep in, a Secret Source Sentinel will snatch the Firestone away.
Catch up with the Secret Source Sentinel by indwelling on the nearby Qucusaurus Spiritsconce, then flying towards the floating island. Be mindful of your Phlogiston levels and the floating islets you'll use to reach the island, as there's a chance that you'll fall down!
Once you're at the island, immediately head inside the room and activate the switch. This will bring both the platform you're stepping on, as well as the platform above you, one level downward. The platform above you has the second Firestone, which means after activating the switch, it should be inside the room you've just gotten out of!
After the brief cutscene, indwell on the Spiritsconce and fly towards the islet across you. From there, fly again towards the floating island, but this time instead of flying straight ahead, fly towards your left until you see a floating platform that leads to an open gate.
Your Tepetlisaurus companion is waiting for you inside, so simply activate the platform once more, then interact with your companion to return to the altar! A brief cutscene plays as you head back, so just go through it, and press "Let's return to the altar!" to proceed.

How to Collect the Upper Northwest Firestone

How to Collect the Third Firestone
1 Genshin Impact The Other Side of the Sky Quest Guide - How to Collect the Upper Northwest Firestone 1.png
To collect the third Firestone or the Firestone on the Upper Level of the Northwestern Floating Island, rotate the floating mechanism once using the same stone you used to get the second Firestone. This is the same stone that's directly to your left after getting off the second floating island, or from Bona's location, this is the stone to her left.
After rotating it once, walk towards the edge of the broken bridge and hit Call on Bona so she can rotate the platform once more. As soon as the platform rotates and is roughly at a 120° angle, jump and glide towards the platform of the upper northwestern island.
Your Tepetlisaurus companion immediately appears as soon as you step foot on the island, so simply head towards the Firestone in front of you and retrieve it. Be careful as another Secret Source enemy will appear after getting the Firestone, but it fending it off should be easy.
After defeating the Automaton enemy, head back to the altar with your Saurian companion, while presssing "Let's return to the altar!" each time it stops!

Begin the Altar offering

Genshin Impact The Other Side of the Sky Walkthrough - Begin the Altar offering

Once you've collected all the four burning Firestones, begin the Altar offering by simply interacting with the Altar in the middle of the platform. After the cutscene plays out, retrieve the Jade of Return which happens to be another copy of Golden Entreaty, a similar item you get from the Between Pledge and Forgettance quest chain.

Between Pledge and Forgettance Quest Guide

Recover the Jade of Return

Genshin Impact The Other Side of the Sky Walkthrough - Recover the Jade of Return

After getting the Jade of Return, talk to Bona about the inscription that appeared in place of the flame. Soon after, the Evil Dragon snatches the Golden Entreaty from your hands, so recover the Jade of Return by chasing after the dragon while indwelling a Qucusaurus.

Take note that the chase is a pretty lengthy one, however, you don't have to do anything aside from playing throught this part of the quest.

I Can't Return to the Altar, What Should I Do?

Path to The Altar has Not Been Linked

Genshin Impact - Path to the Altar has not Been Linked Up

The Tepetlisaur Whelp Companion can only return to the altar when the central elevator is connected to the level it's on. It cannot jump down to the elevator if the elevator is at a lower level, meaning players must adjust the lift.

Set the Elevator to the Proper Level

Genshin Impact - Tonatiuh Islands

For the Tepetlisaur Companion to reach the altar, the central elevator must have be connected to the highest level of each island.

First Island Elevator Connection

To connect the elevator to the first island, the bridge must be in the position shown above. The Tepetlisaur Companion will walk out of the room it was in and back to the altar when prompted. The door must also be open.

Second Island Elevator Connection

The second island's bridge needs to be at its highest possible level for the Tepetlisaur to be able to walk across the bridge after leaving the room with an elevator.

Third Island Elevator Connection

After defeating the Secret Source Automaton on the third island, use the yellow mechanism to send the lift down, then drop onto the lift and raise the bridge for the Tepetlisaur.

Fly Around With the Qucusaurus

It's possible to fall to a lower level while exploring the Tonatiuh. When this happens, players may indwell a Qucusaurus from various points on the Tonatiuh and use their flight to reach higher levels instead.

The Other Side of the Sky Information

Sub-Quest of Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm

Genshin Impact - Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Quest Guide

The Other Side of the Sky is a subquest of the quest, Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm, the continuation of Between Pledge of Forgettance, where we help our Tepetlisaurus companion understand their ancestry!

The Other Side of the Sky is the fifth part of the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm world quest chain.

Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Quest Guide

The Other Side of the Sky Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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Other Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Quest Guides

Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Quest Guides
Vaulting the Wall of Morning Mist Adventure in the Land of Mists Palace of the Vision Serpent
To the Sky-Road The Other Side of the Sky Moment of Awakening
The Chosen One's Promise

Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Quest Line Guide

All Natlan World Quests Guide

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A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Days A Saurian Returns to the Nest Adventure in the Land of Mists
Beneath the Crystal Rock Between Pledge and Forgettance Charge Forward! Go, go, go!
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Feeling like Fish Today! Friends of Fire and Water Gifts and Gifts in Return
In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons Lies and Promises Lights, Kamera, Action!
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Moment of Awakening Open Your Heart to Me Palace of the Vision Serpent
Peace to the Slumbering Revelations From the Past Ripe for Trouble
Rite of the Bold Sauro-Vet's Dilemma Seeker No Finding
Shadows of the Mountains Special Friends Stand by Me
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Tepetlisaurus Hide-and-Seek The Case of the Crafting Bench The Chosen One's Promise
The Lone Isle Named Night The Mystery of Tecoloapan Beach The Other Side of the Sky
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To Wish Upon a Star Toward Red-Hot Adventure! Tracer No Tracing
Treasures and Collectors Twisted Extension Vaulting the Wall of Morning Mist
Waiting For Seeds to Sprout Weighty Wings

List of World Quests


12 Anonymous3 months

I got mine stuck at the top and couldn't find a way to lower it, I ended up going back to the north-west island top section, then making sure the bridge was connected to the island, then standing behind the T button and it gave me the "lower lift" option which lowered the entire center back down. Only thing that worked for me.

11 Anonymous4 months

do you guys have a youtube channel?

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