Genshin Impact

Lights, Kamera, Action! Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - Lights Kamera Action! World Quest Guide

Lights, Kamera, Action! is a quest under the In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons quest chain in the Tequemecan Valley for Genshin Impact 5.0. See how to unlock the World Quest, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons Quests
Treasures and Collectors Feeling Like Fish Today! Lies and Promises
Lights, Kamera, Action! Special Friends A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Days
Tepetlisaurus Hide-and-Seek Weighty Wings Gifts and Gifts in Return
Waiting For Seeds to Sprout Sauro-Vet's Dilemma The Lone Isle Named Night
Stones, Coconuts, and Dragon Traffickers Friends of Fire and Water

How to Unlock Lights, Kamera, Action!

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Genshin - Lights, Kamera, Action!
Genshin Impact - Lost in the Woods  World Quest Quest: #1
Lost in the Woods

Lights, Kamera, Action! is a new world quest added in Version 5.0 and is available immediately after unlocking the Natlan region.

Interact With the Kamera Near the Children of Echoes

Lights, Kamera, Action! can be started by interacting with the Kamera on a hill next to the Statue of the Seven in the Children of Echoes.

You can reach the top of the hill faster by indwelling into the Tepetlisaur Spiritsconce near the Statue of the Seven and entering through the Molten Fissure on the cliffside.

Lights, Kamera, Action! Walkthrough

Place the Wooden Barrel and Elemental Bait

You'll have to place the wooden barrrel first somewhere in the middle without it blocking anything, so the best spot for it is at the back of the set.

Next, place the Elemental Bait where the antagonist is supposed to come out from, which is on the right side of the set, relative to the Kamera.

Talk to Akatanga and Get Into Position

Get into position at the designated spot

Talk to Akatanga to let him know that the set is complete. Go to where the Elemental Bait is to get in position and wait for your Saurian companion to find his spot as well so Akatanga can start filming.

Lure the Antagonist Near the Barrel, and Smash the Barrel

Lure the antagonist near the barrel, and smash the barrel

As the story reaches its climax, position yourself behind the barrel to lure the Electro Slime into it. Once it gets close enough, attack the barrel to make it explode and finish the story.

You will then return to Akatanga to see the final cut, only to find out that he was filming the wrong way. After repeating the process off-screen, you will receive your rewards and complete the quest!

Lights, Kamera, Action! Information

Sub-Quest of In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons

In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons

Lights, Kamera, Action! is a subquest of the quest chain, In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons, which can be started by finding any of the subquests under it.

In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons

Lights, Kamera, Action! Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Mighty Meaty Fireball Furniture

You will also get the Mighty Meaty Fireball indoor furnishing for your Serenitea Pot as one of the rewards for completing the quest.

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In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons Quest Guides
In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons Feeling like Fish Today! Special Friends
Lies and Promises Lights, Kamera, Action! A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Days
Tepetlisaurus Hide-and-Seek Weighty Wings Gifts and Gifts in Return
Waiting For Seeds to Sprout Sauro-Vet's Dilemma The Lone Isle Named Night
Stones, Coconuts, and Dragon Traffickers Friends of Fire and Water Treasures and Collectors

In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons Quest Line Guide

All Natlan World Quests Guide

Natlan World Quest Guides
A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Days A Saurian Returns to the Nest Adventure in the Land of Mists
Beneath the Crystal Rock Between Pledge and Forgettance Charge Forward! Go, go, go!
Come Fly With Me Dancin’ in the Moonlight! Every Aspect of a Warrior
Feeling like Fish Today! Friends of Fire and Water Gifts and Gifts in Return
In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons Lies and Promises Lights, Kamera, Action!
Lost in the Woods Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Molting Season
Moment of Awakening Open Your Heart to Me Palace of the Vision Serpent
Peace to the Slumbering Revelations From the Past Ripe for Trouble
Rite of the Bold Sauro-Vet's Dilemma Seeker No Finding
Shadows of the Mountains Special Friends Stand by Me
Stones, Coconuts, and Dragon Traffickers Stride on Rainbows, Split the Waves Tales of Dreams Plucked From Fire
Tepetlisaurus Hide-and-Seek The Case of the Crafting Bench The Chosen One's Promise
The Lone Isle Named Night The Mystery of Tecoloapan Beach The Other Side of the Sky
The Road Ahead To the Night, What is the Night's To the Sky-Road
To Wish Upon a Star Toward Red-Hot Adventure! Tracer No Tracing
Treasures and Collectors Twisted Extension Vaulting the Wall of Morning Mist
Waiting For Seeds to Sprout Weighty Wings

List of World Quests

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