Genshin Impact

Stand by Me World Quest Guide

Stand by Me Genshin Impact

Stand by Me is a World Quest you'll encounter in Version 5.2 of Genshin Impact. See where Magnifico's Photoshoot location in Stand by Me is, how to unlock it, and its walkthrough here in this guide!

How to Unlock Stand by Me

Finish Come Fly with Me

Quest Unlock Requirements
Genshin - Stand by Me
Genshin Impact - Come Fly With Me  World Quest Come Fly With Me

Come Fly with me is the third quest you have to do with Magnifico! As such, you must complete its previous quests such as the Come Fly with Me quest and the Dancin’ in the Moonlight quest. Once these two are complete, you'll find a camera icon in your map which will help you locate Come Fly with Me!

Come Fly With Me World Quest Guide

Go Outisde of the Flower-Feather Clan

Stand by Me Location Genshin Impact.png

Magnifico will be located on the outskirts of the Flower-Feather clan, specifically at its upper-left corner. You could turn into a Qucusaurus to navigate the terrain. You'll know you're in the right place once you see his iconic Hot Air Balloon on the ground! Once you arrive, a cutscene will automatically play.

Stand by Me Walkthrough

Turn into a Tepetlisaurus and Talk to Magnifico

Turn into a Tepetlisaurus and Talk to Magnifico Genshin Impact.png

As soon as the dialogue ends, you could turn into a Tepetlisaurus by interacting with the Spiritscone at the corner. Afterwards, talk to Magnifico.

Grab the Three Marks

After you talk with Magnifico, three floating circular marks will appear. Once you touch both of them, a third one will appear on the back of the baby Tepetlisauruses. Collect all three to progress!

Grab the Fourth Mark

Once you touch all three marks, a fourth one will appear on top of the huge rock formation. Use the Tepetlisaurus's ability to reach it. Afterwards, a dialogue will automatically play.

Catch up to the little Tepetlisaurus

After the dialogue, you and Magnifico must chase the Tepetlisaurus.

Defeat the opponents

The Tepetlisaurus will eventually lead you to a trapped Sumpter Beast that is guarded by enemies. Defeat them to progress the quest!

Once all enemies are defeated, a dialogue will automatically play. You must now say goodbye to Magnifico as he goes on to explore the world of Teyvat. This should complete the Stand by Me quest.

Come Fly With Me Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Special Rewards

“What the Little Ones Teach Us"
What the Little Ones Teach Us Genshin Impact
Indoor Furnishing
Walldecor - Picture Frame

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